

越南淨土思想與「九品蓮花塔」之研究=A Study in the Thought of the Pure Land and the Nine-Graded Lotus Stupa in Vietnam
著者 釋潤義 (著)=杜明孝 (au.)
出版サイト https://buddhist.fgu.edu.tw/
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教官李貴民= Lee, Kuei-ming, 郭鳳妍=Kuo, Feng-yen
キーワード越南= Vietnam; 淨土思想= Pure Land Buddhism; 淨土變相= Pure Land in Popular Illustration; 九品蓮花塔= the Nine-Graded Lotus Stupa
抄録 本文以越南淨土思想與「九品蓮花塔」為研究主題。越南與中國之間長期頻繁的交往,促使彌陀淨土信仰傳入越南。早期越南淨土出現念佛法門,可能與五世紀釋曇弘(?-455)在仙山寺讀誦《觀無量壽經》與《無量壽經》的事蹟有關。基本上,此時的淨土信仰、淨土思想明顯比較純粹。在李陳時期 (1009-1400),佛教興盛,彌陀淨土也隨之發展,出現了阿彌陀佛塑像和淨土論。其中,李聖宗(1023-1072)是草堂禪師的第一代弟子,他於1057年創作了阿彌陀佛的石像。此外,陳太宗(1218-1277)著有《念佛論》一書。在李聖宗和陳太宗的時代,且興起了超渡法會。其中,李聖宗還為夫人靈仁皇后舉辦往生淨土的光照燈會。儘管當時淨土思想受到皇室的重視,但關於淨土論的發展相對較為有限。
This thesis explores the development of Pure Land Buddhism and ‘the Nine-Graded Lotus Stupa’ in Vietnam. The long-standing and frequent interactions between Vietnam and China have led to the spread of the Buddha Amitābha faith in Vietnam. Early Pure Land Buddhism practice of chanting the Buddha’s name appeared in Vietnam, possibly influenced by the eminent Master Tánhóng’s (?-455) who recited the Amitāyurdhyānasūtra and the Longer Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra in the fifth century at Jiāozhǐ Xiānshān Temple. This initial transmission of the Pure Land faith and thought was rather pure and simple during this time. During the period of the Lý (1009-1225) and Trần (1225-1400) dynasties, Buddhism flourished, and along with it, the development of Buddha Amitābha occurred bringing about the emergence of statues of Buddha Amitābha and treatises related to the Pure Land practice. Among the disciples, Emperor Lý Thánh Tông (1023-1072) was the first-generation disciple of Master Thảo Đường (997-?), and he was commissioned to create a stone statue of Buddha Amitābha in 1057. Additionally, Trần Thái Tông (1218–1277), the founding emperor of the next dynasty, published the treatise Niệm Phật Luận (Niànfó Lùn or Buddha-Contemplation Treatise) during his reign. Transference-salvation ceremonies for the deceased also gained popularity during the periods of Emperors Lý Thánh Tông and Trần Thái Tông. Lý Thánh Tông even held a candlelight vigil for his wife, Empress Linh Nhân, to be reborn in the Pure Land. Yet, although Pure Land faith and practice were valued by the royal court at that time, native Pure Land treatises were relatively limited.
However, by the 17th century, numerous Zen monastics from China came to Vietnam to do missionary work and introduce new elements to Buddhism. Apart from the canonical Pure Land scriptures, native Vietnamese Zen monastics began to write their own commentaries related to Pure Land, with the most representative figure being Zen Master Chân Nguyên (1647-1726). Today, Vietnamese Buddhist followers commonly practice chanting “Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật” and believe in the possibility of rebirth in the Pure Land through the power of assisted prayer. These practices and creeds are the principal manifestations of the historical transmission and development of Pure Land Buddhism in Vietnam, reflecting both the breadth and depth of the Vietnamese Buddhist cultural heritage.
As the Pure Land school in Vietnam developed, there gradually emerged a conceptualization of the visualization of the Pure Land, a way of embodying the abstract notions of the Pure Land. In the 14th century, Zen Master Huyền Quang (1254-1334) constructed the ‘Nine-Graded Lotus Stupa’ for the first time, which differed from earlier Chinese representations of the Pure Land. This uniqueness represents a distinctive feature of Vietnamese Buddhism. From the 14th century to the present, the four types of ‘Nine-Graded Lotus Stupa’ have been found, including stone, ceramic, wooden, and masonry structures stupa. Wooden stupas are particularly impressive, showcasing exquisite carvings that embody fantastic visions of the Pure Land. Such architectural treasures contribute three aspects of significance: to th
目次摘要 I
誌謝辭 IV
目次 V
圖目次 VII
表目次 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
第二節 研究範圍與方法 4
第三節 文獻回顧與章節架構 5
第二章 中國淨土思想與九品蓮花 11
第一節 淨土傳入到禪淨合流 11
第二節 淨土變相「九品蓮花」 15
第三節 小結 19
第三章 淨土思想在越南的發展 20
第一節 淨土思想傳入越南 21
第二節 越南淨土思想發展 22
第三節 淨土具體表現形成 31
第四節 小結 39
第四章 越南「九品蓮花塔」 40
第一節 越南北部「九品蓮花塔」 41
第二節 越南九品蓮花塔的演變 59
第三節 小結 67
第五章 珍寶:木構九品蓮花塔 69
第一節 木構塔的特殊性 69
第二節 木構塔的傳承性 122
第三節 九品塔的價值性 124
第四節 小結 130
第六章 結論 132
參考資料 138
附錄 146

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