佛教孝道觀之研究──以《雜寶藏經》為主=The Research of the Ideology on the Buddhist Filial Piety- Mainly on the Sūtra of Saṃyuktaratna-piṭaka |
著者 |
釋通觀 =Ski, Tong-ghout
出版年月日 | 2015 |
ページ | 121 |
出版者 | 佛光大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 佛光大學 |
学部・学科名 | 佛教學系 |
指導教官 | 釋永東 |
卒業年 | 103 |
キーワード | 雜寶藏經=Sūtra; 終極目標=Saṃyuktaratna-piṭaka .ultimate goal; 棄老=forsaking the old; 父母=parents; 孝道=filial piety; 永續經營=everlasting managemen |
抄録 | 本論文乃以《雜寶藏經》為主,探討佛法中所教導「不棄老」的孝道觀。主要論述是子對父的場域,在違反「棄老」的國法章成中暗行孝道,此孝行感動天神,天神問難於國王,在此關鍵時刻,舉國無能解者,大臣歸去,請問其父,父答子言:『此事易也,天神一一問難於國王,老人一一解其國難。大臣遂告,此乃暗藏地窟老父之智,於是國王廢除「棄老」之法,全國行孝敬「耆老」。不同前人之研究有三: 一、論文重點透過「棄老國緣」之故事,且釐清孝道先後因果關係及與當代對孝道倫理觀結合。 二、以《雜寶藏經》為主軸,以《佛說菩薩戒經》、《佛說盂蘭盆經》等為輔,作為引證談論孝道之思想。考量印度當時社會文化背景實踐孝道對後世的影響,並比較世間與出世間孝道觀的差異性。 三、以《雜寶藏經》孝道思想的故事,作為當代子女對父母盡「大孝」為生命永續經營之終極目標。其研究之價值在於喚醒國家、社會、家庭倫常觀的重視及對舊有社會文化習俗「盡孝道」的弊端,轉化為佛教出世間究竟的孝道觀,為當代社會文化融合後不可忽視的課題。
This thesis is exploring the ideology of filial piety of not forsaking the old people taught in the Buddha dharma on the basis of the Sūtra of Saṃyuktaratna-piṭaka which holds the statement on the occasion of a son and an old father. The story went in the sutra that there was a violation towards the law of “forsaking the old” by a courtier and he behaved stilly in filial piety, which touched the god. Then the god questioned the king of the country. It seemed not so easy to be answered about the question and even nobody can offer the reply in the whole country. Right at the moment, the courtier went back home to ask his father about the question lifted by the god. And the father told his son-the courtier saying “It is easy for that………..” Hence, the questions raised by the god towards the king were entirely solved by the old father. Apparently the king didn’t know who gave the answers to solve the questions. Thereafter the courtier told the king that it was the wisdom of his father hidden in the underground cave to solve the questions. After that, the king rescinded the law of forsaking the old and declared that everybody in the country ought to practice the filial piety to respect the old persons. There are three points asserted in this thesis which are very different from the preceding researchers. 1). The point of the thesis is to narrate the cruciality of filial piety according to the story of forsaking the old cited in the sutra and to elucidate the causality of filial behaviors. 2). The thesis is pivoting on “The Sūtra of Saṃyuktaratna-piṭaka” and then adding the other sūtras such as “The Sūtra of Bodhisattva Precepts” and “The Ullambana Sūtra”to hold the testimonials in the research of the ideology of filial piety. It was the fact to consider that historically the practice of filial piety had a great deal of influences on the descendant under the socio-cultural background in India and to compare the differences between the worldly and monastic understanding of the filial piety. 3). The story within "" Sūtra of Saṃyuktaratna-piṭaka."" is regarded as an ultimate aim of the filial piety of contemporary sons and daughters to their parents for the sustainable life. Thus, the value of this research is to arouse people paying attention to the ethics of the national, community and family as well as the malpractice of modern culture of filial piety. Then, it would be an important issue to melt the filial piety with Buddhists’ otherworldly philosophy into contemporary society and culture. |
目次 | 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 Ⅴ 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與範圍 4 第三節 文獻回顧 5 第四節 研究困難與限制 15 第二章《雜寶藏經》之發展與演變 19 第一節《雜寶藏經》之譯者 19 第二節《雜寶藏經》的流傳與價值 31 第三節《雜寶藏經》的流傳與價值省思 35 第三章 《雜寶藏經》孝道觀在中國之起源與開展 45 第一節《雜寶藏經》孝道觀之起源 45 第二節《雜寶藏經》孝道觀之開展 52 第三節《雜寶藏經》孝道觀在中國開展之影響 56 第四節 儒家之孝道思想(新僧 60 第四章 《雜寶藏經》孝道思想對當代生命哲學之省思 68 第一節 孝道觀的基本概念 68 第二節 《雜寶藏經》孝道故事對生命之啟示 83 第三節 生命理想之孝道觀實踐方法 94 第四節 孝道觀精神之開展 97 第五章 結論與展望 104 第一節 結論 104 第二節 展望 107 參考資料 108 佛教典籍和古籍 108 期刊論文與學報 110 其它參考資料 112
ヒット数 | 365 |
作成日 | 2022.09.28 |
更新日期 | 2023.01.06 |

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