台北市社區大學禪修活動課程學習者參與動機與休閒效益之關聯性研究=The Study on Relations Among Participation Motivation,and Leisure Benefits for Meditation Activity Course Participants,in the Taipei Community College.
近年來台灣隨著經濟快速成長、社會變遷快速,民眾在提升經濟所得之餘,必須付出相當大的勞力與工作壓力,為了緩和忙碌的情緒、紓解龐大的工作壓力,使得休閒意識逐漸的抬頭;然而根據學者專家的研究顯示,禪修活動對於人體之生理、心理、壓力紓解、健康促進、健康行為,以及精神治療等方面均有顯著的效應,禪修活動主要三要素調身、調息、調心,在活動課程方面,以台灣來說,有瑜珈、太極和禪繞畫佔大部分。據此,本研究就以台北市社區大學所開設禪修活動瑜珈、太極和禪繞畫課程參與者,瞭解其參與動機和休閒效益的相關性,能夠提供社區大學開課參考。 研究採問卷調查法,以臺北市社區大學參與瑜珈、太極和禪繞畫課程學員進行抽樣。並對所蒐集之資料進行統計分析,統計分析方法包括描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析法。 本研究結果顯示:一、參與者人口統計變項性別與參與不同課程在參與動機上和休閒效益有顯著差異;二、參與者的參與動機和休閒效益有顯著性相關。 建議政府及相關單位可以多辦禪修活動課程,降低課程費用,增加民眾參與意願。後續研究可採質性訪談的方式,以補充量化研究題項不夠深入的結果。而未來研究則可針對台灣各城市的社區大學來進行研究,以驗證本研究結果代表性。
In recent years, with the rapid economic growth and rapid social changes in Taiwan, the people must pay considerable labor and work pressure in addition to increasing their economic income. In order to ease the busy mood and relieve the huge work pressure, the sense of leisure has gradually risen. ; However, according to the research of scholars and experts, meditation activities have significant effects on the body’s physiology, psychology, stress relief, health promotion, healthy behaviors, and spiritual treatment. The main three elements of meditation activities are body conditioning and conditioning. In terms of exercise courses, such as yoga, tai chi and meditation paintings account for the majority of activities. Based on this, this study uses the participants in the meditation activities offered by Taipei Community Colleges to learn about the relevance of their participation motivation and leisure benefits, and can provide a reference for community colleges. The study adopted a questionnaire survey method and sampled students from Taipei City Community College who participated in yoga, Tai Chi, and Zen painting.The following statistic methods and tests were used to analyze the collected data: descriptive statistics, student t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation test, simple regression analysis. The results of this study show that: 1. Participants' demographic variables gender and participating in different courses have significant differences in participation motivation and leisure benefits; 2. Participants' participation motivation and leisure benefits are significantly related. It is suggested that the government and related units can organize more courses for meditation activities, reduce course fees, and increase the willingness of the public to participate. Subsequent research can adopt qualitative interviews to supplement the in-depth results of quantitative research items. Future research can be conducted on community colleges in various cities in Taiwan to verify the representativeness of the results of this research.