

Selected Madhyama-āgama Discourse Passages and their Pāli Parallels=《中阿含經》摘選經文與其《巴利藏》對應經文之比較
著者 Bhikkhu Anālayo (著)=無著比丘 (au.)
掲載誌 法鼓佛學學報=Dharma Drum Journal of Buddhist Studies
ページ1 - 61
出版サイト https://www.dila.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワードComparative Studies=比較研究; Madhyama-āgama=中阿含; Pāli Discourses=巴利經典
抄録In the present paper I study passages from the Madhyama-āgama preserved in Chinese translation in order to document the contribution comparative study can offer for understanding and at times correcting Pāli discourse material.

目次1. Introduction 4
2. MĀ 9: The Seven Stages of Purification 5
3. MĀ 15: Karma and its Fruit 10
4. MĀ 16: The Kālāmas and Doubt 10
5. MĀ 19: A Critique of the Jains 11
6. MĀ 29: Right View and the End of dukkha 12
7. MĀ 32: The Bodhisattva Already Supreme at Birth 13
8. MĀ 34: Acela Kassapa’s Repeated Going Forth 15
9. MĀ 59: The Marks of a Buddha 17
10. MĀ 70: The Future Buddha Maitreya 18
11. MĀ 79: The Radiance of Devas 18
12. MĀ 85: The Conceit of Being From a High Family 19
13. MĀ 97: The Three Types of Craving 20
14. MĀ 98: The Four Noble Truths and Satipaṭṭhāna 22
15. MĀ 101: Thought Control and Awakening 22
16. MĀ 102: A Simile out of Context 24
17. MĀ 104: Conversion and its Consequences 25
18. MĀ 111: The Cause and Result of Feeling 27
19. MĀ 112: Wholesome and Unwholesome Qualities 28
20. MĀ 113: Two Parallels – One Discourse 29
21. MĀ 116: The Buddha’s Refusal to Ordain Women 31
22. MĀ 128: Giving to Outsiders 31
23. MĀ 153: Similes out of Context 33
24. MĀ 154: Reasons for Pasenadi’s Respect 35
25. MĀ 158: Brahmins of Different Types 36
26. MĀ 163: Three Satipaṭṭhānas 38
27. MĀ 164: A Summary without its Exposition 38
28. MĀ 179: The Path-factors of an Arahant 39
29. MĀ 181: Impossibilities for Women 40
30. MĀ 184: Mahāmoggallāna and Abhidharma 40
31. MĀ 187: Loss of One of the Purities of an Arahant 43
32. MĀ 189: Supramundane Path Factors 43
33. MĀ 190: Emptiness and Neither-perception-nor-non-perception 44
34. MĀ 192: Loss of a Transition 44
35. MĀ 198: Satipaṭṭhāna and the Second Absorption 45
36. MĀ 201: The Tathāgata and the Gradual Path 46
37. MĀ 204: Brahmā’s Intervention 47
38. MĀ 207: The Path of Practice 48
39. MĀ 208: The Gradual Path Again 48
40. MĀ 209: The Peak of Sensual Pleasure 50
41. MĀ 214: Censure of the Buddha 51
42. Conclusion 52
Abbreviations 53
References 54
ISSN19968000 (P)

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