淨土法門對靈性的終極關懷=Pure Land Dharma Ultimate Concern for Spirituality |
著者 |
釋法修 (著)=Shih, Fa-hsiu (au.)
出版年月日 | 2014 |
ページ | 183 |
出版者 | 輔仁大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 輔仁大學 |
学部・学科名 | 宗教學系碩士在職專班 |
指導教官 | 鄭志明 |
卒業年 | 104 |
キーワード | 臨終關懷=hospice care; 靈性關懷=spiritual concern; 哀傷撫慰=grieve consolation; 臨終助念=deathbed reciting; 悲傷療癒=grief recovery |
抄録 | 修學佛法有許多的法門,依習慣說有八萬四千法門。有這麼多法門,有點使初學的人眼花撩亂,不知從何學起。釋迦牟尼佛慈悲,他深深知道眾生的困難,所以特別說了這部《阿彌陀經》。這部《阿彌陀經》是指示在這宇宙間有一個淨土,名為「西方極樂世界」。所謂「淨土」者,是那個世界裡沒有苦、沒有惡,也沒有污穢,只有快樂、清淨、善行。因為如此,所以學佛的人都希望在這一期的生命結束之後,在臨命終的一剎那間,能往生到西方淨土的極樂世界去。 因此本研究首先針對三個要探討的主題做名詞定義解釋:臨終關懷、靈性關懷、哀傷撫慰三個議題,希望能深入理解這三個主題的意涵。以淨土三經《阿彌陀經》、《無量壽經》、《觀無量壽經》的義理為重心,引用經典原文加以分析闡述加強對淨土的認識。先對西方極樂世界的國土做介紹,來了解阿彌陀佛創造極樂世界的因緣與願力,及往生淨土所必需遵守阿彌陀佛所開出的條件。在這三經對臨命終時靈性如何往生西方,都個有不同的修行方法。例如:《阿彌陀經》在往生的條件上,有所謂的淨土三資糧-信、願、行。《無量壽經》在往生的條件層次上,有所謂的三輩往生觀-可分為上輩、中輩、下輩三類眾生。《觀無量壽經》在臨命終時描述九品往生的狀況。本文透過現代人對淨土的最新研究,呈現一種對淨土經典新的詮釋風貌。
There are many approaches to the study of the Buddhist Dharma. Traditionally there are said to be 84,000, so many indeed that beginners might feel at a loss. Because of his compassion Shakyamuni Buddha was fully aware of the difficulties living beings faced and so he especially delivered the Amithabha Scripture. According to the Amithabha Scripture there is a Pure Land in this universe called the western paradise. In the Pure Land there is no sorrow, no evil, and no pollution; there is only happiness, stillness and good deeds. For this reason any student of Buddhism hopes to attain to this perfect world at the conclusion of their present span of life, arriving at the Land of Utmost Bliss in the West in the last moment of their present life.
The present study opens by clarifying three terms: hospice care, spiritual concern and consolation. The study is based on the three Pure Land texts: the Amitabha Sutra (The Smaller Sutra on Amitayus), the Sukhavativyuha Amitabha Sutra (The Larger Sutra on Amitayus), and the Amitayurdhyana Sutra (The Amitayus Sutra on the Contemplation of Amitayus), and quotes from the texts as well as comments on them so as to increase awareness of the Pure Land. We first introduce the Land of Utmost Bliss in the West and seek to understand the causal factors and forces which explain why Amitabha Buddha created this Land of Utmost Bliss and the conditions established by Amitabha Buddha for entry into the Pure Land. Each one of the three scriptures sets out its own method for attaining the Land of Utmost Bliss in the West in the last moment of one’s life. For instance, the the Amitabha Sutra describes three resources—belief, vow and practice, which are the conditions for rebirth in the Pure Land. The Sukhavativyuha Amitabha Sutra is divided the dead condition into three levels:upper, middle and lower which sentient beings can be reborn. The Amitayurdhyana Sutra describes the nine levels of the wandering mind. The thesis here uses the latest research to present new forms of hermeneutics for the Pure Land.
