「LOHAS/樂活」為當代社會學家的新創名詞,也是現今全球流行文化泛用的通俗語彙;是於當前世界現代主義發展過盛的反省,亦是對二元對立思想與文化的療癒及整合。筆者欲探索佛法樂活觀,乃是基於爬梳佛教經典,發現有諸多體現樂活思維的觀點,舉凡棄惡修善、轉凡成聖、破迷開悟、離苦得樂、斷煩惱(迷惑)與證菩提(覺悟)等教育理念,甚至於佛法所詮釋的健康觀、哲學觀與生命觀皆亦如是。顯見釋迦牟尼佛早已將健康與永續的生活型態(Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability/LOHAS)視為教育的重要目標。 「Amitābha/阿彌陀佛」為佛法最廣為人知的通俗語彙,是佛教淨土信仰的主尊如來,亦是淨土法門理論的主要核心。本研究使用「文獻分析法」實行主題探討,在佛法領域鎖定「阿彌陀佛」名號之哲理,試予挖掘其樂活觀,並從中精煉其哲理所蘊含的樂活理論。期望透過佛法與樂活整合性的詮釋,一者,解構佛法樂活觀的理論形貌,令當前理論基礎尚且不足的樂活學,在理論發展上能有更多樣本研討,使之更加完善。二者,搭建佛法與樂活之間的橋樑,開拓兩者於現代社會互助推展之機會與可行性,幫助道德趨下的現代世界,朝樂活更加邁進。
Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) is a term coined by modern sociologists, and has become commonly used in pop cultures around the world. The term not only illustrates the reflection upon the over-development of modernism in the current world, but also heals and integrates the contradictory forms of thinking and culture which are often presented in dualities. To explore the concepts of LOHAS in the dharma, the author studied a number of Buddhist scriptures and identified many viewpoints which reflect the concept of LOHAS, such as abandoning evil and cultivating goodness, sanctification, removing confusion and achieving enlightenment, eliminating suffering and attaining happiness, severing afflictions, attaining Buddhahood, among other educational concepts. What is more, the concept of LOHAS can be witnessed even in the views on health, philosophy, and life interpreted in the dharma. Evidently, the Buddha has long regarded LOHAS as an important goal of education. Amitābha is the most widely known phrase in the dharma, the principal Buddha in Pure Land Buddhism, and also the core of the Pure Land school. The present research hence adopts the methodology of literature review to conduct a series of thematic discussions on the philosophy of Amitābha in the realms of Buddhism, and seeks to refine the concepts of LOHAS from the selected texts. With the integrated interpretation of the dharma and the concepts of LOHAS, the research aims to 1) deconstruct the theoretical outline of the Buddhist philosophy on LOHAS, so as to present more samples for current LOHAS studies and to complement the foundation for theoretical development, and 2) bridge the gap between Buddhism and the concepts of LOHAS and explore how these two ideas can help promote each other, so as to help the modern world move towards a LOHAS future despite its suffering from a significant decline in morality.