初期佛教「空」思想-以巴利《中部.空小經》註譯與研究為進路=The Concept of Emptiness in Early Buddhism--From the Viewpoint of Cūḷasuññatasuttaṃ in the Majjhima-nikāya |
著者 |
陳瑄嬪 (撰)=Chen, Hsuan-Pin (compose)
出版年月日 | 2017 |
ページ | 149 |
出版者 | 南華大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 南華大學 |
学部・学科名 | 宗教學研究所 |
指導教官 | 呂凱文 |
卒業年 | 106 |
キーワード | 初期佛教=Early Buddhism; 空小經=Cūḷasuññatasuttaṃ; 小空經=The Lesser Discourses of Emptiness; 空住性=Suñña vihāra; 空=Emptiness |
抄録 | 本論文主旨在將《空小經》巴利語註譯、格、數、性作文法解析及白話翻譯,再將巴利語與漢譯版本及英譯本各版本的相互比對、整理並分析版本間的差異性。之後,再探討逐層漸次觀空法的修行次第。就上所論,首先以語言文獻學的方式,先進行巴利語的文法解析,再將巴利語與漢譯版本及英譯本分成八大段落不同觀空法主題相互進行比對,找出各版本間不同的差異性。接著,以分析研究方式對於逐層漸次的修行次第的觀空法作義理分析。 在巴利語與漢譯版本及英譯本相互比對部份,發現在漢譯本《中部.空小經》、《中阿含.小空經》比對中以非想非非想處想差異最大。在經文中提到各種種想,如村落想、人想、森林想是與外在有關之想,專精於一重複進行修持從外而內不被外境所干擾,內心就欣然、平靜、安穩。漸進的由外而內到大地想、空無邊處想、識無邊處想、無所有處想和非想非非想處想,是由外而內、由粗到細微,一切都是一抓一放逐次漸近的捨棄,最後到連最細微的想也必須捨棄,才能進入到無想的境界。也可能這因素,漢譯本《中阿含.小空經》才未提到四處非想非非想處想。 綜合歸納:《中部.空小經》是著重於以單一修行次第悟入的解脫道,佛陀教導弟子們修行的方式,如何從紛擾複雜的外境往內尋求心中平靜,以一想一抓一放的方式空除他想,以一淨念空除種種雜念,而以不空而去空是《空小經》的特色。
This dissertation compares the translations and grammatical interpretation of lattice, number and gender, in Pāli version of Cūḷasuññatasuttaṃ and its different versions of English translation, with its corresponding Chinese translation, and analyses the differences between them. The second step is to discuss the concept of practicing emptiness. While doing so, the first and above all is to deal with linguistic part which is interpretation of Pāli grammar, then divide the entire concept of practice of emptiness into eight part including, Pāli, Chinese and English translations and compare each other to find the differences among all three versions of the texts. And then, through analysis and penetrations into their meaning this paper makes a semantic conclusion on the concept of emptiness. While comparing the concept of “Neither perception nor not perception” in all three translations such as; Pāli, Chinese and English Version; in Chinese version “Madhayama Nikāya-Cūlasuññata Sutta” with Pāli version of “Majjhima-nikāya Cūlasuññata Sutta ”; both differ radically. The sutta interprets different kinds of “thoughts”, such as, “lost thoughts”, “human thoughts”, “forest thoughts”, etc. they are all related with external thoughts. To focus on one of the thoughts among them from outside to inside one cannot get disturbed by the outer world. The mind still remains pleased, calm and secure. It is a gradual development of thoughts from outside to inside starting from “The Perception of Earth”, “ The Infinitude of Space”, “ The Infinitude of Consciousness”, “ Nothingness” and “ Neither Perception nor Non-Perception”. It is because of gradual movement from outside to inside, from coarse to subtle, everything is grasped and placed gradually asymptotic abandonment, thus finally in order to enter into the realm of without perception, even the most subtle thoughts must also be abandoned. Most probably because of this reason the Chinese translation of “Neither perception nor not perception” does not provide its four grounds. To conclude, “Majjhima-nikāya-Cūlasuññata Sutta” is centered on single practice of Arahant path, the attainment of Enlightenment. The path taught by the Buddha to the disciples is how to practice the spiritual path; that is how to attain the mental peace from a complex and complicated external world to the most subtle inner realm of without perception. The summery is to eradicate the perception through the method of thought, grasping and releasing of thought of emptiness, through pure thoughts, and emptiness to emptiness. It is the special feature of the Cūlasuññata Sutta. |
目次 | 致謝 i 中文摘要 iii Abstract iv 【縮略語與略符】 vi 目次 viii 表次 xi 附錄 xii
第一章緒論1 1.1研究動機1 1.2問題意識與研究目的5 1.3歷年研究成果回顧8 1.4研究範圍與研究方法11 1.4.1研究範圍11 1.4.2巴利原典與光碟、網路部份11 1.4.3研究方法18 1.5章節結構21
第二章「空」思想在佛教中的觀念23 2.1初期佛教「空」思想的歷史背景23 2.2「空」思想在佛教中主要觀念26 2.3「空」的主要字義和含義31 2.3.1、「空」的主要字義31 2.3.2、「空」的主要含義34
第三章巴利文本Cūḷasuññatasuttaṃ注譯41 3.1MN.121Cūḷasuññatasuttaṃ《空小經》文法解析43 3.2巴利、漢譯《空小經》內容比對66 一、東園鹿母講堂67 二、森林想72 三、大地想75 四、空無邊處想79 五、識無邊處想82 六、無所有處想85 七、非想非非想處想88 八、無相心定91
第四章逐層漸次的觀空法99 4.1空住性─依世間道修空99 4.2逐層漸觀等次至本質─依聖道修空103 4.3從四處禪定中轉涅槃解脫的關鍵109 4.4最後關鍵悟入九等次第─無相心定112
第五章結論與展望115 5.1研究成果回顧115 5.2未來研究展望116
參考書目118 一、經、論原典118 二、期刊論文120 三、學位論文121 四、專書著作121 五、工具書125 六、網路資源125
表次 表1八等至─斷漏104
附錄 附錄A:Cūḷasuññatasuttaṃ空小經(MN.121)以CSCD版本為主。 附錄B:Cūḷasuññatasuttaṃ空小經(英文版)以菩提比丘英譯版本為主。 附錄C:Cūḷasuññatasuttaṃ空小經(中部一二一)以中華電子佛典協會:CBETA電子佛典集成April2014(光碟部份)為主。 附錄D:Cūḷasuññatasuttaṃ小空經(中阿含經一九〇)以中華電子佛典協會:CBETA電子佛典集成April2014(光碟部份)為主。 附錄E:Cūḷasuññatasuttaṃ空小經(白話翻譯)以引用蕭式球(2013)在志蓮淨院文化部《巴利文翻譯組學報》第14期發表《空小經》白話譯文為主。
2.附錄A、B、C、D、E 附錄ACūḷasuññatasuttaṃ《空小經》(MN.121)127 附錄BCūḷasuññatasuttaṃ《空小經》(英文版)132 附錄CCūḷasuññatasuttaṃ《空小經》(中部一二一)139 附錄DCūḷasuññatasuttaṃ《小空經》(中阿含經一九〇)143 附錄ECūḷasuññatasuttaṃ《空小經》(白話翻譯)146 |
ヒット数 | 316 |
作成日 | 2021.11.08 |
更新日期 | 2023.01.09 |

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