The aimsof the thesis are the integration of lacks and correction of the practicestyle. There is no any studies orresearch cases on Lingfeng Zonglun靈峰宗論, and the new version ofJingxin Tang Chuji淨信堂初集could support and integrate the Lingfeng Zonglun靈峰宗論. I always think about what isthe thinking system of the Zhixu智旭, based on this issue, I did the research and organize the information Isearched in charts and tables drawing out a new research method, the purpose Ido that is to rethink and explore more about the Lingfeng Zonglun靈峰宗論. Moreover, I adhere to Zhixu智旭’s way of thinking, and baseon his understanding of Dharma, I did the reading repeatedly on his works, aimto understand the frame of his origin thinking to prove the issues I found withusing the academia method. The main purposeof this thesis is to investigate Zhixu智旭’s success in thinking,practice and literature from the Lingfeng Zonglun靈峰宗論. Regards the integration oflacks, there are two works of Zhixu智旭, Jingxin Tang Chuji 淨信堂初集and Jueyu Bian絶餘編provided historical information before his 40 years old in the Year ofWuyin, Emperor Chongzhen during Ming Dynasty (明崇禎戊寅年). Two of his completed origin works are toreconsider his way of thinking, and gave rise to comprehend and clarify bouthis thinking of harmonizing three religions, Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, andthe thinking on Chan and Pureland. Andalso the handwriting works of Zhixu智旭has been found that completedand integrated three chapters of the Lingfeng Zonglun靈峰宗論. The thesis is the first timeto explore Zhixu智旭’s poetry from hismanuscripts, we can see his creativity and understand all his literature worksthrough Xinying Shuo心影說. Moreover, I found some touching reasons byappreciating his calligraphy style through Biduan Sanmei筆端三昧. Regards the rhyme of his poetry, I discoveredthat the alliteration and rhyme style Zhixu智旭created,his rhyme is nature and flexible without any bonds. I also demonstrate the subject that the rhymeof poetry he created and not easy to spread out. His literature style is to discourse theDharma through poetry, take the Dharma for his poetry, aimed to demonstrate thetrue Tathagata practicing on mind through mundane and supramundane dharma,practicing the Dharma in the world that not ruin the mundane dharma, and themundane dharma practice is filled with the supramundane dharma. Manypractitioners “misunderstand the origin and put the cart before the horse”during the decline of Dharma, and wrongly recognized methods of practicing astheir supreme and highest motive of practice, thus created many controversiesand false explanation, disregarded the real aim of back home way to releasefrom the bonds of birth and death. HenceZhixu智旭 cited“The one who fully understanding is to get attained to T