Aging is a natural phenomenon of life, and the advancement of modern medical technology has prolonged the average life expectancy of human beings, making the related issues of employment and employment in old age, social welfare and medical care an unavoidable concern in developing countries today. Life is inevitable through the rhythm of birth, aging, sickness, decay and death, and everyone will face the barrier of "death". I.Early stage: Maintain social activities and independence as much as possible. II.Medium term: living a healthy life, delayed control of symptoms, reduced hospitalization, home environment adjustment, learning rehabilitation and caregiving skills. III.Late stage: The goal is directed to hospice care and dignified hospice. At the time of death, how to say goodbye to one's life and to end it with a peaceful life in the company of others, hoping that the deceased will end well and the living will live well, so that they can enter the other shore with peace and no regrets in life and death.