

星雲大師的中道思想 - 以《維摩詰經》為進路=The Study on the Thought of Middle Way by Master Hsing Yun in Light of the Vimalakirti Sutra
著者 寂合 (撰)=Souksavanh Khenthavong (compose)
出版サイト https://web.nhu.edu.tw/
出版地嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 星雲大師=Master Hsing Yun; 維摩詰經=Vimalakirti Sutra; 中道=Middle Way; 圓融=Compatibility
抄録  「中道」是佛教最重要的立場,亦是根本思想依據。透過歷史發展,「中道思想」不斷的被引用與延伸討論,可知其對佛教思想廣泛的影響。本文從《維摩詰所說經》(以下簡稱《維摩詰經》)的思想為前提,探索星雲大師的中道思想。透過二者對佛教義理的詮釋,及對避世修行的回應,而提出入世修行的理念,結合修行與生活,適應社會的發展傾向,展現背後的中道思想特質,亦可突顯佛教中道普遍性及超越性的真理。

  Middle way is an essential idea in Buddhism. The process of history, and geographical differences have led to many interpretations and extending the discussion. This article explores the relationship between the Middle Way thought of Venerable Master Hsing Yun ( VMHY ) and the thought in light of “the Vimalakirti Sutra”(“VS”). As an explanation of Buddhist doctrines and response to the solitary-style of practice, VMHY proposes the idea of Engaged Buddhism, combining Buddhist Practice with daily life. The process of adapting to the modern developments of society, illustrates the characteristics of Middle Way practice, its salient truths as well as the way to liberation.
  Meanwhile Buddha explained, “Four Noble Truths”, also revealing Middle Way thought behind. Thus, the Middle Way interpretation can be divided into four levels : (1) the cognitive level: explain the idea of getting rid of persistence of feeling on bliss and suffering. (2) the practical level : means the religious practices of the Eightfold Path. (3) the functional level : through the practice can eliminate greed, hatred, and delusion ( ignorance ). (4) the enlightened level : completely transcend the suffering, and being enlightened.
  “The Vimalakirti Sutra”, also known as “Acintya-Vimoksa Sutra”. Although “VS” never mentioned the “Middle Way”, it is however expressed through the idea of non-duality. As such, this article investigate the Non-duality tenet, it is found that the idea which is not only a philosophical postulation, but also a mean of liberation from dichotomy (kind of enlightenment) through the practice, and “Vimalakirti’s silence without speech” show that the real enlightenment can’t be stated by the linguistic speech .
  After Buddhism transcended India and arrived in China, it was Sinicized in the face of a rich profound culture, which had a different framework of thought from its own; ad a result, Buddhism had developed new forms of religious praxis. Nowadays, VMHY propagates Humanistic Buddhism thought through the ideas of daily life cultivation; he transcends the traditional paradox of daily life and practice, illuminating the Middle Way life that Shakyamuni Buddha advocated.
  Through the three ways of expression: disapproving, affirming, and circular thinking, one finds similarities in the interpretation of Middle Way thought between VMHY and that of the Vimalakirti Sutra. For example: Firstly, both disagree with the solitary-style practice, and world-escaping behavior, eliminate the persisting in dharma through the contractive way of thinking. Secondly, both indirectly disapprove the twofold opposition, but employing transcendental concepts to encompass opposition as a means of preventing polarization. Thirdly, both employ circular thinking to address more effect ways for transcending dichotomy. This study concludes that through the three ways of expressing, one can identify the Middle way thought of VMHY and “VS” as well as highlight the wisdom behind their application.
目次謝誌 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目綠 V

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 文獻探討 3
第三節 研究方法與步驟 17
第四節 研究範疇及架構 19
第五節 預期目標 21
第二章 佛教的中道 22
第一節 佛教中道修行的由來 22
第二節 中道的定義 24
第三節 中道思想的發展 29
第三章 《維摩詰經》的中道思想 36
第一節 思想特質及其影響 36
第二節 《維摩詰經》不二中道 38
第三節 《維摩詰經》之中道實踐 47
第四章 星雲大師的中道思想 59
第一節 中道思想的詮釋 60
第二節 否定式思想運用 68
第三節 肯定式思想之體現 73
第四節 中道圓融 91
第五章 星雲大師的中道思想與《維摩詰經》不二思想之印證 98
第一節 「不二中道」之詮釋 98
第二節 否定避世修行 100
第三節 肯定入世生活修行 103
第四節 回歸佛教中道修行 109
第六章 結論 112
參考文獻 113

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