

正念與三十七菩提分法之交涉=A Study of the Relation Between Mindfulness and Thirty-Seven Bodhi-Pakkhiyā Dhammā
著者 潘紫瀅 =Pan, Tzu-ying
出版サイト https://web.nhu.edu.tw/
出版地嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード正念=mindfulness; 三十七道品=the thirty-seven Bodhi-Pakkhiyā Dhammā; 五根=the five faculties; 五力=the five powers; 七覺支=the seven branches of enlightenment; 八正道=the eightfold path of the noble ones

Through the last forty years, some western countries have removed the religious connotation of 'Mindfulness' to apply it widely in various ways, such as helping clients to reduce pain, to relieve stress, to quite addictions, to prevent from depression recurrence, and etc. The western mindfulness-based therapy is derived from Buddhist scriptures and adopts the small part of elements which benefit body and mind. It's definition towards 'Mindfulness', as well as the ways and the purpose of practicing mindfulness, however, have significant differences from the mindfulness taught by Buddha.
  Mindfulness is the dharma practice taught by Buddha 2,500 years ago. It is one factor of the Thirty-Seven Bodhi-Pakkhiyā Dhammā. Through the four domains of the body, feelings/sensations, mind/consciousness, and dhammās, mindfulness is used for practicing steady awareness and forming wise insights in order to see through all the arising, abiding, changing and extinction of everything. The Thirty-Seven Bodhi-Pakkhiyā Dhammā includes the following seven sets of system: the four correct efforts, the four foundations, the four limbs of miraculous powers, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven branches of enlightenment and the eightfold path of the noble ones. They are the essence of Dharma, the expansion of the threefold training, and the extension of the noble eightfold paths. They are the way of turning to be noble ones and being enlightened, as well as the path of being free from live and death, being liberated from samsara.
  This study aims to investigate how the four correct efforts, the four limbs of miraculous powers, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven branches of enlightenment, and the eightfold path of the noble ones are mutual intertwined, as well as the relationship of mutual reinforcement among them. Mindfulness runs through all the dharma teachings and as a factor of enrichment towards each pakkhiyā dhammā. It empowers the Stages of The Path to Enlightenment, gets ride of the five hindrances of ignorance, frees the attachments of five sense pleasures, and relinquishes the view about a real personality. It sees all appearances with wisdom and realizes that they arise conditionally without permanence and have no self-nature, dispels the four wrong thoughts (what is impermanent as permanent, what is miserable as happiness, what is impure as pure, and what is selfless as having a self), truly experiences the three marks of existence, stops all the contaminated things and reaches ultimate nirvana.
目次致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
【縮略語與略符】 v
目次 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 3
第二節 研究背景與研究範圍 4
一、研究背景 4
二、研究範圍 7
第三節 問題意識與歷來重要研究成果回顧 11
一、問題意識 11
二、歷來重要研究成果回顧 12
第四節 研究方法與論文架構 16
一、研究方法 16
二、論文架構 17
第二章 正念在初期佛典之概述─以《大念處經》為主 19
第一節 正念在經典之樣貌 19
第二節 修習正念之方式 20
一、身念處 22
二、受念處 30
三、心念處 32
四、法念處 36
第三節 修習正念之利益 44
第三章 三十七菩提分法之探討 47
第一節 四念處 50
第二節 四正勤 54
第三節 四神足 57
第四節 五根五力 60
第五節 七覺支 64
第六節 八正道 68
第四章 正念與三十七菩提分法系統之交涉 74
第一節 正念與四正勤之交涉 74
第二節 正念與四神足之交涉 76
第三節 正念與五根五力之交涉 79
第四節 正念與七覺支之交涉 82
第五節 正念與八正道之交涉 86
第五章 結論 93
第一節 研究結果 93
第二節 研究限制 97
第三節 未來展望 97
參考文獻 99
一、經論原典 99
二、專書著作 100
三、學位論文 104
四、期刊論文 105
五、工具書 106
六、網路資源 106

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