

極樂世界之情器莊嚴—以淨土三經為探討依據=A Study on the Environment and Sentient Beings of Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in Three Sutras of the Pure-Land Buddhism
著者 羅婕伃 (著)
出版サイト https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード西方淨土=Western Pure Land; 阿彌陀佛=Amitabha; 情器世界=World of Sentient Beings and Container; 淨土三經=Three Sutras of the Pure-Land Buddhism; Forty-eight Vows

In Dharma-Ending Age, the Pure Land Buddhism leaning is prevalent. Only, if it is expected to make some contributions to Buddhism learning, people have to gain certain understanding of the natural scenes and sattva’s living situations. In the first place, it can reflect the weaknesses of the environment in the sahā world, which is in contrast with strengths of the Pure Land emphasizing the beauty and perfectness of the Pure Land, and attracting people’s eagerness to go to this world. Secondly, such understanding of the natural scenes and sattva’s living situations can be a reliable reference if people aim at practicing dharma and speculation. Thirdly, people can get familiar with the local customs and traditions as preparations for one’s death in the future. Consequently, this paper is mainly supported by Three Sutras of the Pure-Land Buddhism as the main materials basically, while it is supplemented by the works of Pure Land Patriarch. By such way, we can strictly and seriously probe into the academic exploration into the Pure Land, wishing to construct a complete contour of the Pure Land as consultancy for those who are determined to go to this Pure Land. At the same time, the contour of the Pure Land can be provided to the Buddhist art .workers as the foundation of their creations. In short, all abovementioned is what motivates the researcher to compose this thesis.
This paper illustrates according to three points— “the Pure Land’s Environment”, “the sattva’ in the Pure Land”, and “the border land to Amitabhaʼs Pure Land”. “The Pure Land’s Environment” is categorized into four guidelines; namely, “the Great Land”, “Underground”, “On the Ground”, and “In the Sky”. In each guideline, it is further classified into “the substance” (body), “the appearance” (image), and “the function” (usage) for exploration. As for “the sattva’ in the Pure Land”, there are 4 guidelines—“Amitabha”, “Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva”, “Mahāsthāmaprāpta Bodhisattva”, and “the Residents in the Pure Land”. It is recounted with the directions of the body shape and appearance, the illuminated brightness, God’s inspiration, practice, daily life, and etc. At last, the border land to Amitabhaʼs Pure Land primarily discusses the environment of the local land and the living condition of the sattva, while digging into the causes for people to come to this place and the method(s) to get rid of this place.
This research conducts the detailed and solid examination of the context and environment of the Pure Land and sattva. In addition, based on Buddha’s aspired wish, it explores the causes that form the Pure Land, and illustrates the symbolic implication of each supreme scene. By means of the three elements of the interpretative framework, the cause (Amitabha’s wish), the effect (the scene of the Pure Land), and the dharma (containing doctrines), it is expected to integrate the Pure Land with the Doctrines, so the readers can conceive be the implication of Buddhism in the Pure Land. Truly, this is exactly the motivation of this research.
目次摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 1
第三節 文獻回顧 2
一、專書 3
二、論文 5
第四節 章節架構 7
第二章 淨土三經之譯會注疏與經文要義 9
第一節《無量壽經》 9
一、《無量壽經》原譯本 9
二、《無量壽經》會校本 12
三、《無量壽經》之注疏 14
第二節《佛說觀無量壽佛經》 18
一、《佛說觀無量壽佛經》原譯本 18
二、《佛說觀無量壽佛經》之注疏 19
第三節《阿彌陀經》 23
一、《阿彌陀經》原譯本 23
二、《阿彌陀經》之注疏 25
第三章 極樂世界正邦之器世間 29
第一節 極樂世界之概說 29
一、極樂世界之因 29
二、極樂世界名字 30
三、極樂世界位置 31
四、極樂世界概述 32
第二節 極樂世界之大地莊嚴 32
一、組成要素 33
二、相狀描述 36
三、功德力用 38
第三節 極樂世界之地下莊嚴 39
一、七寶幢 39
二、七寶池 40
三、八功德水 44
四、蓮華 49
第四節 極樂世界之地上莊嚴 55
一、寶樹和道場樹 55
二、宮殿樓閣 64
第五節 極樂世界之空中莊嚴 66
一、德風 66
二、華雨 69
三、化鳥 71
第四章 極樂世界正邦之有情世間 77
第一節 極樂世界之教主 77
一、彌陀之華座 77
二、彌陀之形相 79
三、彌陀之名號 80
四、彌陀之光明 83
五、彌陀之壽量 86
六、彌陀之行事 88
第二節 極樂世界之兩大脇士 93
一、觀世音菩薩 93
二、大勢至菩薩 98
第三節 極樂世界之國中天人 102
一、天人整體之略述 102
二、天人之身形容貌 106
三、天人之神通力用 111
四、天人之受用福報 115
第五章 極樂世界之邊地疑城 131
第一節 邊地之往生因由 131
第二節 邊地之情器世間 133
第六章 結論 139
參考文獻 146
一、經論 146
二、近人論著 149
三、期刊論文 150
四、學位論文 151
五、網站資料 152

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