世界佛教論壇籌備辦公室=Preparatory Office of the World Buddhist Forum
北京, 中國 [Beijing, China]
會議論文=Proceeding Article
佛教教育的機遇與挑戰=The Opportunities and Challenges Faced by Buddhist Education
Buddhist Education; Education; agains; orthodox
Buddhist Education gave emphasis on the moral, mental and physical development. In later period according to the demand of the society and professional education, art, sculpture, architecture, medicine also included in the syllabus.The main centre of Buddhist Education was Sangharama. Buddhist Education was a strong protest against orthodox Education system.The aim of Buddhist Education is to make a free, wise, intelligent, non-violent and secular man. Students became judicious humanist, logical and free from superstitions. Buddhist Education was wide open and available to the people of all walks of life.The principal goal of the Buddhist Education is to change an unwise to wise, beast to priest.At present Buddhist Education is China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar made tremendous progress with the introduction of modern subjects.