《大般若經.第二會.修治地品》的「菩薩十地」呈現的修道歷程=The Process of Spiritual Cultivation as Revealed in the chapter on “Going Forth on the Stages of The Great Vehicle” in the second Assembly of the Prajbaparamita-Sutras
The thesis mainly states the practice and the study plan, in accordance with the practitioner’s gift, of the “Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi” in the chapter on “Going Forth on the Stages of Ten Great Vehicle” in the second assembly of the Prajbaparamita-sutras. It also discloses that the four guiding principles of practices and learning as revealed in “Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi” are important in themselves. Furthermore, the thesis explores the first stage of boddhisattva in Sajdhi-nirmocana-sutra and Buddhqvatajsaka to direct to the aim of this research: To manifest the fact that a bodhisattva’s practice and learning of “Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi” in the Prajbaparamita-sutras is close to the learning process of the Buddha Ground. In short, a bodhisattva has to put into practice the Six Paramitas and all of the bodhi branches in “Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi” in order to obtain the similar abundant fruit as borne from the chapter on the Ten Stages in Buddhqvatajsaka. Here, the approach to the way of practice and learning and the purport of “Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi” in the Prajbaparamita-sutras is different from the prevalent scholarship. Scholars nowadays tend to hold that the Ten Stages in the Prajbaparamita-sutras are the common stages of the Three Vehicles, which are different from the Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi in the Buddhqvatajsaka.. In the Prajbaparamita-sutras, there co-exist the Common Ten Stages of the Three Vehicles and the Non-common Ten Stages of a Bodhisattva (Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi). If one does not approach it from the text itself and its inherent meaning, one might find it difficult to master the relationship between these two kinds of Ten Stages and is likely to go astray, leading to an improper cognition. Furthermore, the Buddhist scholars have argued over the issue whether Samyaktva-niyama which Bodhisattvas attain by means of Marga-jbana is the Bodhisattva’s first stage or by-passed eight stage of non-returning (acala). The issue concerning the practice paths leading to Bodhisattva;s Ten Stages is very important, since many Buddhist scholars make arguments over it by finding their standpoints from different textual sources. These arguments will be discussed in this study. There are five chapters contains in this thesis which illustrates the practice courses of the Bodhisattva’s Ten Stages. The summery of their main points is as followed. First chapter, an introduction, and a needed guiding to this work. The second chapter is a quick look at the scholarly studies and the sources concerning Bodhisattva’s Ten Stages. Third, the Bodhisattva’s Stage illustrated in the chapter on “Going Forth on the stages of Ten Great Vehicle” in the second assembly of the Prajbaparamita-sutras. The three ways achieving the Buddha stage, the fundamental of the Bodhisattva’s stages, are Bodhisattva’s four stages, the ten stages of three vehicles, and the ten Bodhisattva’s stages. The fourth, the practice arrangements for their suitable practitioners, demonstrated in the chapter on “Going Forth on the Stages o