
太虛的反思批判思想與傳承建設之研究-以「人生佛教」的思想理論與《起信論》比較=A Study on the Criticism and Inheritance of Reflection in Taixu's Thought Comparing the Theory of Humanistic Buddhism with The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana
作者 蔡彬晨 (著)=Tsai, Pin-chen (au.)
頁次1 - 169
出版者網址 https://website.fgu.edu.tw/
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞人生佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 一心二門=One mind opens two doors; 契理契機=To live according to the teachings of the Buddha and also in light of the social environment of the times; 大乘漸教=The gradually teach of Mahayana; 修行信心分=Practices faith; 宋明理學=Song Ming Confucianism

The weakening position of Chinese Buddhist thought and theory, and the influence of Confucianism have led people to conceive Buddhism as for “the dead”, for “the heaven”, or for the “recluses” who take no interest in the worldly affairs. Out of the great compassionate Bodhicitta for Chinese Buddhism and for people around the world, Master Tai Xu proposed the idea of a Humanistic Buddhism theory as an initiative for an ideological reform of Chinese Buddhism. During the years of seclusion for meditation, based on the concept of “One mind but with two opened doors” from the Treatise on the Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith, a book with the title of 佛乘宗要論 was written therein providing a comprehensive and systematic thought on the issue. Whether it is “in accordance with the truth” or “in accordance with the opportunity moment” is the rule used to classify the whole Buddhist Dharma system. Especially, the latter rule is used in conjunction with “the door of the arising and perishing teaching” to teach people with different capacities, thereby a multiple systems of thought was developed.

Chinese Buddhism is based on Mahayana practice as the center, but they were mostly seen as practicing Sravaka instead, retiring themselves from the mundane world, falling short of embracing a caring character of the Bodhisattva. Through reflection, Tai Xu proposed that a “gradual Mahāyāna Buddhism” should be practiced in the society; that is, the content of “the path of different aspiration and interest” and “Learning Confidence” in the Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith is put into practice. “The Mahayana doctrine” of “One mind but with two opened doors” has established the historical position of Chinese Buddhism; and the idea of “Humanistic Buddhism” must find out its ideological basis in this contemporary generation, so that a more stable and healthier development in the future is ensured. In this paper, through a comparative study approach, the theoretical connotations of the Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith and “Humanistic Buddhism” was explored, some irrational phenomena associated with Buddhism in the society was critically discussed, it was hoped that different aspiration and interest in the hearts of different people can be harbored, and some contributions were made to the system of Chinese Buddhist thought and theory.
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 3
一 研究動機-人生佛教提出的背景內容與其思想來源 4
二 研究目的-確認人生佛教的思想來源與定位 11
第二節 文獻回顧與前人研究成果 16
第三節 研究範圍與研究方法 20
一 研究範圍與限制 20
二 本文研究方法 21
第二章 人生佛教提出的背景反思 23
第一節 宋明理學與中國思想文化的問題 24
一 科舉制度的反思 25
二 「混沌」文化的批判 29
第二節 中國儒家政治的壓迫導致佛教的形象的誤會 35
一 三教同源-佛教思想混沌與鬼神化 38
二 儒家政治手段-避世山林化 42
第三節 中國佛教本身的問題-禪淨末流的昏昧 44
一 禪宗理論的弱化 45
二 方便淨土的反思 51
小節 55
第三章 人生佛教提出的理論分析 58
第一節 人間佛教的建設 60
一 提出人間佛教的目的 60
二 人生與人間的差別 65
第二節 人生佛教理論架構的思想來源分析 70
一 民國二十九年夏《我的佛教改進運動略史》整理出太虛思想分期 70
二 民國三十四年春《人生佛教的開題》整理出「人生佛教的理論」 76
第四章 人生佛教的思想理論與《起信論》思想比較 80
第一節 太虛「佛法全系統觀」與「一心二門」的比較 85
一 「佛法的全系統觀」與「一心二門」比較分析詮釋 87
二 以「一心」為全系統的依據 95
第二節 「契理、契機」與「二門」的比較分析詮釋 99
一 「二門」之內容 100
二 「契理契機」與「二門」的比較詮釋 104
第三節 以「人類」為中心與「眾生心」理論比較分析詮釋 107
一 人之眾生心 107
二 當以「求人類生存發達」為中心-眾生心之如來藏 108
第五章 人生佛教的改革理論與《起信論》修行理論的比較 115
第一節 人生佛教之「契機」與「心生滅門」比較分析詮釋 118
一 「契機」與「心生滅門」之「大乘自體相用」比較分析詮釋 120
二 大乘的「進化論」與「始覺」 130
第二節 「大乘漸教」與「分別發趣道相」、「修行信心」比較 136
一 「大乘漸教」與「修行信心分」比較分析詮釋 137
二 「人生觀的科學」與「分別發趣道相」比較分析詮釋 144
第六章 結論 152
參考文獻 155

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