「聖人」在中國文化中,是一重要的理想境界的追求。以王弼、郭象為代表的玄學,對於「聖人」之論述從「才性」論之,因此,成聖只具偶然性。由於魏晉玄學兼綜先秦儒、道之思想,故回至先秦的儒、道而論,其皆推崇聖人且肯定「聖人」是人人可經由實踐工夫而臻至。所以,王弼、郭象到底對「聖人」是否可經由實踐而至的看法究竟為何?「成聖」對於王、郭而言只具偶然性,蓋王、郭之聖人論是一「直契聖証的」的聖人論,達聖証的聖人是天生人成的,故其論述聖人之境界、工夫皆直指渾融無礙之最終圓境。 晉室南渡,由於「佛學」的影響,翻轉了從玄學以來「以才論聖」之觀點,慧遠、僧肇認為成聖的方式是多元化的;竺道生則肯定「人人皆具成佛之聖性」;謝靈運則站在儒、釋、道三教融通的立場,肯定「心」的能動性:不論是佛、儒家的聖人、道家的真人或至人,都有達到的可能性。因此,從玄學以來「以才論聖」之「成聖只具偶然性」,慢慢地轉變為肯定「心」的能動性,成聖則具普遍性。 所以,筆者首先爬梳出先秦儒、道其思想的終極價值,並從心性的論點檢視,欲證成其終極理境,是人人可藉由其修養工夫而至,而「聖人」即為經由工夫實踐而至的理境。目的是要證明兩家皆有成就個體價值的肯定,而達至最高之理想境界-「聖人」。其次,從心性的論點檢視王弼、郭象的著作,目的是要探究:在先秦的儒、道二家若有心性方面的肯定,為何玄學家在儒道兼綜的基礎下,並不肯定「聖人」可至?第三,筆者從晉室南遷後之佛學著手,以慧遠、僧肇、竺道生、謝靈運的著作為研究對象,並從心性的論點觀察晉室南遷後之代表思想家對「聖人是否可經由學而至」的論點為何。 Saint-Ren is an important aspiring of ideal confines in Chinese culture. Wang-Bi and Guo-Xiang are in the name of Wei-Jin-Xuan-Xue ,and they think Saint-Ren is born to be,therefore,to become Saint-Ren is accidental for eveyone.We must return to Ru-Jia and Dao-Jia to survey Wei-Jin-Xuan-Xue for its thoutghs contain Ru-Jia and Dao-Jia. Ru-Jia and Dao-Jia all enthrone Saint-Ren and affirm that it can be accomplished to arrive by everyone.So how about Wang-Bi and Guo-Xiang’s thoughts of accomplished to the ideal confines? As far as Wang-Bi and Guo-Xiang are concerned, to be Saint-Ren is accidental because their discuss on Saint-Ren is straight to the ideal confines.The person who arrive the ideal confines is born to be. So they all discuss that Saint-Ren and its course which is accomplished to be are from Saint-Ren this ultimate confines. After Jin Dynasty moving to south, Buddhism gradually affects the points that Saint-Ren is born to be.Hui-Yuan and Seng-Zhao think that the way to arrive Saint- Ren is several;Jui-Dao-San affirm that everyone owns Saint-Ren this essence to become Buddha.Xie-Ling-Yun take the ground of intercommunicating of Ru-Jia,Buddism and Dao-Jia and affirm that 「mind」owns the power to be Saint-Re.Therefore,the discuss that Saint-Re is born to be is gradually changed that everyone can through accomplishing to arrive Saint-Ren and this means that to be Saint-Ren is ecumenical. So I will prove that the thoughts of Saint-Ren in Ru-Jia and Dao-Jia are able to be accomplished by everyone.Then I take the ground of Xin-Xing-Lun on Wang-Bi and Guo-Xiang’s text to research that if the thoughts of Ru-Jia and Dao-Jia affirm Saint-Ren could be accomplished by everyone’s spirits,why doesn’t Wei-Jin-Xuan-Xue which intercommunicate the thoughts of Ru-Jia and Dao-Jia affirm that Saint-Ren can be accomplished by everyone’s spirits?Third, After Jin Dynasty moving to south,I take four denotatum-Hui-Yuan, Seng-Zhao, Jui-Dao-San and Xie-Ling-Yun-to prove that Saint-Ren in their theories are gradually to be accomplished by everyone.