

由《大念處經》的教學探討生命的出路與修行導向=An Inquiry into the Path of Life and the Orientation of Practice Based on the Teachings of the Mahā Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta
著者 楊天立 (著)=Yang, Tien-li (au.)
出版サイト https://www.fju.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード大念處經=Mahā Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta; 念處=satipaṭṭhāna; 念住=anupassana; 隨觀=sati; 觀禪/毗婆舍那禪修=Vipassanā meditation=Insight meditation; 正念=mindfulness; 以正念為基礎的介入=mindfulness-based intervention MBI; 正念減壓=Mindfulness-based stress reduction MBSR

The path of life and the orientation of practice which lead the life to surmount the sufferings (dukkha) and attain enlightenment are the concerns and theme of this thesis. The teaching of the Mahā Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta (The Great Discourse on the Establishing/ Foundations of Awareness) is the basis of the discussion of the practice. Human beings experience a span of life which is composed and full of happiness, anger, sorrow, joy, sadness, grief, etc. However, they keep on pursuing places or ways to settle down their bodies and minds as well as life while grasping all the sufferings on hands firmly. Human tend to focus on the presentment of the world which is presented by the body and mind. This makes human beings always driven by their minds, thoughts, sensations and feelings to constantly, continuously and unceasingly chase, grip, aggregate and keep belongings to be the dependence and refugee of life. However, human beings are unwilling to face squarely and unable to become aware of the facts that the human world as well as the mind and body are consistently and persistently ever-changing all the time which, at an end, leads the insatiable drive for a safe, secure and stable life is unsustainable. Thus, the courses and ways out for life would only be the endless move in the circle of birth, aging, illness and death—sufferings.
Buddhist teaching thinks highly of such a hardship of life and hence brings up the orientation of practice by understanding and facing up to the sufferings of life, recognizing clearly the arising/causes of the sufferings, knowing the life with the cessation of sufferings, and practicing the path leading to the cessation. The orientation is composed of three courses: bhāvanā (cultivation by mind, normally include samatha-bhāvanā / cultivation of tranquility and vipassanā-bhāvanā /cultivation of insight)as the way of practice, good deed/positive act/discipline, and wisdom. The three courses develop as the thirty-seven dhammas that contribute to awakening (Sattatimsa Bodhi-pakkhiyā dhammā). The foundation is to clearly understand the life and the manifestation of body and mind and thus the world are consistently and persistently arising and passing away—impermanence. This foundation is named Emptiness (suññatā) which guides the practice on the right path.
The core subjects of the practice of the bhāvanā are the four foundations/establishments of mind(cattāro satipaṭṭhāna/ the four mindfulness meditation). The teaching is to directly penetrate to the arising of mind and thoughts by observing and contemplating the body, feeling, mind and dhamma. The practitioner can then dwells on the observation and thus develops the ability of penetrating and superlative awareness. The observation and awareness surmount the constitution and relationship of the conditions and the flow of changing formed by the appearance of the body, mind and life. The mental process and continuing operate under the appearance will be revealed and perused. The lay course of life is transformed into path of practice by the four foundations and establishments of mind. The path can lead the practitioner properly and clearly unde
目次謝辭 i
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目次 vi
第一章:緒論 1
第一節 研究主題 1
第二節 研究動機 1
第三節 研究目的 4
第四節 研究觀點 5
第五節 研究方法與範圍 6
第二章:背景觀念、文獻依據及研究回顧 9
第一節 背景觀念 10
第二節 主要文獻依據 13
主要依據經典─《大念處經》 13
文本結構 15
第三節 主要參考經典─《雜阿含經》 17
第四節 研究回顧 19
有關《大念處經》、《念處經》及念住禪修的研究 19
有關當代念住禪修的應用研究 22
第五節 本章結論 26
第三章:生命的困境與修行導向 28
第一節 生命的困境 28
以「個體」、「自我」思惟的人生 30
自我意識的抓取──渴愛與無明 32
不如實知見導致生命歷程的困苦 33
生命歷程的主軸在心念過程 34
離苦得樂的生命出路 36
第二節 佛法禪修的修行導向 36
佛教禪修的根基 38
禪修的發心─看清生命世界的困境─四種真諦 39
善行、禪修與智慧的整全修行導向 40
(一)三十七道品 41
(二)八正道 45
第三節 本章結論 49
第四章:《大念處經》教學的脈絡與隨觀操作原則 50
第一節 《大念處經》教學的脈絡 50
總說與定義 50
就身體隨觀身體 50
就感受隨觀感受 52
就心態隨觀心態 52
就法目、法理隨觀法目、法理 52
隨觀的操作 55
結語─生命的出路 55
第二節 佛法禪修關鍵觀念的解明 56
禪修 56
止禪 57
觀禪 59
禪那 59
等持 60
第三節 《大念處經》教學的基本實踐原則與隨觀操作 62
念、念住 62
隨觀─觀看的方式 64
隨觀的心的品質─熱衷、正知與具念 66
遠離世間的貪欲與憂惱 68
第四節 本章結論 70
第五章:隨觀與念住──一條直接的修行道路 71
第一節 念住的操作模式 71
於內、於外及於內外的隨觀 72
於生、於滅及於生滅的隨觀─集法、滅法、集滅法 77
心態的品質—純然的覺知與持續的具念 80
生命的安頓—無所依賴、無所執取 81
觀看轉向開展與普遍性 82
第二節 念在修行導向中的角色 82
四念處 83
根與力 83
七覺支 84
八正道 85
四正斷、四神足 86
第三節 念與念住的功能 86
平衡與監督 86
保護根門、防禦外境、適合的安全區域 87
善能觀看,以心態活動為主軸 88
調御、安忍以及超然、不涉入 89
第四節 念住的運作機制 90
第五節 念住──一條直通解脫的修行道路 96
第六節 本章結論 99
第六章:由《大念處經》的教學檢視正念的當代應用 100
第一節 當代以正念為基礎的介入的應用 100
正念減壓八週課程 101
四種正式練習 105
非正式練習 106
引導式練習 107
第二節 當代正念應用的基本原則 107
非評價(non-judging) 108
耐心(patience) 109
初心(beginner’s mind) 109
信任(trust) 109
非努力追求(non-striving) 110
接納(acceptance) 110
放下(letting go) 110
其他的態度 111
第三節 佛教念住禪修檢視當代的正念應用 111
第四節 從事對話、交流與釐清 120
第七章:結論與前瞻 124
參考文獻 126
表格:正念減壓八週課程主要練習項目 102

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