
佛乘真宗苑裡大慈佛堂探究=An Exploration of Forshang ShinshuIn Daci Temple in Yuanli
作者 王燕鳳 (著)=Wang, Yan-feng (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hcu.edu.tw/hcu/zh-tw
出版地新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞佛乘真宗=Forshang Shinshu; 法生師父=Fa-sen Master; 大慈佛堂=Da-ci Temple ; 苑裡鎮=Yuan-li Township
摘要大慈佛堂成立於民國八十九年(2000年),佔地大約200坪,至民國九十九年(2010年)學員52位,但在佛乘真宗主法 法生師父的帶領下,秉持佛陀修行的軌跡,一步一腳印,老實修行,做佛法的傳承,及培訓將來護持未來佛彌勒菩薩降臨娑婆世界的護法人員,是具有相當重要的歷史任務和價值。因此,本篇論文以大慈佛堂為研究主題,首先論及佛乘真宗的法源緣起、大慈佛堂的成立因緣,與法生師父的獨特風格、慈悲示現,做分析、探討;再來,論及大慈佛堂之信仰探源,及所供奉的諸佛、菩薩因緣、行持功徳;最後,重點在於大慈佛堂宗教活動的修持與實踐。
本篇論文是佛乘真宗苑裡大慈佛堂之田野調查,以參與式觀察法和深度訪談為基礎,並配合歷史與文獻學研究法,希望透過上述的研究方法,能將末學要探究的佛乘真宗苑裡鎮大慈佛堂風貌,完整呈現出來。第一章提出末學的研究動機與目的,再列舉文獻資料,最後說明本文的研究方法和架構。第二章探究苑裡鎮的歷史沿革的相關脈絡,從大慈佛堂所在地苑裡鎮的自然環境開始了解;再進一步探究苑裡鎮行政區域的演變及地名由來;最後將深入探討苑裡鎮居民的宗教信仰,以期了解地方信仰的多元和影響。第三章探討佛乘真宗法源緣起,再論及大慈佛堂成立之因緣, 法生師父的傳承法脈和簡介,最後說明大慈佛堂的歷史沿革。第四章佛乘真宗大慈佛堂各殿供奉的諸佛菩薩其源流與成立因緣之溯源,及大慈佛堂的宗教活動與其意義考究。再將大慈佛堂的宗敎活動與眾生互動的關係呈現出來,以探討大慈佛堂對社會的影響與意義。第五章末學希望藉由以苑裡大慈佛堂為主要的敘述主體,利用實際參與和田野調查所得的資料加以分析與研讀,整理其信仰內涵與宗教活動的意義做綜合性的整理。

Da-ci Temple was established in 2000, covering an area of 200 level ground, to AD 2010, cadets have 52. However, under the leadership of Fa-sen Master, they go ahead step by step to pass down Buddha’s teachings and train the coming guardian angles whose purpose are to safeguard Mei-la Bodhisattva in the material world. It has considerably historical meanings and value. Therefore, this dissertation bases on the study of Da-ci Temple. First, we discuss the legal origin of Forshang Shinshu, the reason how it is founded, the unique leadership of Fa-sen Master, the experience of his mercy and good deeds; lastly, we study its religious activity and how it is done.
This dissertation study Yuan-li Forshang Shinshu Da-ci Temple on the basis of joined-in observation and depth-in interview with history and reference study. We sincerely hope we could show out its true color. The first chapter is on our study motivation and purpose, then we list reference and material, and lastly we talk about our study method and frame. The second chapter is on the relevant connection of Yuan-li history. We begin with the natural environment of Yuan-li where Da-ci Temple is located; moreover, we talk about the revolution of Yuan-li administration district and the origin of its name; lastly, we will focus on its inhabitants’ religious belief so as to fully understand its multiple religions and their influence. The third chapter we will discuss the Origin of Forshang Shinshu, then the connection how it is founded and established, the inherit age and introduction of Fa-sen Master, and lastly the historical revolution of Da-ci Temple. On the fourth chapter, we will focus on these deities we worship in the temple, their roots and the connection between. We follow up its religious activities and their special meanings. And then we will show how its religious activities connects the living world and its followers so as to show its substantial impacts on the society and unique meanings. On the fifth chapter we can focus on Yuan-li Da-ci Temple itself. Through our actual participation, field study and these data we got, we can analyze, study, and sort out its essence and its substantial meanings on local people.
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 文獻探討 3
第三節 研究方法與架構 5
第二章 苑裡鎮與大慈佛堂的地理環境 9
第一節 苑裡鎮的自然環境 9
第二節 苑裡鎮行政區域的演變 14
第三節 居民的宗教信仰 20
第三章 大慈佛堂緣起與歷史 37
第一節 佛乘真宗法源緣起 37
第二節 成立因緣 50
第三節 歷史沿革 52
第四章 大慈佛堂之信仰探源與宗教活動 55
第一節 各殿所供奉的諸佛菩薩 55
一、 祖師殿所供奉的諸佛菩薩 55
二、 地藏殿所供奉的諸佛菩薩 73
三、 彌勒殿所供奉的諸佛菩薩 75
四、 阿彌陀殿所供奉的諸佛菩薩 79
五、 臥佛殿所供奉的諸佛菩薩 82
六、 馬頭觀音殿所供奉的諸佛菩薩 83
第二節 學員參與之因緣 85
一、 學員的背景 86
二、 學佛的因緣 87
三、 學佛之後的改變 89
第三節 宗教活動 90
一、 學佛講座 91
二、 心法傳授 104
三、 動禪傳授 112
四、 法會 115
五、 野外禪修 117
六、 為信眾療病 118
第五章 結論 119
參考資料 125
附錄一:學員訪談稿整理 131
附錄二:我所認識的法生師父 145
附錄三:照片 147

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