There are four chapters in the thesis. First, in Chapter 1 the author tells us that questions related to compassion and the writing motive, methods and key points in the thesis. Secondly, in Chapter 2 he study the meaning of "compassion" in the Canon. As there are differences in the Chinese and Pali Agamas, he separates the two texts in the studying. According to the research, he finds out that there are two kinds of compassion, one an experience in daily life, the other the meditational practice of the Four Immeasurable. And the former is the basis of the later and the later deepen the former. Then in Chapter3, there are two sections to study the "Compassion". One is the Buddha's compassion. The other is the disciple's compassion. And the two are related to the three studies----discipline, meditation, wisdom. In the thesis he also tells us that "compassion" is the reflection of a perfect personality. Moreover in the first section you can find the model of compassion ----Buddha, and in the second section you can find how to practice compassion. Finally, the author conclude and indicate the features of compassion in Agamas. Besides, he try to answer the questions related to compassion and tells us the research that should be done in the future.