達至「心清淨」: 帕奧禪師的「入出息念」教禪文本之 引導解析∗=A Guideline for Achieving “Purification of Consciousness”: the Interpretation of Master Pa-Auk’s Teaching Text of Mindfulness-of-Breathing |
著者 |
陳法菱 (著)
掲載誌 |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly
巻号 | n.107 |
出版年月日 | 2023.12.25 |
ページ | 67 - 126 |
出版者 | 正觀雜誌社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 入出息念=Anāpānasati; 上座部禪修=TheravAda Meditation; 緬甸佛教=Myanmar Buddhism; 帕奧禪師=Pa Auk Tawya SayAdaw; 定力=Concentration; 觀禪=Insight Meditation; 敘事=Narrative |
抄録 | 《入出息念經》的十六事貫穿止禪與觀禪,第一至四事是 為了獲證初禪至四禪。依此四步驟可以穩定達到「七清淨」的 第二清淨——「心清淨」。帕奧禪林的禪修者具有高比例獲證入 出息念禪那,儼然成為該寺院的禪法識別標幟。藉由該禪修社 群的集體禪修成效,可以推論帕奧禪師的入出息念止禪教禪文 本對於學禪者獲證四種禪那,理應具有禪修引導功能。透過田 野研究,本文試圖貼近教禪與學禪的實踐樣態。首先,藉由緬 語最新中譯的教禪文本所顯示的語句,解析帕奧禪師如何引導 學禪者於內心工作而達到「心清淨」的結果。再者,從這個文 本將呼吸、禪相、定力三者的轉變關係滙整成「入出息念定力 線性歷程表」。最後,從禪修實踐的四層因果關係,解釋帕奧禪 師主張「入出息念第四禪是觀禪基礎」的理由,確立「心清淨」 是直觀「意門」與「名色法」的起點。
The sixteen steps of Mindfulness-of-Breathing encompass Samatha and VipassanA meditation. The goal of the first four steps is to develop four jhAnas. By following these four steps, practitioners can gradually achieve Purification of Consciousness, the second one of “ Seven Sorts of Purification of Consciousness”. Since a high proportion of meditators at Pa-Auk Monastery have attained SamAdhi through Mindfulness-of Breathing, the meditative method has become the hallmark of the monastery. The effectiveness of the collective meditation in the meditation group suggests that Master Pa-Auk’s teaching text can serve as a guideline for meditators to attain the realization of four jhAnas. This paper undertakes to the teaching and learning state for meditation practice through Field Study. First, based on the Burmese-to-Chinese new translation, this paper demonstrates how Master Pa-Auk instructs the practitioners to work in their mind to achieve the result of Purification of Consciousness. Next, this paper turns the transformation of breathing, nimitta, and concentration of meditation, and intensity of concentration into a linear diagram of “ the Progression of Mindfulness-of Breathing”. Finally, based on the four-layer causality of interprets Master Pa-Auk’s contention that the fourth jhAna of Mindfulness of-Breathing is the foundation of VipassanA meditation, affirming that Purification of Consciousness is the starting point for discerning “Mind Door” and “Mentality and Materiality”. |
目次 | 第一節 前言 69 第二節 本文所依教禪文本的來源與解析方式 76 第三節 培育入出息念定力的準備期 86 第四節 培育入出息念定力的正修期 92 第五節 考察「入出息念第四禪是觀禪基礎」的理由 104 第六節 結論 115 參考書目 120 |
ISSN | 16099575 (P) |
ヒット数 | 161 |
作成日 | 2024.06.13 |
更新日期 | 2024.06.13 |

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