
《西遊記》中人物與佛教思想關聯性研究 -以唐僧、悟空、八戒為例=The Connection Between Characters in 《The Journey to The West》and Buddhist Thoughts-The Case of Monk Tang、Wu-Kong、Ba-Jie
作者 廖元平 (著)=Liao, Yuan-ping (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞西遊記=The Journey to The West; 佛教=Buddhism; 唐三藏=Monk Tang; 孫悟空=Wu-Kong; 豬八戒=Ba-Jie

《The Journey to the West》 is the one of the four Chinese masterpieces, which has been circulated for five hundred years. The content is based on the book 《Great Tang Records on the Western Regions》 which recorded historical facts about Tang Sanzang’s journey, and added folklore or authored fictional characters. This novel is rich in Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism.
《The Journey to the West》 is generally considered to be a novel that incorporates Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Some people say that the book worships Buddha and suppresses Taoism. Others think that the book is Taoist, and some people think that it is an expression of dissatisfaction with the government. No matter what kind of background and mentality was used to form this masterpiece, it is undeniable that this is a reflection of society, politics, and the people at that time.
The main focus of this paper will explore in detail the connection between the stories of Monk Tang、Wu-Kong、Ba-Jie and Buddhism, including the connection of Buddhist thoughts.
The author clearly explains the historical background of《The Journey to the West》 in the introduction, and describes the connection between the three mentors and Buddhism in each chapter. Monk Tang, who is just a mortal man, is taught how to lead many extraordinary apprentices to complete the great journey to the west. The chapter discussing Monk Tang includes: Monk Tang showing a human side; the concept of reincarnation in Buddhism; the past and present life; the ten lives of practice of Monk Tang, and why knowing your past lives is still a mystery and why he still does not understand his past lives; let's talk about the various supernatural powers, which is also the most fascinating part of the mysterious novel of 《The Journey to the West》. One of the stories worth pondering is why the ghost gets Monk Tang, but does not eat him immediately for the purpose of long life ? On the other hand, Wu-Kong found the Ginseng fruit and immediately ate it.
The second chapter discusses the reasons for the name of Wu-Kong. The birth of Wu-Kong was weathered by stones. After all, where did he come from? The Monkey King, who was born from heaven, turned from Asura to Buddha. The last part about Wu-Kong is about why it is necessary to tighten the spell and why the other ones have no effect in the book; this is to use restraint and discipline to control the behavior and mind of Wu-Kong. The part of the Ba-Jie is also based on the relationship between the origin of the name of the Ba-Jie and the relationship between the eight customs and fasting; how to arrange the behavior of pigs with the eight precepts, a traitorous person is a hindrance to the learning process and a negative expression, how a retreating heart at any time can help the team. Finally, the ending of 《The Journey to the West》is used to demonstrate why Ru-Lai uses "human affairs" to conclude the main point of this thesis.
目次摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
第二節 研究材料、範圍與方法 3
第三節 前人研究概況、文獻探討 4
第二章 《西遊記》概述 9
第一節 《西遊記》的背景 9
一、 作者 9
二、 故事 11
三、 人物 12
第二節 《西遊記》的架構 13
一、 人物架構 13
二、 時空架構 17
三、 磨難架構 24
第三節 《西遊記》內容概要 26
第三章 《西遊記》中唐僧 29
第一節 六道之人道中人 29
第二節 唐僧如何領眾 37
第三節 人性中的一面 43
第四節 唐三藏的隔陰之迷 46
第五節 五眼六通 52
第六節 吃唐僧肉保長生 58
第四章 《西遊記》中孫悟空 63
第一節 悟空名何來 63
第二節 孫悟空與須菩提祖師 67
第三節 無生之始、光音天人化生 75
第四節 孫悟空是阿修羅 84
第五節 《西遊記》與《金剛經》 97
第六節 緊箍咒-最嚴的戒 100
第五章 《西遊記》中豬悟能 105
第一節 八戒之名與八關齋戒 105
第二節 八戒在取經的功能 109
第三節 小奸小惡 112
第四節 五戒八戒 114
第五節 索人事、紫金缽盂之誤 118
第六章 結論 125
參考文獻 129
古籍(依年代順序排列) 129
原典(西遊記文本) 129
佛教典籍 129
專書(依作者姓氏筆劃順序排列) 129
學位論文(依作者姓氏筆劃順序排列) 131
期刊論文(依姓氏筆劃順序排列) 132
字典(依字首筆劃順序排列) 133
網站資源 133
附錄 134

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