This paper will explore the reality of life and direction in practice taught in the Amitāyurdhyāna-sūtra as follows: (1)In structuring the reality of life within the Buddhist world view upon the liberation path or bodhisattva path, depending on views of wisdom and the prajñā pāramitā wisdom, different outcomes wheather the reality of life is complete or not will unfold while one explores the world.(2)Based on the states of Indra reality presented in the named sutra, the 16-visualization practice entails unfolding of reality of life.(3)It is imperative to repent incurred negative karmas in a cleansed location so that the first 13 visualizations which base on the concept of "making the mind become the Buddha and the mind is Buddha" can be done. In the end, all visualizations in the practice lead all devotees to be reborn in the Pure Land; these 16 visualizations are not sequential. Even if none of the first 15 visualizations were completed, one can still be reborn in the Western Pure Land by chanting "Amituofo" with the aid of the Amitabha's expedient vow. The final judgement is a common theme in all world religions. However, bad people of the lowest rank created numerous harmful actions and only few good deeds can be reborn in the Western Pure Land with as few as 10 invocations of Amituofo at the last moment of their lives. The grand vow of Amitabha superpasses the rightous judgement to receive all who call upon Him.