當今社會中身心問題之省思與療癒 : 取徑人間佛教的生命教育=Self-examination and Healing of Psychosomatic Issues in Contemporary Society: In Reference to Life Education of Humanistic Buddhism |
著者 |
尤惠貞 =You, Hui-zhen
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 | 2019.06.28 |
ページ | 324 - 345 |
出版者 | 佛光山人間佛教研究院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 1.作者為南華大學哲學與生命教育系副教授 |
キーワード | 身心療癒=psychosomatic healing; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 生命教育=life education |
抄録 | 身處當今的社會中,經常會聽到周邊出現抱怨工作壓力大、經濟有困難、情緒易失調、生命很艱難……等音聲,此種種抱怨現象,其實反映了當前社會許多人處在身心困限、無法安住,乃至陷溺於身心不由自主的情境中;面對種種身心所遭遇的問題,如何有所省思,並進而得到療癒,誠屬生命關懷的重要議題。 星雲大師曾開示:「唯有用慈悲的法水、智慧的法水,才能洗滌塵埃,才能真正發揮淨化心靈之功!」因為人人身心安住,才能安身立命,進而促進整體社會的和樂安定。本論文取徑人間佛教所蘊含的生命教育意涵,具體探析人間佛教弘傳佛陀悲智雙運的教化,如何究竟解決人心困惑,乃至促進社會安定;對於身處多元而快速變化社會中的人們,人間佛教如何發揮調適身心靈的效能;而如此所開展之生命教育,在面對當代社會中的身心問題,又如何作為省思之參酌,以及可資參考的療癒之道。
In contemporary society there often are all kinds of complaints about work stress, financial difficulties, emotional dissonance, hardships in life, and so on. These complaints are reflections of people living in adversity and without peace, even falling into situations involuntarily. Faced with these psychosomatic issues, how could one introspect on healing? Such are important questions of life and welfare. Venerable Master Hsing Yun once said, “Only with the nectar of compassion and wisdom, can all the dust be washed away, and the purification of our minds be accomplished!” If everyone’s body and mind are in peace and stability, then they will be able to settle in life. Furthermore, this will bring about harmony, joy, and stability in society. This paper makes reference to the life education contained in Humanistic Buddhism by analyzing how Humanistic Buddhism propagates the Buddha’s instructions on practicing both compassion and wisdom. It presents how people’s perplexities can be resolved, or even bring about peace and stability in society. In other words, for those living in such a fast-paced society, how can Humanistic Buddhism effectively help one’s body and mind? Therefore, through this process, life education is developed. When faced with psychosomatic issues in contemporary society, these could be considered for introspection and ways of healing. |
目次 | 一、身心問題之觀察與省思 326 二、佛教的生命關懷特質 329 三、人間佛教的生命教育 332 四、身心療癒的可能之道 337 五、結論 342 參考書目 344 |
ヒット数 | 1128 |
作成日 | 2019.07.11 |
更新日期 | 2019.07.23 |

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