

著者 黃鶴仁 (著)=Huang, Ho-jen (au.)
出版サイト https://www-ch.scu.edu.tw/october/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード詩僧=poet monks; 僧詩=Monk's poems; 綺語=rhetoric; 如來藏=Tathagatagarbha

Poet monks being able to write articles and poetry are the main groups to interpret and disseminate scriptures in Buddhism; in the face of the evolution of the times, there were their response. In this thesis, "modern poet monks" are explored and the personal point of view is raised.
  The search of monk poems is not easy. This thesis takes 53 years from the Reform Movement in the 24th year of Emperor Guangxu (1898) to the cross-trait division (1950) as the modern. First, the author checked out the poet monks who became a monk and had poetry collections during this period, on the known poetry collections of poet monks with reply in the same rhythm, preface and postscript, or Chronicle has described monksbeing able to write poems.Second, researched the background and personal life of poet monks and by the commonenvironment and individual experience grasped the objects to be discussed. Third, checked the writing literatures, and explored the scriptures of Surangama Sutraand The Awakening of Faith, as well as identified their position.Fourth, reviewed the literatures of monk’s poemson poetry collections, and studied the literary and artistic characteristics by two-way of the standard of “monk” and the character of “poem”. Fifth, on the subject of Buddhism, the author studied the literary and artistic form of monk poetry by two categories as the dissemination of faith and praise.
  It is found that, in the definition of "modern", there are seventeen people having poetry collection, and thirteen peoplehaving not. They were in the time after the reform movement when the whole country was full of the thinking to provide the temple property for setting up a new school, triggering monks to protect the temple property and operate the monk school movement. After the Republic of China was established, they strengthened to operate the monk school, even organized people’s groups to express the views of the temple management to the government.
  In scriptures, therewas the prevalence of refutation for pseudoSurangama Sutraand The Awakening of Faith; however, Yueh Xi had doubt about The Awakening of Faith. In writings, they focused on the interpretation of Tathāgatagarbha, and Yuan Ying's Surangama Sutra lectureshowed the highest achievement. Tai Xu’s explanatory noteson Surangama Sutra&the Awakening of Faithrefuted the pseudo saying, especiallyshowingthe significance of the times. Ci Hang’s Speaking of the Awakening of Faithwas written with vernacular Chinese also being a kind of characteristics of times.
