

非人、病與療癒—印度吠陀、印度佛教醫學與智顗「療病觀」之探究—=Non-human, Illnesses and Healing—A study of Illnesses according to Indian Āyurveda Medicine, Indian Buddhist medicine, and Zhiyi’s Thoughts—
著者 林聯君 (著)=Lien-Chun Lin (au.)
ページ1 - 180
出版サイト https://www.dila.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード印度醫學阿育吠陀=Āyurveda Medicine; 非人病=Bhūtavidyā; 鬼·魔病=non-human being demon illness; Yoga禪修=Yoga meditation; 止觀療癒=śamatha-vipaśyanā

Illness caused by non-human beings is categorized as Bhūtavidyā study in both Indian and Buddhist medical traditions but has rarely been explored by scholars of Indian Buddhism. Bhūtavidyā is referred to as a kind of “psychiatry” and represents one of the eight divisions (aṣṭāṅga) in Āyurveda that are associated with spirits or organisms. Likewise, Bhūtavidyā in Indian Buddhist medicine has been regarded as demonology (therapy of inauspiciousness) that derives from eight Buddhist medical sections associated with physical and mental spiritual practice.

However, non-human beings are referred to as evil spirits in these traditions and have been disregarded as little more than superstition and scorned by scientists. In medical circles, these phenomena are treated as psychiatric disorders or mental illnesses, and treatment is seen as having only limited psychological benefits to patients.

This thesis will demonstrate why Buddhist meditation (śamatha-vipaśyanā) and the practice of yoga in Indian medicine can provide comprehensive spiritual practice as a healing from diseases leading to an enjoyable and wholesome life. Certain questions are posed in the thesis. Among the most salient are these: What is the etiology of illnesses caused by non-human beings according to ancient sacred texts, such as exogenous diseases or innate issues? What are the symptoms and how do they affect the physical and mental health of human beings?

First, reflect on how traditional medicine directly or implicitly interpret the origin of non-human being’s attack? Hermeneutics in ancient medical texts may remain indifferent because few scholars have examined the implications. The methodology in the research to deliver a parallelization of ancient philology in Āyurveda Medicine, Indian Buddhist Medicine and Zhiyi’s thoughts. Therefore, a hermeneutical approach to knowledge about illnesses makes connections by distinguishing between philosophical theories of medicine and therapeutics in differing traditions.

Second, the collected work of Indian medicine Caraka-saṃhitā and Suśrutaḥ saṃhitā advocate that medical knowledge is Life of Science, within psychology and cognitive science, sociology, hygiene, and anthropology. Similarly, Indian Buddhist medicine contains abundant medical knowledge and pharmaceutics. However, there is still much to be explored. In addition, Tendai Zhiyi' s thought as a pioneer on Chinese Buddhism provides a vital glimpse into concentrative illness practices as efficient therapy for psychological problems.

Finally, it is hoped that the thesis is developed on an inspirational foundation of empiricism, rationalism, and humanism based on the bedrock of ancient medical knowledge in the cited traditions. Religious faith and unique spiritual practices are represented in which the philosophical and theological elements infused in such ancient medical texts are often subtle and, therefore, can be easily overlooked. The sacred knowledge left by Buddha and the ancient Indian sages is practical and wholesome but not merely an abstruse philosophical theory.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
謝誌 iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 2
第二節 問題意識 5
第三節 文獻之探討 6
一、學術評析 7
二、文獻依據與研究方法 11

第二章 「疾病」在印度傳統與佛教醫學的歷史淵源 23
第一節 印度傳統醫學之阿育吠陀 25
第二節 印度傳統醫學與早期印度佛教醫學 31
第三節 智顗醫學思想的有關研究 36

第三章 「非人」相關的病因理論與療疾思想 39
第一節 「非人」的種類與依止處 40
一、「非人」的異名 41
二、「非人」的依止處 45
三、非人身 47
第二節 疾病的診斷論 50
一、四聖諦之醫學應用 51
二、「病」的特性與其不同詮釋 55
三、「非人」疾病的種類與影嚮 78
四、病態的運行與禪修之究竟療癒 87
第三節「非人」相關疾病的病癥 105
一、「非人」病之病癥與區別 106
二、印度佛教文獻的「非人」相關記載 111
三、《闍羅迦文集》「心狂亂」病癥與識別 122

第四章 智顗「非人」病之「止觀」療癒與應用 127
第一節 智顗之「非人病」的記載 128
一、觀病前行 128
二、《修習止觀坐禪法要》之治「非人病」 131
三、《釋禪波羅蜜次第法門》之治「非人病」 134
四、《摩訶止觀》之治「非人病」 139
五、《治禪病祕要法》 144
第二節 智顗治病觀的應用 147
一、「止觀」法藥,人人能治 148
二、根門防護:由外而內的檢校路線 152
三、止與觀:由內而外的療癒模式 159

第五章 結論 171

參考文獻 175
A、原典文獻 175
B、中英日文專書、論文、網路資源 177
(一)外文專書 177
(二)中、日文專書 178
(三)英、中、日期刊論文 179
(四)學位論文 179
(五)網路資源 179

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