水陸法會=Water and Land Service; 網路共修= Internet Co-Practices; 科技接受模式=Technology Acceptance Model; 認知易用性=Perceived Ease of Use; 認知有用性=Perceived Usefulness; 使用意圖=Usage Intention
Internet co-practices of water and land service are the new technology application of new era, modern environment and new concept. In this study, we apply technology acceptance model (TAM) as the theory-based to investigate the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and usage intention toward impact on usage behavior of internet co-practices of water and land service. Then, relevant organizations when importing relative applications can employ the results of this study as references. This study is the first one for the Internet Co-Practices of Water and Land Dharma Service, and validated Technology Acceptance Model.The study focus on participants of using internet co-practices of water and land service. We employed convenient sampling and internet survey to collect our research data. Finally, the amount of the valid sample is 400. In research results found: For participants of co-practices of water and land service, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of internet co-practices of water and land service will positively affect the use attitude of internet co-practices of water and land service. Finally, the usage intention of internet co-practices of water and land service participants will positively affect their actual usage behavior.