佛教經典詮釋的現代意義與生命教育意涵=Modern Essence of the Interpretation of Buddhist Scriptures and the Meaning of Life Education |
著者 |
尤惠貞 (著)=You, Huey-jen (au.)
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 | 2018.05.01 |
ページ | 304 - 323 |
出版者 | 佛光文化事業有限公司 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 1. 尤惠貞,南華大學哲學與生命教育系副教授。 |
キーワード | 佛教經典詮釋=interpretations of the Buddhist scriptures; 生命教育意涵=meaning of life education |
抄録 | 本文主要從關懷生命的角度切入,省思如何藉由較能為現代人所接受的方式詮釋佛教經典,如探究《阿含經》的「如實正觀」、「所作已作、不受後有」對離苦得樂、超脫生死輪迴有何助益?如何了悟《般若波羅蜜多心經》的「照見五蘊皆空」,而確實「度一切苦厄」?如何透過《金剛般若波羅蜜經》所說的「應無所住而生其心」,令身心安住而無執、無著?如何讀解行證《維摩詰經》,才能如實地除病不除法?善財童子五十三參,引導一切眾生證成《大方廣佛華嚴經》所展現之清淨佛法界的具體修證方法又為何?如何依循《妙法蓮華經》而悟入佛的知見?而《六祖壇經》中六祖惠能最膾炙人心的「菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非台;本來無一物,何處惹塵埃?」又對現代身心飽 受煎熬的眾生有何啟發與引導?具體而言,本文藉由開展佛教經典詮釋的現代意義,乃至具體論析佛教經典中所可能蘊含的生命教育意涵,以期佛教經典更易於為社會大眾所接受,並藉由佛教經典之詮解與實踐,進而對實存之生命有所助益。
This paper focuses on the perspective of life care with thoughts on how to interpret Buddhist scriptures that can be accepted by people today. For instance, it investigates how “suchness and right observation” and “having accomplished what was to be done, does not undergo subsequent rebirth” mentioned in the Āgama can help people to lead sentient beings towards joy as well as transcend rebirth, life, and death. In addition, it raises questions such as how to actually overcome all sufferings through perceiving that the five aggregates are empty in their own-nature mentioned in Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sūtra? How to study, understand, practice, and verify what is taught in the Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra in order to truly eradicate illness but not the Dharma? How is it that the Fifty-Three Visits of Sudhana can be a concrete method of practice, attaining the purity of the Dharma realm shown in the Avataṃsaka Sūtra about guiding all beings to attainment? How to attain the Buddha’s insight through the Lotus Sūtra? How can “Bodhi was a never tree, nor the bright mirror a stand; since nothing ever was, where can the dusts alight?” from the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch be of inspiration and provide guidance to the suffering of beings today? Specifically, this paper explores the modern significance of Buddhist scriptures’ interpretation and offers a concrete analysis of the possible implications of life education in Buddhist scriptures. One hopes that Buddhist scriptures will be more easily accepted by the general public. With the interpretations and practices of Buddhist scriptures, it can be beneficial to people of the modern age. |
目次 | 中文摘要 304 一、佛教經典詮釋的現代意義 306 二、佛教經典的生命教育意涵 307 三、佛教經典詮釋所開展的生命教育 309 四、結論 320 參考書目 322 |
ISBN | 978957457458582 |
ヒット数 | 1056 |
作成日 | 2018.07.23 |
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