

彌勒三部經之研究=A Study on the Three Maitreya Sūtras
著者 范淑琪 (著)=Fan, Shu-chi (au.)
出版サイト https://www.fju.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード彌勒=Maitreya; 彌勒菩薩=the Boddhisattva Maitreya; 彌勒造像=statues of Maitreya; 彌勒三部經思想內涵=the ideas contained in three Maitreya sutras; 彌勒淨土=the pure land of Maitreya
抄録關於彌勒經典,有彌勒三部經與彌勒六部經之分類方式,本文採用日本佛教美術學者、藏經學者小野玄妙(1883~1939)的分類方式,選擇了收錄在《大藏經 第十四冊 經集部一》、大正新脩大藏經、《國譯一切經印度撰述部 經集部二》小野玄妙〈彌勒三部經解題〉中的彌勒三部經典:(後秦) 鳩摩羅什譯《佛說彌勒下生成佛經》、(後秦) 鳩摩羅什譯《佛說彌勒大成佛經》、(北涼 宋)沮渠京聲《佛說觀彌勒菩薩上生兜率天經》為研究對象,並且將彌勒三部經典的經文做出詳細的翻譯,以及研究彌勒三部經典當中重要的思想內涵。

Maitreya Sūtras are classified either into three or six works. The present thesis adopts the classification of the Japanese scholar of Buddhism and Buddhist art, Ono Genmyo (1883-1939), and chooses the classification into three set out in his article “Exegesis of Three Maitreya Sūtras” found in Volume 14 of the Large Tripiṭaka (Sūtras Section 1) and published in the Great Corrected New Edition of the Tripiṭaka. The three are Kumārajīva’s translation of “Buddha pronounces the Sūtra of Maitreya’s coming to earth and his becoming a Buddha”, and of “Buddha pronounces the Sūtra of Maitreya’s Attainment of Buddhahood” and Juqu Jingsheng’s translation of “The Buddha pronounces observing the ascending of the Boddhisattva Maitreya to the Tuṣita Heaven”. My thesis provides a detailed translation of the three texts and a study of the important ideas contained therein.
Buddhism is not only a form of religious faith. It is also a way of living that sets out important goals for practice and education. Likewise, it is a philosophy of life that is simple and easy to understand. The Buddhist classics are the fruit of the great virtue of previous teachers. Left to us by ancient worthies, they are the chief support for solid wisdom, transmission of texts, and a faith that comes with our culture. The doings of Maitreya, transmission of faith in Maitreya, making statues of Maitreya and the ideas contained therein all deserve further study in depth. Moreover, in the three Maitreya sūtras chosen for study, important Buddhist concepts are presented, such as the Four Noble Truths, dukkha (suffering), sūnya (emptiness), anicca (impermanence), anātmavāda (no-self doctrine), pratiya samutpada (nexus of conditioned origination), the six pāramitā, the Noble Eightfold Path, the 37 Links of bodhi-pakṣika, nirvāṇa: life and death, samādhi and release, the pure land of Maitreya, the pure land of the Tuṣita heaven. All of these can be studied in detail and enter into the mind and life of each person.
Everyone longs to be born or to live in a sacred pure land and in a world of perfect happiness, but in fact we live in modern society, a world of utilitarianism, of the bad habits engendered by greed, hatred and delusion which is always all around us in our social environment. How the important teaching of the Buddhist classics can be realised in the human mind is something that is an important issue requiring effort for today’s society, and the people of the world. From there we can move on to an ideal world.
目次摘要 ⅰ
謝誌 ⅲ
目次 ⅳ
圖目錄 ⅵ
表目錄 ⅵ

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 3
第二節 研究方法與範圍 5
第三節 文獻回顧 6
第四節 章節安排 11

第二章 彌勒三部經典思想研究 15
第一節 彌勒、彌勒菩薩之沿革 16
一、 彌勒出生 17
二、 彌勒事蹟、彌勒菩薩未來佛 19
三、 彌勒著作 20
四、 彌勒菩薩像 22

第二節 彌勒三部經典要義解說 24
一、 佛說彌勒下生成佛經 25
二、 佛說彌勒大成佛經 31
三、 佛說觀彌勒菩薩上生兜率天經 56
第三節 彌勒三部經典之比較 65
一、 文字敘述比較分析 66
二、 表格比較分析 69

第三章 彌勒三部經典的思想內涵 71
第一節 四聖諦、苦、空、無常、無我 71
第二節 十二因緣 78
第三節 行六波羅蜜、轉八聖道法輪、說三十七菩提 88
第四節 涅槃生死、禪定解脫 93

第四章 彌勒三部經典與現代社會對話 99
第一節 彌勒信仰的承續與發展 100
第二節 反觀現代社會秩序與思維 117
第三節 應有倫常道德觀、落實正確修習行持 125

第五章 結論 129

參考書目 135


表1 彌勒三部經比較分析表 69


圖1彌勒菩薩 4

圖2十二因緣 46

圖3十二因緣 80

圖4六道輪迴 81

圖5布達拉宮各內殿走廊 82

圖6十二支緣起 87

圖7八聖道與三無漏學關係 92

圖8山西雲岡石窟彌勒造像 109

圖9四川石窟彌勒造像 110

圖10敦煌早期彌勒菩薩交腳像 111

圖11杭州西湖靈隱寺前飛來峰彌勒造像 112

圖12四川樂山大佛彌勒造像 113

圖13西藏札什倫布寺強巴佛銅像 114

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