

實踐哲學的檢證邏輯=The Logics of Verification in Practical Philosophy
著者 杜保瑞 (撰)=Duh, Bau-ruei (compose)
掲載誌 哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture
巻号v.42 n.3
ページ77 - 98
出版サイト http://www.umrpc.fju.edu.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード方法論=Methodology; 宇宙論=Cosmology; 本體論=Ontology; 工夫論=Theory of Cultivation; 境界論=Theory of Spiritual States; 知識論=Epistemology

During the discussion of the methodologies of Chinese philosophy, the discussion about epistemology has been kind of lacking. In this article, we talk about the issue of verification in epistemology, particularly with regards to such types of philosophical theories as oriental practical theories; moreover, we believe that this is a new issue in the history of philosophy and a brand new perspective that's different from the epistemological discussion of the western tradition of speculation. In terms of verification, how do the founders of religions verify their doctrines? How does a scholar verify the truthfulness of his theories? And how does a student verify that he has reached the spiritual state that the religion founder defined? First of all, the religion founder has to have his own practice before he proposes his cosmology, ontology as well as his theories about cultivation and spiritual states for the future generations to learn from. For this particular reason, it's impossible to falsify the theories of other religions, since all the theories are the results of ones' own experiences, and whether these theories are accepted by the public or not depends on the different values and positions of the human society, while it's also impossible to be approved by everybody. The key is that the idea of ontology is an arbitrary intellectual judgment as a result of the choice of ideal values, while the knowledge about cosmology is also the secrets of the cosmos revealed via the cultivation of a spirit with corresponding values. Those secrets are never revealed to those who don't such ideal spirits. This article begins with discussing the definition of the problem consciousness while addressing also the contribution of contemporary Chinese philosophers of the twentieth century in terms of theories, which categorizes these philosophers into different types before verifying the theories of different schools through the various identities and positions of the creators, scholars and students of Chinese philosophy, and then distinguishing among the principles to verify the construction of theoretical frameworks along with the differences in the discussion about the principles to verify the philosophical frameworks. The subject of this article is indeed a question that has never been discussed by the methodologies of Chinese philosophy and should contribute to the expansion of this academic field.
目次前言 77
壹、二十世紀研究成果的知識論定位 78
貳、實踐檢證的問題意識說明 81
參、創造實踐理論者的證成問題 83
參之一、從創造者立場談理論的檢證 84
參之二、從研究者立場談理論的檢證 84
肆、學習實踐理論者的否證問題 87
伍、學習者的本體宇宙論之證成 88
伍之一、此在世界觀下的實踐證成 88
伍之二、它在世界觀下的實踐證成 88
陸、此在世界觀下的本體工夫之檢證 90
柒、有它在世界觀的工夫論之檢證 92
結論 93
ISSN10158383 (P); 10158383 (E)

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