越南李陳時代禪詩的多元意涵=Diversification of Vietnamese Zen Poetry During the Li and Tran Dynasties |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
佛光人文學報=Fo Guang Journal of Humanities
巻号 | n.3 |
出版年月日 | 2020.01.01 |
ページ | 33 - 71 |
出版者 | 佛光大學人文學院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:國立台灣師大國文系 |
キーワード | 越南佛教=Vietnamese Buddhism; 李陳時代=Li and Tran dynasties; 越南僧人=Vietnamese monks; 禪詩=Zen poetry; 意境 |
抄録 | 越南佛教一千年來不斷傳承創新,到了李陳時代,達到最頂峰。李陳時代的佛教一方面選擇性的吸收傳統的哲學思想,另一方面將佛教本土化,使其更適合國內的情況和平民化。因此,李陳時代的佛教帶有其特色,不僅符合社會心理,與生活緊密聯在一起,也在思想生活中發揮重要的影響,有助於寬容、仁慈的時代出現。李陳時代佛教的精髓是禪宗,除了「直指人心、見性成佛」的宗旨,以及破執隨緣精神之外,越南李陳時代的禪宗還有其他特徵,是禪深入生活中,服務於國家,運用在日常生活以及日益簡易化。 人是文學的主體又是文學的最終目標,「無位真人」就是禪詩描寫、體驗以及自我表達的主體,又是禪詩救濟的目的。禪詩是禪哲學以及禪美學聯合在一起的作品,而禪哲學卻只著重解決關於本體論與解脫論的問題。大乘佛教,包括禪宗在內,都認為「萬物一體」。眾生的本體不異於世界的本體。「無位真人」或者佛教常說的真心佛性都是禪師詩人一生所響往的目標和理想,成為真正的無位真人就是最高意義上的解脫。這一貫性不僅表現在禪宗哲學,也在李陳的禪詩系統中表露無遺。 本論文的具體研究結構如下:論文第一部份是前言。第二部份的內容是指出李陳時代禪詩中的內涵之一:通俗佛理(看清人生世事、以教輔政精神),第三部份談論禪詩中的禪修生活(提倡隨緣自在、指點參禪修行方法),第四部份闡述禪詩中的佛教哲理(三教思想融合、佛性平等),論文的第五部份提出李陳時代禪詩中的生命悟境(頓悟境界、示寂入滅)。最後是論文的結論。
Vietnamese Buddhism actively evolved for a thousand years, thriving during the Li and Tran dynasties. Buddhism at this time, on the one hand, selectively retained traditional principles but, on the other hand, became localized, which enabled its popularization. Several features of Buddhism during this time period can be observed, including social fitness, daily connections, and a tremendous impact on people's mindset, promoting the concepts of forgiveness and kindness. The great essence of Buddhism during this time period was Zen. The core belief of Zen is "to accomplish awakening by realizing the original nature and directly pointing out people's minds." In addition to such core belief, Zen of this time was rooted in daily life and reinforced the idea of serving the nation. Those concepts were applied in everyday life and became simplified. The main body and also the ultimate goal of literature is the human being. The "non-space true man" in Zen poetry is not only the main body but also the target in saving the world. Zen poetry is a combination of Zen philosophy and aesthetics. Mahayana Buddhism, Zen included, holds to the concept of the "shared body," which states that the main body of all living things is the same as that of the world. Becoming a "non-space true man" (a "real Buddhist") is the ultimate and lifelong goal for Zen poets. This consistency exists in not only Zen philosophy but explicitly in the Zen poetry of the Li and Tran dynasties. The structure of this study is as follows: First, in the introduction, the author describes the background of the Zen poetry of the Li and Tran dynasties. Next, general Buddhism, one of the concepts in the Zen poetry of the Li and Tran dynasties, is discussed. Third, the Zen life in Zen poetry is focused on. Fourth, the author stresses the Buddhist philosophy in Zen poetry. Fifth, the author relates the realization of life in Zen poetry. Lastly, the author summarizes all the arguments and viewpoints. |
目次 | 一、 前言 34 二、 通俗佛理 34 (一)以教輔政精神 35 (二)看清人生世事 38 三、 禪修生活 40 (一)提倡隨緣自在生活 40 (二)指點參禪修行方法 47 四、 佛教哲理 51 (一)佛性平等 52 (二)三教思想融合 55 五、生命悟境 59 (一)頓悟境界 59 (二)示寂入滅 63 六、結語 65 引用書目 67 一、 越南禪詩(依年份排列)67 二、 現代論著 67 |
ISSN | 27890082 (P); 27890090 (E) |
ヒット数 | 413 |
作成日 | 2020.09.14 |
更新日期 | 2020.09.14 |
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