

兩岸文化創意產業的政策發展和商業模式―以茶禪文化為例=The Policy Development and Business Model of the Tea-Zen Cultural and Creative Industries in Mainland China and Taiwan
著者 彭鈺陵 (著)=Peng, Yu-Ling (au.)
出版サイト https://www.tku.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード文化創意產業=Creative Industries; 茶禪文化=Tea-Zen Cultural; 政策發展=Policy Development; 商業模式=Business Model

The cultural and creative industry is one of the focuses of national development. The Tea-Zen culture is not a modern term, and it has been circulating for hundreds of years. Combining the Tea-Zen culture with the cultural and creative industries can help the Tea-Zen culture spread far-reaching and drive the future economic development. This thesis focuses on the study of the policy development and business model of the cultural and creative industries and Tea-Zen culture in mainland China and Taiwan. It is divided into national and enterprise levels to study the comparative differences between the two sides.
At the national level of cultural and creative industries, cross-strait policy development differs from the characteristics of national conditions in terms of political goals, political subjects, political processes, policy strategies, and policy objects. Policy development and the government directly reflect the current state of industrial development and its effects. China''s cultural system reform and the addition of the "Culture +" model will help the industry to develop. Meanwhile, Taiwan''s cultural and creative industry policy system is good, but there is room for improvement for the future. (By identifying the policy differences, advantages and disadvantages between mainland China and Taiwan, it is relevant to investigate further at the enterprise level.)
At the enterprise level of the cultural and creative industries, this study discusses the business model of the Tea-Zen culture and creative industries by means of "case study" and "cross-strait comparison", and proposes four existing practical examples for analysis and comparison. Utilizing Osterwalder''s nine business model categories, similarities among the four cases are discovered, thus the main commonalities and differences of the Tea-Zen cultural and creative industries business models between mainland China and Taiwan can be discussed. Both the development model and the business model take different forms. Across the strait, both sides aim for commercial interests and transmission of culture. While the business model of mainland China is collective oriented, with a large number of internal projects to obtain funds and a strong domestic demand market; Taiwan is a private enterprise-based orientation, and it develops industries with the concept of creativity and high added value. In terms of value proposition, revenue stream, and policy development, we can verify the practical differences between mainland China and Taiwan. In the development of cultural and creative industries in Taiwan, the Tea-Zen culture can be included as one of the development goals. Innovation and creativity are the biggest advantages of Taiwanese, and Taiwan has a wealth of Tea-Zen resources. Cross-strait exchanges and cooperation can be enhanced in the cultural and creative industries. Combining China''s national power and financial resources with Taiwan''s creativity and ingenuity, both sides can organize events, corporate exchanges or adopt any other means to jointly promote Tea-Zen culture. From a macroscopic point of view, the Tea-Zen culture and creati
目次中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究途徑與研究方法 4
第三節 研究架構與章節安排 7
第四節 研究範圍與研究限制 9
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 名詞定義與意涵 11
第二節 文創產業政策發展之文獻 17
第三節 文創產業商業模式之文獻 18
第四節 文獻探討與本研究預期貢獻 19
第三章 兩岸文化創意產業的政策發展 21
第一節 中國大陸文創產業的政策與概況 21
第二節 臺灣文創產業的政策與概況 26
第三節 兩岸文化創意產業政策發展之比較 32
第四章 兩岸茶禪文化創意產業的商業模式 37
第一節 中國大陸茶禪文創產業發展概況 37
第二節 中國大陸茶禪文創企業個案 39
壹、 實例一:農業的區域品牌―大佛龍井 39
貳、 實例二:心靈旅遊與文化體驗—西渚雲湖茶禪小鎮 42
參、 實例三:吳興西塞山旅遊度假區與茶禪紀錄片《霞慕北飛》 45
肆、 實例四:象窩山生態園區與微電影《茶禪一味》 49
第三節 臺灣茶禪文創產業發展概況 51
第四節 臺灣茶禪文創企業個案 52
壹、 實例一:重建文創的新生命―大溪老茶廠 52
貳、 實例二:日式茶道的新創意—大寮茶文館 55
參、 實例三:修行者的創意餐廳—食養山房 57
肆、 實例四:禪式景觀藝術餐廳—又見一炊煙 59
第五章 兩岸茶禪文化創意產業商業模式之比較 63
第一節 中國大陸茶禪文創產業實例比較 63
第二節 臺灣茶禪文創產業實例比較 73
第三節 兩岸茶禪文創產業實例比較 78
第六章 結論與建議 84
參考文獻 89


表 1 1 本文研究架構 7
表 2 1中國國家統計局文化及相關產業分類 13
表3 1 2012-2017年文創產業產值與其占GDP比 25
表3 2 2012-2017年臺灣文化創意產業營業額與其占GDP比 29
表 3 3 2012-2017年臺灣文化相關產業就業人員 30
表3 4兩岸文化創意產業政策發展之比較 32
表3 5兩岸政策發展效果之比較 35
表3 6 兩岸文創產業政策發展優劣勢之整理 36
表4 1吳興西塞山重要旅遊項目與投資企業 45
表5 1中國茶禪文創企業簡介彙整 64
表5 2中國茶禪文創企業的目標客層彙整 65
表5 3 中國茶禪文創企業的顧客關係彙整 66
表5 4 中國茶禪文創企業的價值主張彙整 67
表5 5中國茶禪文創企業的關鍵活動彙整 68
表5 6 中國茶禪文創企業的關鍵資源彙整 69
表5 7 中國茶禪文創企業的關鍵合作夥伴彙整 71
表5 8 中國茶禪文創企業的通路彙整 71
表5 9 臺灣茶禪文創企業簡介彙整 73
表5 10 臺灣茶禪文創觀光產業之商業模式 75
表5 11 臺灣茶禪文創食產業之商業模式 77
表5 12 兩岸茶禪文創產業企業的共通性 79
表6 1兩岸茶禪文創產業商業模式的共通性與差異性 85


圖 1-1本文研究架構圖 7
圖 2 1文化創意產業的範疇 12
圖3 1 中國大陸文化創意產業經費與總支出比重 23
圖 3 2 2016-2018年文創產業企業營業額與成長率圖 24
圖 3 3中國大陸居民人均文化消費支出 25
圖 3 4中國大陸文化創意產業相關文化單位機構數及從業人員 26
圖 3 5臺灣文創政策與發展歷程 27
圖 3 6臺灣中央與地方文化支出預算及占總預算比重 28
圖 3 7臺灣每戶家庭文化消費支出 30
圖 3 8 2012-2017年臺灣文創產業之內外銷 32
圖4 1 大佛龍井的商業模式圖 42
圖4 2 西渚雲湖茶禪小鎮的商業模式圖 45
圖4 3 吳興西塞山旅遊度假區的商業模式圖 48
圖4 4 象窩山生態園區的商業模式圖 51
圖4 5 大溪老茶廠的商業模式圖 54
圖4 6 大寮茶文館的商業模式圖 56
圖4 7 食養山房的商業模式圖 59
圖4 8 又見一炊煙的商業模式圖 61

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