

論華嚴菩薩道的「清淨信」與「信滿成佛義」=On “Pure Faith”(清淨信) and “Full Faith and Becoming Buddha”(信滿成佛) of Bodhisattva’s Way of Hua-yan
著者 釋法音 =Fa-yin
掲載誌 2015華嚴專宗國際學術研討會論文集上冊
ページ235 - 254
出版サイト https://www.huayen.org.tw/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
ノート作者單位:日本駒澤大學佛教經濟研究所 研究員
Komazawa University, Tokyo, Japan
キーワード《華嚴經》=Buddhāvatamsaka -mahāvaipulya-sūtra; 〈賢首菩薩品〉=the Chapter of Xian-shou Bodhisattva; 華嚴菩薩道=Bodhisattva’s Way of Hua-yen; 清淨信=Pure Faith; 信满成佛義= Full Faith and Becoming Buddha
佛教中所説的「信」,一般來言用梵語來表示大凡有四種,即 śraddhā、 prasāda、adhimukti 和 bhakti。śraddhā 是印度吠陀哲学以來,普遍所使用的「信」,與「疑」相對蹠。而 prasāda 則含有「清澈」、「淨化」、「喜悦」、「满足」之義,漢譯佛典將此翻為「淨信」、「澄淨」、「歡喜」、「信心」等,而「澄淨」、「淨信」與佛教本有的、以智慧為前提的「寂靜」、「沉潛」的宗教性格比較接近,與一般的宗教狂信相峻别。adhimukti 則有「心之解脱」、「以心觀察」之意,故在漢譯佛典將此翻為「信解」、「勝解」、「信樂」等語。bhakti 也是「信」的重要術語之一,有「崇拜」、「参加」之義,一般翻成「信愛」或「信敬」、「誠信」等,具有對神或宗教,抱以狂熱性的、提倡献身精神的信仰内涵,雖然在佛教文献中也有所出現,但是並不多見,也不太多地加以提倡。
可見在佛教中,prasāda 和 adhimukti 的語義是與智慧、清淨相結合的「信」,具有知性、理性的宗教内涵。這無論在南傳還是北傳、小乘或是大乘,都是共通的基本思想内容和根本實踐理念。
若論《華嚴經》中對於「信」的解釋,則有「深信諸佛及正法,亦信菩薩所行道。正心信向佛菩薩,菩薩因是初發心。信於法門無障礙,捨離八難得無難。信能超出諸魔境,示現開發無上道。信為道元功德母,增長一切諸善法,除滅一切諸疑惑,示現開發無上道。信能捨離諸染著,信解微妙甚深法。信能轉勝成衆善,究竟必至如來處」(《大正藏》第 9 册,433a-b);「於佛及法僧,深起清淨信。信敬三
寶故,能發菩提心」 (《大正藏》第 9 册,433a)以及「聞此法歡喜,信心無疑者。
速成無上道,與諸如來等」(《大正藏》第 9 册,788a-b)等最為膾炙人口之名句。以强調智慧成就乃至圓成佛道當以「淨信」(samprasāda)為前提和根本,這也成為大乘菩薩道的「信满成佛」(《華嚴經》〈賢首菩薩品〉)之奥義所在。

All the religions of the world advocate importance of the Faith and emphasize the absolute meaning of the Faith in theory and practice of the religions. Buddhism is no exception.
There are four words of the Faith in Buddhism in Sanskrit: śraddhā, prasāda, adhimukti and bhakti. The word “śraddhā” has been used generally since Vedic
philosophy in India and is relative to the word “suspicion”. The word “prasāda” contains some meanings of clear, purification, joy, satisfaction and is translated into the Jing-xin(淨信), Cheng-jing(澄淨), Huan-xi(歡喜), Xin-xin(信心) in the Chinese
translations of Buddhist scriptures. The Jing-xin(淨信) and Cheng-jing(澄淨) are close to the religious characteristics of Buddhism such as “Silent” and “sedate” and are different from the general religious fanatic. The word “Adhimukti” means the Relief and Observation of the Heart and is translated into the Xin-jie(信解), Sheng-jie(勝解),
Xin-le(信樂) and so on in the Chinese translations of Buddhist scriptures. The word “Bhakti” means the Worship and Attend meaning and generally translated into the Xin-ai (信愛), Xin-jing(信敬), Cheng-xin(誠信) and so on. The word containsthe fanatic and devoted connotation of the Faith to God or religion. Although the word has appeared in the Buddhist literature, it isn’t too much or promoted. Therefore, the words “prasāda” and “adhimukti” represent the Faith combined
withthe wisdom and clean in Buddhism and possessthe intellectual and rationalreligion connotation. So this is the common basic content and basic idea of practice both in the Hinayana and Mahayana. There are three famous parts related to the explain of Faith in the Buddhāvatamsaka -mahāvaipulya-sūtra (華嚴經):
1、「深信諸佛及正法,亦信菩薩所行道。正心信向佛菩薩,菩薩因是初發心。信於法門無障礙,捨離八難得無難。信能超出諸魔境,示現開發無上道。信為道元功德母,增長一切諸善法,除滅一切諸疑惑,示現開發無上道。信能捨離諸染著,信解微妙甚深法。信能轉勝成衆善,究竟必至如來處。」(《大正藏》第 9 册,433a-b)
2、「於佛及法僧,深起清淨信。信敬三寶故,能發菩提心。」(《大正藏》第9 册,433a)
3、「聞此法歡喜,信心無疑者。速成無上道,與諸如來等。」(《大正藏》第9 册,788a-b)
The premise and basis of the achievement of wisdom and the completion of Buddhism is the “Pure Faith”, whichis also the secret of “full Faith and becoming
a Buddha”(信满成佛,《華嚴經》〈賢首菩薩品〉) in the way of Mahayana Bodhisattva.
This speech will try to explain the theoretic and practical significant of the “Pure Faith” in Mahayana Buddhism specifically Bodhisattva’s way of Hua-yan sect and expound the complementary relationship between Faith and Practice in the Hua-yan sect and Zen sect by Buddhāvatamsaka -mahāvaipulya-sūtra(華嚴經), especially the chapters of Xian-shou Bodhisattva(賢首菩薩品)and going to the Dharma-dhatu(入法界品). Another literature are some works of Mahayana Buddhism such as the Lotus
Sutra(法華經),Great Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom(大智度論), Mahayana śraddhotpada śāstra(大乘起信論) and some writings of famous monks in the Huayan sect and Zen sect. As everyone knows, Faith is a prerequisite for the achieving Bodhisattva’s way of Hua-y
目次一、緒論 239
二、華嚴菩薩道的〈清淨信〉和〈信滿成佛義〉 240
(一)關於華嚴的十信位──〈賢首菩薩品〉等的內容和思想之考察 241
(1)信的對象——信敬三寶 244
(2)清淨信的功德利益及果報 245
(3)絕對自覺(自力)下的清淨信及其與華嚴菩薩道究竟成佛的一貫性 247
(二)二祖智儼、新羅義湘、三祖法藏的信滿成佛義 248
(1)二祖智儼 248
(2)新羅義湘 251
(3)三祖法藏 251
三、結語 253

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