

The Vedanā-saṃyukta of the Saṃyukta-āgama: Comparative Study in Light of the Waxing Syllables Principle
著者 Yang, Li-yi =楊琍瑜
掲載誌 全國佛學論文聯合發表會論文集(第29屆)
ページ349 - 388
出版サイト http://www.ykbi.edu.tw
出版地桃園市, 臺灣 [Taoyuean shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
ノート1.Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, 4th year Master Degree Program
キーワードSaṃyukta-āgama; vedanā-saṃyukta; parallel; waxing syllable principle
抄録This paper discusses issues and challenges encountered in an on-going annotated translation project of the vedanā-saṃyukta (SĀ 466-489) of the fifty-fascicle Chinese translation of the Saṃyukta-āgama (T 99), with reference to selected discourses. There is no complete English translation of this group of discourses, except for a complete translation of SĀ 470 by Bhikkhu Anālayo (2016), and translated excerpts by Choi(2018), Choong (2000), and Bhikkhu Anālayo (2013) to date. This project was undertaken with a keen interest in enriching my own understanding of the text and its practical application. At the same time, it also hopes to offer a contribution towards the understanding of the Indic text as reflected in the Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama, by comparing the Chinese, Pāli, Sanskrit and Tibetan materials available, either in the original languages or, where my language skills do not yet fully allow it, with the help of translations. My presentation covers preliminary study regarding (1) the content relationship with corresponding discourse parallels in the Pāli vedanā-saṃyutta of the Saṃyutta-nikāya and other nikāyas. A three-tier identification of materials as (direct-)―parallel‖, ―partial parallel‖ or ―parallel textual units‖ in the sense of shared textual modules for cross-reference is pivotal in the translation project. This paper also discusses (2) the textual structure and content in light of the waxing syllables principle(WSP) studied in detail by Allon (1997). The application of WSP in the understanding of a few of the discourses taken up in this project has demonstrated that all parallel texts maintain waxing sequence of synonymous expressions; however, each textual transmission lineage (Theravada, Mūlasarvāstivāda) has its specific style of expression and fixed modules. The single most significant methodological aspect in this early phase involved a learning process as regards how to relate with the translation of a translated text, and how to negotiate the content of the underlying Indic text vis-à-vis the Chinese medium of the presently available version.
目次1 About the Saṃyukta-āgama 351
1-1 The Chinese Saṃyukta-āgamas 351
1-2 Scholarship on the Saṃyukta-āgama 353
1-3 The Parallels of the Saṃyukta-āgama 354
1-4 Feelings as Reflected in the Discourses 355
2 Materials and Methodology 357
2-1 Primary Materials 357
2-2 Secondary Literature on the Vedanā-saṃyukta 358
3 Parallels Study 360
3-1 SĀ 473 363
3-2 SĀ 474 364
3-3 SĀ 475 365
3-4 SĀ 476 367
3-5 SĀ 478 368
3-6 SĀ 479 and SĀ 480 369
4 Sequence of Similar Words and Repetitions Study 370
4-1 SĀ 466 371
4-2 SĀ 473 372
4-3 SĀ 474 372
5 Conclusion 376
Abbreviations 377
Siglum 377
Appendix: Translation of SĀ 466 at T II 119 a11-21 378
References 382


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