  In poetry, there are the poems taken down in the poetry collections of Xu Yun, Hong Yi, Man Shu,and Hai Deng before they become monk.Their creation was generally affected by the influence of Buddhist precepts due to the identity of monk, so that there was a certain conflict between the identity of “monk” and the literature and art of “poetry”; there were different performances in coordination of this conflict to engage in creation. As for the comments on monk poems, more from the viewpoints of literatiignored the character should have in monk poem, into unorthodoxLiterati poems.
  The Buddhist themes of monk poems with the role communicating belief, and
第一章 緒論 01
 第一節 研究之動機與目的 02
 第二節 研究所遇之困難 02
 第三節 論題「近代」與「詩僧」意義之界定 04
  一、「近代」之界定 05
  二、「詩僧」之界定 08
  三、僧格不符「近代」定義之詩僧 10
 第四節 近代詩僧之有詩集者 13
  一、詩集見存者 13
  二、詩集未見者 14
 第五節 近代詩僧之無詩集者 22
  一、虛雲相關之詩僧 22
  二、寄禪相關之詩僧 25
  三、圓瑛相關之詩僧 32
  四、太虛相關之詩僧 50
  五、持松相關之詩僧 55
  六、慈航相關之詩僧 56
  七、海燈相關之詩僧 56
  八、竺摩相關之詩僧 57
  九、定持相關之詩僧 58
第二章 近代詩僧之時代背景與生平 59
 第一節 詩僧之時代背景 59
  一、清末僧教育之發展 59
  二、民初之佛教團體及僧教育 64
   (一)全國性佛教團體之創立與寺廟管理法規 65
   (二)僧人辦僧教育 70
 第二節 詩僧之生平 79
  一、禪僧:虛雲、海燈、純果 81
  二、禪僧:寄禪、圓瑛、太虛、慈航 84
  三、禪僧:月溪、定持 90
  四、天台僧:諦閑、斌宗 92
  五、律僧:弘一 96
  六、密教僧:持松、大愚 98
  七、藝僧:曼殊、竺摩 99
第三章 近代詩僧之義學 103
 第一節 詩僧之義學著作 106
  一、大陸詩僧之義學著作 109
  二、臺灣詩僧之義學著作 126
  三、香港詩僧月溪之義學著作 130
 第二節 詩僧於疑古風潮中,對《楞嚴經》《起信論》之詮釋 132
  一、對《楞嚴經》之詮釋 135
   (一)虛雲以《楞嚴經》為戒行、參禪之根據 137
   (二)諦閑對《楞嚴經》之詮釋 141
   (三)圓瑛對《楞嚴經》之詮釋與運用 143
   (四)太虛對《楞嚴經》之詮釋 149
   (五)慈航對《楞嚴經》之詮釋 153
   (六)斌宗對《楞嚴經》之詮釋 156
  二、對《大乘起信論》之詮釋 158
   (一)圓瑛《大乘起信論講義》之觀點 163
   (二)太虛對《大乘起信論》之觀點 168
   (三)慈航《大乘起信論講話》之觀點 173
第四章 詩僧之詩集與詩藝 181
 第一節 詩僧之詩集 181
  一、詩集有未具僧格之詩者:虛雲、弘一、曼殊、海燈 182
  二、詩集編纂稍複雜者:寄禪、太虛、斌宗 189
  三、詩集文獻問題較少者:諦閑、圓瑛、月溪、大愚、持松、慈航、純果、定持、念西、竺摩 198
 第二節 由「僧」與「詩」雙重角度,論僧詩之特色 203
  一、由僧之本位以言詩,論綺語戒對僧詩之影響 204
   (一)詩戒綺語之詩僧:虛雲、弘一、持松、海燈、純果 210
   (二)以詩弘法之詩僧:諦閑、圓瑛、慈航 220
  二、由詩之本色以言詩,論文藝性在僧詩之發揮 225
   (一)寄禪《八指頭陀詩集》之清麗,為僧詩集大成 226
   (二)太虛《潮音草舍詩存》之豪宕 232
   (三)斌宗《雲水詩草》之矜練 237
   (四)月溪《月溪法師詩詞法書集》詩清空,詞超曠 239
   (五)曼殊詩善用香草美人為比興 241
   (六)竺摩《篆香室詩集》尚意 242
   (七)定持《行腳吟》俊拔 244
第五章 近代詩僧之佛教題材 247
 第一節 傳播佛教信仰之題材 247
  一、大愚《解脫歌》以禪悟為題材 247
  二、弘一之〈題《護生畫集》〉以戒殺為題材 249
  三、純果《彌陀詩吟百首》以念佛往生為題材 252
  四、念西《佛教聲律啟蒙》以佛教常識為題材 254
 第二節 佛教頌贊題材 255
  一、對經典所載佛、菩薩之頌贊 256
   (一)佛像頌贊 256
   (二)菩薩像頌贊 261
  二、對佛教人物之頌贊 271
   (一)虛雲對佛教人物之像贊 271
   (二)寄禪對佛教人物之像贊 276
   (三)圓瑛對佛教人物之像贊 278
   (四)月溪對佛教人物之像贊 285
   (五)弘一對佛教人物之像贊 286
   (六)太虛對佛教人物之像贊 289
   (七)持松對佛教人物之像贊 292
 第三節 自題小照題材 295
  (一)虛雲自題小照 295
  (二)寄禪自題小照 298
  (三)諦閑自贊 300
  (三)圓瑛自題小照 300
  (四)月溪自題小照 301
  (五)太虛自題小照 302
  (六)持松自题小照 303
第六章 結論 305
徵引文獻 309
附錄:近代詩僧繫年 323

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