

著者 吳宣瑾 =Wu, Hsuan-chin
出版サイト https://website.fgu.edu.tw/
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード《瑜伽師地論》 =Yogacarabhumi-sastra; 生死循環=The cycle of birth and death Dependent-Origination; 生死意涵=The meaning of life and death Life education; 生命教育=Life education; 十二因緣= Dependent-Origination; 業=karma

Yogacarabhumi-sastra (Yogācārabhūmi-śāstra) , composed in India about between 300 and 350 CE; translated into Chinese by Xuanzang from 646 to 648. In East Asia authorship is attributed to Maitreya, but Tibetan tradition considers it to have been composed by Asanga. This thesis is elucidated to a study of Yogacarabhumi-sastra about the exposition of human life and death.
What is the intrinsic quality of life? ”All that are born will die”; it is always the truth of the mundane world. “Death” means the man vanishes, no longer exists any more; we all know that sooner or later, death will come. The most important thing in life is death; people desire to live and hate to die, but all living beings die, as a creature, nobody can escape death. In Buddhism, one’s death is not the end, a living body can die, but its consciousness never dies, is known as “to be reborn”, it means to go from here to there. When people comprehend the extreme meaning of the life and death, he will be able to overcome the death. The aim of this paper is to investigate the training of the mind at the last moment of life, and to help our life change for the better angles.
According to the teachings of the Yogacarabhumi-sastra: 「Dependent-Origination」 is the highest principle for life in the universe. In Buddhism, the twelve stages in the cycle of birth and death, beginning with delusion arising from karma conditions, until the last death, and then starting the cycle again. Everything in the world has its cause, nothing arises without a cause. If you want to get rid of suffering, you have to find out the cause. When the cause has been eradicated, there will not be any effect. We must know the law of cause and effect, whether we do anything, we have planted a cause in our mind; karma is because of our actions, this is the law of karma and its consequence. Many people think that they have done nothing wrong in this life; they should not deserve bad karma effects, but in fact, we must accept retribution for what we did in the past. When the causes and conditions ripen, wholesome actions bring positive results, unwholesome actions bring negative results.
This dissertation discusses the conception of Yogacarabhumi-sastra from the viewpoint of life-and-death studies. Everybody is moving towards the end of life: the body is getting older and weaker; this is the reason why people are seeking the true path which leads the life to the cessation of suffering. What is the cause of birth and death? How to get liberation from cyclic existence (samara) and suffering? The mind needs to be controlled by exercises, stop our affliction and habitual negative thoughts; we have to cultivate the good thoughts and training our intrinsic mind. How to have a good thought and positive thinking to die during the end of human life? It is not only at the last moment of our life that our mind should be mindful, but should be this way also during the daily life. Right practice brings the real benefits for living a meaningful life, if we have a com
目次摘要 i
目次 v
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的 5
一、研究動機 5
二、研究目的 6
第二節 研究主題與研究架構7
一、研究主題 7
二、研究架構 8
第三節 研究方法和研究範圍10
一、研究方法 10
二、研究範圍 11
第一節 《瑜伽師地論》文本介紹12
一、釋瑜伽名 12
二、本論的地位及特色 14
三、《瑜伽師地論》的立論基礎 16
四、《瑜伽師地論》的組成 17
五、漢譯與藏譯註疏及相關論書 19
六、《瑜伽師地論》之傳承與譯出 20
第二節 文獻回顧23
一、碩博士論文 23
二、期刊論文 27
三、研究專書 32
第三章《瑜伽師地論》有關生死之闡述 34
第一節 何謂死? 34
一、死亡的原因有那些? 34
二、臨命終時的心理狀態 36
三、臨終時的憶念 39
四、臨終前之徵兆 41
五、臨終時的我愛 43
六、命終的解肢節 45
七、調善或不調善死 47
八、識捨所依 48
第二節 何謂生? 50
一、為何會生來這個世界? 50
二、中有及其受生的情況 55
四、中有生處 61
五、起顛倒心而受生 63
第三節 形成生命的因緣 67
一、三處現前得入母胎 67
二、無三障礙得入母胎 68
三、起顛倒覺而便入胎 71
四、和合依託入胎成就 74
五、其它經論入胎之說 77
第四章《瑜伽師地論》有關生命之流轉與還滅 80
第一節 「此有故彼有、此生故彼生」之緣起流轉 80
一、何故緣起說為緣起 80
二、緣起初義 82
三、引生後際諸行 85
四、緣起的中道 86
五、緣起的流轉 87
第二節「此無故彼無、此滅故彼滅」之涅槃還滅 91
一、正見生起 91
二、如理作意 92
三、諸行不起 93
四、戒律的防護 94
五、現法涅槃 95
六、涅槃的深義 96
第三節 胎臟八位 99
一、釋六處之名 99
二、八位之差別 100
三、業感之胎藏 102
四、成胎圓滿與否 104
五、其它經典介紹之胎藏 105
六、受胞胎之苦 107
第四節 業的探討 110
一、業的定義 110
二、業增上之六因 111
三、業的種類差別 115
四、善、惡業之增上果 125
五、其它經論的業報之說 127
六、生命流轉的動力 128
第五章 結論 133
第一節 重視及推廣生死教育 133
第二節 珍惜生命及避免自殺137
第三節 了解要如何得到善終139
參考書目 143

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