

鳩摩羅什禪經中的「念佛三昧」觀=Examining the Significance of Buddhānusmṛti-samādhi In Kumārajīva’s Meditation Texts
著者 葉慧敏 (著)
掲載誌 全國佛學論文聯合發表會論文集(第32屆)
ページ1 - 51
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
キーワードBuddhānusmṛti-samādhi=念佛; Meditation=念佛三昧; Kumārajīva=鳩摩羅什; Mahāyāna Buddhism=大乘佛教
抄録Buddhānusmṛti (念佛/佛隨念), the Sanskrit term for mindfulness of the Buddha, has been popularised as a key liturgical and ritual formula in the form of invocating the Buddha’s name in Mahāyāna uddhism today. The study of buddhānusmṛti specifically as a form of meditative practice in this paper, provides significant discussions relevant to Buddhists, scholars and those who are interested in understanding the deeper theoretical and historical underpinnings behind buddhānusmṛti, a practice traceable to the teachings of the historical Buddha and his accomplished disciples. When uddhānusmṛti is regarded and legitimately carried out as a meditation practice beyond the literal ecitation of a uddha’s name, buddhānusmṛti-samādhi (念佛三昧) — the absorption of mindfulness of the Buddha, is attainable. In Kumārajīva’s (344–413 CE) biographies, he is not described as a master of meditation, but is lauded for his prowess as a reciter of texts and an exegete. Yet the meditation texts that he translated in the fifth century were among the earliest texts on this subject to appear in China, and are important material not only for understanding the kind of content to which fifth-century Chinese uddhists interested in meditation would likely have been exposed to, but also for their considerable
influence on later developments of Mahāyāna meditation practice. The present research attempts at exploring the practice of buddhānusmṛti-samādhi within the context of Kumārajīva’s corpus of four meditation texts, namely The Sūtra on the Concentration of Sitting Meditation (T15n614 Zuo chan sanmei jing 《坐禪三昧經》); The Essential Explanation of the Methods of Meditation (T15n616 Chan fa yaojie 《禪法要解》); The Discourse on the Essential Secrets of Meditation (T15n613 Chan mi yaofa jing 《禪祕要法經》); and The Outlining Way of Contemplation (T15n617 Siwei lue yaofa 《思惟略要法》), establishing his contributions to Mahāyāna meditation practice with his transmission of buddhānusmṛti-samādhi. The methodology of textual studies is employed specifically on Kumārajīva’s meditation texts in the Chinese Buddhist Canon as well as texts on buddhānusmṛti in early Buddhism. This is combined with a synthesis and building upon of present disparate research efforts, to answer the following uestions: What is the practice and transmission of buddhānusmṛti-samādhi from the perspective of Kumārajīva’s entire corpus of meditation texts? How does the presentation of Buddhānusmṛti-samādhi
compare across his meditation texts? Through this study I hope to provide a clearer picture of Kumārajīva’s contribution to Mahāyāna meditation practice with his transmission of buddhānusmṛti-samādhi, positing that Kumārajīva’s meditation texts were skillful selections of innovative practical methods of meditation that are steeped in the teachings of the Buddha, that were also able to better meet the needs and inclinations of their contemporaries, and supersede previous limitations.

Buddhānusmṛti,梵文術語為佛隨念,本文簡稱為念佛,已成為大乘佛教中關鍵的修行公式或方法。本論文以念佛為一種禪法實踐作為研究對象,為佛教徒、學者和那些有興趣瞭解念佛背後更深層次的理論和歷史基礎者提供相關的討論。當念佛超越了字面上持唸佛的名號,念佛三昧(Buddhānusmṛti-samādhi)是可以達成的。在鳩摩羅什(344–413CE)的傳記中,他沒有被稱為禪師,反而是以他的譯經和釋經能力享譽。但他在五世紀時所編譯和撰集出的禪經,卻是在中國所出現關於禪法的早期重要經文,對於瞭解五世紀中國佛教徒所接觸到的禪法,和之後對於大乘禪法所產生的影響,是很重要的史料。本研究試圖透過鳩摩羅什五世紀時所編譯的四部禪經(《坐禪三昧經》、《禪法要解》、《禪祕要法經》、和《思惟略要法》),探討其中的「念佛三昧」觀,以及鳩摩羅什對大乘菩薩禪法實踐的具體貢獻。透過文獻分析法對鳩摩羅什所編譯的禪經,以及有關於念佛觀的初期佛教經典進行分析和比較,加上整合現今學術界的相關研究內容,試圖回應以下問題:何謂「念佛三昧」的傳承和實踐的發展脈絡?從鳩摩羅什禪經的角度而言, 「念佛三昧」的實踐如何被詮釋?「念佛三昧」的詮解在鳩摩羅什所編譯的禪經中有何異同之處?筆者希望通過本研究能夠釐清鳩摩羅什所傳的 「念佛三昧」觀對於大乘菩薩禪法發展的具體貢獻。本文推斷鳩摩羅什在禪經中所傳的「念佛三昧」觀是選擇具有創新性及實用的禪修實踐方法,這些方法作為佛陀教誨的一種承先啟後,能夠更好地滿足該時代的需求和傾向,以超越之前的局限性。
目次I. Introduction 4
II. The Practice of Buddhānusmṛti-samādhi 6
III. Kumārajīva’s Meditation Texts 15
IV. Conclusion 44

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