非洲「令正法久住」的另類模式-以「阿彌陀佛關懷中心」為研究對象=The alternative model of "Dharma" in Africa—The case of the "Amitabha Care Center"The alternative model of "Dharma" in Africa—The case of the "Amitabha Care Center"
Many Buddhist communities and organizations have risen in prominence in Taiwan and they have to deal with many problems for the future. One major problem is the decline of clerical population, as number of people entering the Buddhist Colleges or the number of novices is reduced. This trend can be attributed as fewer children are born in Taiwan. Many Buddhist organizations used various ways to spread the teaching of “Dharma” in Taiwan and around the world. "Amitabha Care Center" was one of them. Amitabha Care Center‘s unique way of teaching Dharma in Africa allow it become the perfect research object for this thesis and an excellent reference model for other Buddhist organizations in Taiwan. First part of the thesis focus on the history of Amitabha Care Center and its role in spreading the teaching of Dharma in Africa as well as its origin, operating methods, processes and results. Then the thesis will analyze the problems faced by the center, as well as its transformation and the possible directions of its future development. The thesis hopes to further examine whether is the center a sustainable institution in Africa and could it successfully spread the teaching of Dharma and train future Buddhist clergies from the edge of the Buddhist regions. To have more understandings of this overseas teaching and learning institution and to project its future, we need to have a better picture of its founder, Master Hui Li. Therefore, this thesis will also examine Master Hui Li’s philosophy and managing style as well as his background and his relations with Master Hsing Yun of Foguanshan. The thesis will also touch some differences of ideas, thoughts and ways of doing things between them. Based on the findings, I will make conclusion of the thesis as well as my personal recommendations to the Amitabha Care Center.