佛喻啟蒙──從《百喻經圖畫書》故事的「迷」與「悟」探討佛教經典對兒童教育的啟覺義涵=Enlightenment of Buddhist Parables ──An Investigation on How a Buddhist Classic Enlightens and Inspires Children Education from the Perspective of “Obsession” and “Enlightenment” of stories in Hundred Parables Sutra Picture Book |
著者 |
蔡凰凰 (著)=Tsai, Huang-huang (au.)
出版年月日 | 2018 |
ページ | 205 |
出版者 | 華梵大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 華梵大學 |
学部・学科名 | 中國文學系碩士班 |
指導教官 | 韓子峯 |
卒業年 | 106 |
キーワード | 百喻經=Hundred Parables Sutra; 百喻經圖畫書=Hundred Parables Sutra Picture Book; 佛說譬喻=Parables; 兒童覺性啟發=Inspiration of Children’s Perception; 四聖諦=Four Noble Truths |
抄録 | 源自古印度的佛教文化,在兩漢時期由印度經西域傳入中原,也深深影響了中華文化,成為中華文化思想中不可分割的一環。佛教是佛陀的教育,其教理旨在幫助所有的人都能證得自己的佛性,從此離苦得樂,究竟涅槃。在佛陀傳教時,運用種種善巧方便,為諸眾生說法。我們相信,佛為眾生說的法中,一定也有適宜為孩子說的法。佛陀的教育與兒童的教育,一定有其可銜接的部分。然而,這兩者是如何密切銜接的呢?兒童覺性啟發課程,應該就是佛陀教育與兒童教育兩大河的交匯聚集之處。 與一般的道德教育、生命關懷教育不同處,兒童覺性啟發課程旨在培養兒童開啟本具佛性,成為一個心靈上的巨人,能在清明離執的純淨本心中,以崇尚平等、慈悲、勇敢、平和之態度與萬物為伍,以圓融、負責、具有彈性之方式待人處事。本文中,兒童覺性啟發課程之源流來自佛陀教育的理想,哲人日遠,典型猶在,雖然我們今日無法直接得到佛陀的教導,但佛陀之教的芬芳花朵在佛教典籍中俯拾皆是,而且任我們自由採擷,何其萬幸! 筆者本研究取徑於華梵創辦人曉雲法師倡導的「覺之教育」,以其架構精神為理想藍圖,進行兒童覺性啟發課程之探究。為使討論更具體切近於實際教學,本文再進一步聚焦於以「佛說譬喻」作為教材進行兒童覺性啟發課程適切性之探討,並選取《百喻經圖畫書》為樣本直接進行分析。 《百喻經圖畫書》是由多位兒童文學作家改寫《百喻經》中的佛喻而成,一共有四十個故事,故事的文字淺顯、內容逗趣,適合兒童自行閱讀,也適用於實施兒童覺性啟發課程時引起學習動機之用。筆者以佛陀初轉法輪所開示的「四聖諦」──苦、集、滅、道為架構,進行《百喻經圖畫書》四十個愚人故事的分析與探究,發掘《百喻經圖畫書》中顯與隱、迷與悟的啟覺義涵,冀能呈現佛教經典契理又契機之時代精神。
Buddhist culture was originated from the ancient India, and was spread from India to China via Western Regions in the Western and Eastern Dynasties. It significantly affects Chinese culture and has become an inseparable from Chinese cultural thinking. Buddhism is the teaching provided by Buddha, and its religious philosophy aims to help all people prove the existence of their Buddha nature, as well as get rid of sufferings, attain happiness, and reach ultimate nirvana. When Buddha preached general public, he used various skillful means to explain Buddhism to them. It is believed that among the Dharma explained by Buddha to general public, there certainly is Dharma suitable to be explained to children. Buddha’s teaching certainly can be connected to children education. However, how do they closely connect with each other? The courses that enlighten and inspire children’s perception should be where Buddha’s teaching and children education converge. Different from general moral education and life care education, the courses that enlighten and inspire children’s perception aim to inspire children’s Buddha nature and enable them to become spiritual giants who are able to adhere to their purity without being disturbed, get along with all things with equal, merciful, brave, and peaceful attitudes, and deal with people using harmonious, responsible, and flexible methods. In this study, the courses that enlighten and inspire children’s perception are originated