

《華嚴經》善根之研究──以菩薩階位為主=A Study on the Roots of Goodness in the Huayan Sutra with a Focus on the Stages of Bodhisattva Practice
著者 李梅華 (著)=Lee, Mei-Hua (au.)
出版サイト https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード善根=roots of goodness; 華嚴經=Huayan Sutra; 十住=ten abodes; 十行=ten practices; 十迴向=ten dedications of merit; 十地=ten grounds


本論文將澄觀的善根觀分為三大部份。首先,探討〈十行品〉及〈十迴向品〉的善根經文時,澄觀各以不同科目來歸類,如〈十行品〉的第八「難得行」,《華嚴經疏》將之劃分為「明修成善根」、「顯善根行相」、「行成利益」三個科目; 澄觀將〈十迴向品〉三十一項善根歸類為「善根分齊」、「善所依緣」和「善根體性」。其次,澄觀在注解〈世主妙嚴品〉和〈入法界品〉時,著重講述善根對菩薩修行成就之重要性。最後本研究整體探討澄觀如何運用華嚴獨特的圓融無礙思想,論述眾生、菩薩和諸佛善根的同一性。

The “roots of goodness” (shangen 善根) are extremely important in the process of practicing Buddhism. Discussions about the roots of goodness can be found in sutras of both Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism.

The Huayan Sutra (Huayan jing 華嚴經) teaches the methods of practicing the bodhisattva path and attaining Buddhahood. In this sutra, as the speakers introduce gradually higher stages (of the bodhisattva path), the times that the “roots of goodness” are mentioned also increase. What is the association between the roots of goodness and the process of practicing Buddhism? So far, there haven’t been many studies on the roots of goodness, while the definitions of this term in contemporary dictionaries cannot fully express its significance in the Huayan Sutra.

This paper mainly refers to the 80-fascicle Huayan Sutra, translated by Śikṣānanda in the Tang Dynasty, as well as the Commentary and Subcommentary on the Huayan Sutra by the Huayan patriarch Chengguan. According to Huayan patriarchs, there are six stages of Bodhisattva development in the Huayan Sutra, namely the ten abodes, ten practices, ten dedications of merit, ten grounds, virtual enlightenment, and wonderful enlightenment. In different stages, the “roots of goodness” are mentioned in different ways. Thus, this paper first discusses how often and in what ways the term is mentioned in chapters on the stages of bodhisattva practice (ten abodes, ten practices, and ten dedications of merit, and ten grounds). Then, Chengguan’s view on the roots of goodness will be looked into. Through the discussions, the paper aims to analyze the significance of the roots of goodness for the bodhisattva path in the Huayan Sutra.

From the perspective of Bodhisattva development, the differences in the roots of goodness between the three worthy levels (i.e. ten abodes, ten practices, and ten dedications of merit) and the ten sage levels (i.e. ten grounds) are as follows: in the ten abodes, the “roots of goodness” particularly emphasizes its “initial resolve” that truly initiates the determination of never retreating. In the ten practices, practicing Buddhism is the emphasis while the chapter particularly pays attention to the “roots of goodness” in practicing the ten perfections. The “Ten Dedications Chapter” (shihuixiang pin 十迴向品) particularly emphasizes the qualities of the Bodhisattva to exercise both compassion and wisdom. The roots of goodness serve as a necessary condition in the transfer of merit (pariṇāmanā). The interaction between the roots of goodness and the transfer of merit is moving back and forth in a circle until the final status of attaining Buddhahood.

The “Ten Grounds Chapter” (shidipin 十地品) in the Huayan Sutra focuses on the “world-transcending roots of goodness” and the “enlightening roots of goodness” as the core of the discussion. In the tenth stage, the “Dharma Cloud Ground” (fayun di 法雲地), the light of wisdom will shine to its fullest potential. In the meantime, the scriptures also use the alchemist’s gold metallurgy, the preciousness and solemnity of real gold, and the process of making as a metaphor
目次摘 要 i
Abstract ii
目 次 iv
表目次 vi
圖目次 vii
第一章 緖論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法 2
一、文獻整理 2
二、義理詮釋 5
第三節 文獻回顧 7
第四節 論文架構 11
第二章 《華嚴經》十住、十行、十迴向位之「善根」 12
第一節 十住法門之「善根」 15
第二節 十行法門之「善根」 20
第三節 十迴向法門之「善根」 24
一、十種迴向行的共通成分 26
二、十種迴向與其對應之善根 28
第三章 《華嚴經》十地法門之「善根」 35
第一節 出世善根與十地法門 36
第二節 十地菩薩的善根迴向 41
一、〈十地品〉的善根修行與迴向 41
二、出世善根地地轉明 43
第三節 真金喻與十地善根 47
一、佛典中的鍊金喻 47
二、《華嚴經.十地品》的鍊金喻 51
第四節 小結 55
第四章 澄觀的善根觀 56
第一節 澄觀對〈十行品〉及〈十迴向品〉的善根詮釋 57
一、〈十行品〉的善根 57
二、〈十迴向品〉的善根 60
第二節 澄觀對〈世主妙嚴品〉和〈入法界品〉的善根詮釋 63
一、同生眾與異生眾之善根 63
二、善知識之善根 66
第三節 同一善根 70
第五章 結論 73
第一節 研究成果 74
一、三賢十聖階位的善根觀 74
二、善根在《華嚴經》中的譬喻 74
三、華嚴圓融無礙思想與善根概念 75
第二節 未來研究展望 77
參考文獻 78

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