Another goal of the thesis is to explore deathbed reciting. This is help in right mindfulness so that the person can pass on in safety. The teachings of the Buddhist scriptures are explained so that the person at the point of death can let go of all resentment and emotional and other attachments, so that the mind will be concentrated. A further step is to get the person to recite the name of the Buddha and Bodhisattva, so that trusting to the force of their compassion, one can proceed to the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha, with confidence in what comes after death, and so not be so fearful. Deathbed reciting is also very useful to the dead persons’ relatives. Assistance in mindfulness at the moment of death is helpful to the dying person and at the same time can help the person’s relatives recite Buddhist chants together, and so give peace to their minds. Secondly, from the point of view of the teaching of Buddha, it can suggest how the relatives should deal with the funeral arrangements. This concern and help is of great importance to the relativ |
目次 | 第一章、 緒論 3 第一節 研究動機與目的 3 一、研究動機 3 二、研究目的 7 第二節 文獻回顧 7 一、與臨終關懷及靈性關懷相關研究 7 二、與悲傷輔導相關研究 10 三、與淨土法門相關研究 13 第三節 研究方法 16 一、資料的收集與分析 16 二、主題義理詮釋 17 第四節 研究範圍與論文架構 17 一、研究範圍 17 二、論文架構 18 第二章、淨土法門的臨終關懷 20 第一節 臨終關懷的意義與權益 20 一、臨終關懷的意義 20 二、西方社會臨終關懷的緣起 22 三、臨終關懷的重要權益 24 第二節 安寧療護的照顧理念 26 一、安寧療護的定義 27 二、安寧療護的歷史與發展 28 三、安寧療護的照顧理念 30 第三節 淨土經典中所談的理想國土和修行生活 34 一、《阿彌陀經》的理想世界 34 二、《無量壽經》中法藏菩薩的四十八願 40 三、《觀無量壽經》三福的修行生活 45 第四節 淨土法門的臨終關懷 52 一、念佛法門的內涵 52 二、往生咒的功能 57 三、《淨土三經》的臨終關懷 61 第三章、淨土法門對靈性的關懷 66 第一節 靈性的概念分析 67 一、 靈性的探討 67 二、人的靈性需求 71 三、臨終者的臨性需求 74 第二節 宗教與靈性照顧: 78 一、靈性照顧的意義: 79 二、宗教信仰與靈性照顧: 82 三、靈性照顧的內容與實踐: 86 第三節 淨土法門對靈性的關懷: 91 一、《佛說阿彌陀經》對靈性的關懷: 91 二、《佛說無量壽經》對靈性的關懷: 96 三、《佛說觀無量壽經》對靈性的關懷: 100 第四節 從十六觀法談靈性照顧之應用: 108 一、介紹十六觀法: 108 二、十六觀法的觀想內容: 109 三、《佛說觀無量壽經》靈性照顧之應用: 114 第四章、淨土法門的悲傷撫慰 122 第一節 哀傷的定義與理論 122 一、 哀傷的定義: 122 二、 哀傷的反應: 124 三、 哀傷的理論: 127 第二節 哀傷輔導的實務 129 一、 哀傷輔導的原則: 130 二、 哀傷輔導的技術: 131 三、 哀傷的治療與團體形式: 133 第三節 透過助念幫助喪親者走出悲傷 137 一、 往生助念的內容: 137 二、 宗教信仰與悲傷撫慰: 142 三、 臨終助念與悲傷療癒: 151 第四節 佛教的往生超薦 156 一、 佛教的生死概念: 157 二、 超度亡靈的意義: 160 三、 喪葬的程序及儀式: 166 第五章、 結論 174
ヒット数 | 406 |
作成日 | 2020.02.12 |
更新日期 | 2023.02.03 |

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