from the ideas of Buddha’s teaching – Although a great person passed away, the examples het set will be passed down. Although people nowadays cannot be directly instructed by Buddha, fortunately, the essences of Buddha’s teaching can be found everywhere in Buddhist classics and are accessible to anyone. The author was inspired by “Education of Perception” advocated by founder of Huafan University, Ven. Hiu Wan, to conduct this study investigating courses that enlighten and inspire children’s perception using its framework and spirt as the ideal blueprint. To perform specific discussions closer to practical teaching, this study further explored on the appropriateness of use of “Buddhist Parables” as teaching materials in the courses that enlighten and inspire children’s perception. Moreover, this study selected Hundred Parables Sutra Picture Book as the sample to perform analysis directly. Hundred Parables Sutra Picture Book was compiled by many writers of children’s literature by rewriting the Buddhist parables in Hundred Parables Sutra. It includes a total of 40 stories which are comprehensible to children, interesting, suitable for children’s self-reading, and suitable for triggering learning motivation during the implementation of courses that enlighten and inspire children’s inspiration. The author used the “Four Noble Truths” – suffering, origin of suffering, cessation of suffering, and path to the cessation of suffering – as the framework to analyze and investigate 40 stories of silly people in Hundred Parables Sutra Picture Book to uncover the explicit and implicit metaphors in Hundred Parables Sutra Picture Book, as well as the meanings about how obsession and enlightenment inspire perception. Hopefully, the spirit of the time of B |
目次 | 第一章、緒論 第一節、研究動機與目的 第二節、研究範圍與方法 一、研究範圍 二、研究方法 第三節、前人研究成果之檢討 一、「覺之教育」研究文獻的探討 二、佛陀「四聖諦」思想研究文獻的探討 三、《百喻經》研究文獻的探討 四、佛教童書研究文獻探討 第四節、本文論述結構 第二章、覺性啟發課程的淵源、內涵與教育實踐 第一節、當代覺性啟發課程淵源──以曉雲法師「覺之教育論」展開 一、愛的啟航──覺之教育的慈愛大願 二、成功之鑰──覺之教育的落實方法 第二節、覺性啟發課程的哲學內涵 一、向上而自由的心靈本質 二、漸次而圓融的修學次第 三、平等而慈悲的普世關懷 四、小結 第三節、覺性課程對兒童啟發的人文智慧 一、信心的智慧 二、實踐的智慧 三、超越的智慧 四、應變的智慧 第三章、《百喻經圖畫書》概說 第一節、溯源《百喻經》 一、《百喻經》之撰集者、漢譯者 二、《百喻經》撰集者之撰集理想 三、《百喻經》之近代流傳 第二節、型塑《百喻經》 一、《百喻經》之取材 二、《百喻經》之結構 第三節、童遊《百喻經》 一、《百喻經》之體裁 二、《百喻經》之文學性 三、《百喻經》呈現給兒童的途徑 第四節、《百喻經圖畫書》的啟覺因緣 一、《百喻經圖畫書》之定位 二、契機的《百喻經圖畫書》 三、契理的《百喻經圖畫書》 第四章、《百喻經圖畫書》中轉迷為悟的翻轉教育義涵──以四聖諦為架構展開 第一節、生死流轉知「苦諦」 一、八種苦的經驗 二、三種苦的性質 第二節、惑業積聚了「集諦」 一、迷情與倒想之惑 二、潛伏與牽引之業 三、小結 第三節、斷惑證真顯「滅諦」 一、流轉與還滅,如實智觀緣起 二、真空妙有,不二中道 三、悲智兼具,迴入娑婆 第四節、定慧等持修「道諦」 一、生活中開啟向前的正確觀點──正見 二、生活中推動向前的轉化訓練──正思惟、正語、正業、正命、正精進、正念 三、生活中引領向前的光明目標──正定 第五節、《百喻經圖畫書》故事分析與結果探討 一、故事分析 二、分析結果探討 第五章、結論 第一節、研究成果 一、當以覺性啟發課程為兒童教育之主心骨 二、以《百喻經圖畫書》探討覺性啟發課程之教材開發途徑與成果 第二節、對本研究之檢討與未來研究建議 一、對本研究之檢討 二、未來研究建議 徵引文獻 |
ヒット数 | 389 |
作成日 | 2022.06.23 |
更新日期 | 2023.01.18 |

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