偈頌‧短文 選讀




1.皈敬偈 (總禮文)



      Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsabuddhassa.


       皈敬 世尊 阿羅漢 正遍覺者


       (Salutatinos to the Blessed One,the Exalted,the Fully Enlightened One !)






       Buddha saraa gacchāmi,                    我歸依佛  


       Dhamma saraa gacchāmi,                   我歸依法


       Sagha saraa gacchāmi.                   我歸依僧


       ( To the Buddha I go for refuge.

        To the Dhamma I go for refuge.

        To the Sangha I go for refuge. )



3.超世偈 (Dhammapada 354)



       Sabbadāna dhammadāna jināti,              眾施經施勝


       Sabba rasa dhammaraso jināti,             眾味道味勝


       Sabba rati dhammarati jināti,            眾樂法樂勝


       Tahakkhayo sabbadukkha jināti.            愛盡勝眾苦



       諸施法施勝 諸味法味勝 諸喜法喜勝 除愛勝諸苦 //了參


       The gift of Truth (dhamma) excels all other gifts ;

       The flavor of Truth excels all other flavors;

       The delight in Truth surpasses all delights;

       The destruction of craving overcomes all suffering.



.通誡偈 (Dhammapada 183)



       Sabbapāpassa akaraaṁ,                          諸惡莫作


       Kusalassa upasampadā,                           眾善奉行


       Sacittapariyodapanaṁ,                            自淨其意


       Eta buddhāna sāsanaṁ.                         是諸佛教


       Not to do any evil, to cultivate good;

       to purify one's mind, this is the Teaching of the Buddhas.



5.緣起法頌 (Vinaya-piaka,I.p.40.L26-29)



       Atha kho āyasmā Assaji Sāriputtassa paribbājakassa


       ima dhammapariyāya abhāsi :


          'Ye dhammā hetuppabhavā,           諸法從緣起


           tesa hetu tathāgato āha,           如來說此因


           tesañ ca yo nirodho,                   彼法因緣盡


           evavādī mahāsamao' ti.              是大沙門說






       Then the venerable Assaji uttered this terse expression of dhamma

       to the wanderer sāriputta :

         " Those things which proceed from a course,

             of these the Truth-finder has told the cause;

          And that which is their stopping --

             the great recluse has such a doctrine."

        ( THE BOOK OF THE DISCIPLINEIV.pp.53-54, P.T.S.)






         。

       真理體得者(如來) 。

         。

       偉大修行者  。 //




6.三相 (tīṇi lakkhaṇāni)



     (1) Aniccalakkhaa (無常相) (Dhammapada 277)


         Sabbe sakhārā aniccā ti                    「一切行無常」,


         Yadā paññāya passati,                         以慧觀照時,


         Atha nibbindati dukkhe.                          得厭離於苦。


         Esa maggo visuddhiyā.                           此乃清淨道。 // 了參




          厭離種種的苦惱,這是至清淨之道。 // 淨海


          'All conditioned things are impermanent',

           when one sees this in wisdom,

           then one becomes dispassionate towards the painful.

           This is the Path to Purity. --- W.Rahula


           "Transient are all composite things " ;

            he who perceives the truth of this

            get disgusted with this world of suffering.

            This is the path to purity. --- H.Kaviratna



     (2) Dukkhalakkhaa (苦相) (Dhammapada 278)


         Sabbe sakhārā dukkhā ti                       「一切行是苦」,


         Yadā paññāya passati,                            以慧觀照時,


         Atha nibbindati dukkhe.                           得厭離於苦。


         Esa maggo visuddhiyā.                           此乃清淨道。 // 了參


          厭離種種的苦惱,這是至清淨之道。 // 淨海


         'All conditioned things are dukkha (Ill)',

          when one sees this in wisdom,

          then one becomes dispassionate towards the painful.

          This is the Path to Purity. --- W.Rahula


         "Sorrowful are all composite things " ;

          he who perceives the truth of this

          get disgusted with this world of suffering.

          This is the path to purity. --- H.Kaviratna



     (3) Anattalakkhaa (無我相) (Dhammapada 279)



         Sabbe dhammā anattā ti                         「一切法無我」,


         Yadā paññāya passati,                           以慧觀照時,


         Atha nibbindati dukkhe.                          得厭離於苦。


         Esa maggo visuddhiyā.                           此乃清淨道。 // 了參




         厭離種種的苦惱,這是至清淨之道。 // 淨海


         'All states (dhamma) are without self',

          when one sees this in wisdom,

          then one becomes dispassionate towards the painful.

          This is the Path to Purity. --- W.Rahula


         'All forms of existence are unreal'(an-attā);

          he who perceives the truth of this

          get disgusted with this world of suffering.

          This is the path to purity. --- H.Kaviratna



7.無常偈 (Mahāparinibbānasuttanta,D.II.p.157.L6-9)

       Parinibbute Bhagavati saha parinibbānā


       Sakko devānam indo ima gātha abhāsi :


         'Aniccā vata sakhārā, uppāda-vaya-dhammino;


         Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti, tesa vūpasamo sukho' ti.







        When the Exalted One died,Sakka,the king of the gods,

        at the moment of his passing away from existence,

        uttered this stanza :-

          'They're transient all, each being's parts and powers,

          Growth is their very nature, and decay.

          They are produced, they are dissolved again :

          To bring them all into subjection --that is bliss.'  (P.T.S.)






   Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī-sikkhāpada samādiyāmi.


   Adinnādānā veramaṇī-sikkhāpada samādiyāmi.


   Kāmesu micchācārā veramaṇī-sikkhāpada samādiyāmi.


   Musāvādā veramaṇī-sikkhāpada samādiyāmi.


   Surā-meraya-majja-pamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī-sikkhāpada samādiyāmi.



   我受持不殺生戒 / 我受持不偷盜戒 / 我受持不邪婬戒 /

       我受持不妄語戒 / 我受持不飲酒戒 /


        I undertake the precept to abstain from killing living beings.

        I undertake the precept to abstain from taking what is not given.

        I undertake the precept to abstain from misconduct in sensual pleasures.

        I undertake the precept to abstain from false speech.

        I undertake the precept to abstain from wine, liquor,and intoxicants, which are

          the basis of negligence.


9.慈心解脫 (mettā cetovimutti)


       Sabbe sattā                  一切眾生


       Averā hontu,                 願他們都沒有仇怨之心


       Abyāpajjhā hontu,            願他們都不互相侵犯惱害


       Anīghā hontu,                願他們都沒有身心的苦惱


       Sukhī attāna pariharantu.    願他們都善於守護自己,具足安樂。



       (May all beings  be free from enmity,

           May they  not do harm to each other,

           May they  be without affliction (or undisturbed),

           May they  well protect themselves (from all distress) and live happily.)


       ---- Paisambhidā-magga, Vol.II.p.130《無礙解道》-----

       ---- The Path of Discrimination, p.317 (P.T.S.) --------------