
佛光山藍海策略之研究=A Study of Fo Guang Shan - The Blue Ocean Strategy
作者 李美蘭 (著)=Lee, Mi-ran (au.)
出版者網址 https://website.fgu.edu.tw/?locale=zh_tw
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授許鶴齡=Hsu, Ho-ling
關鍵詞佛光山=Fo Guang Shan; 藍海策略=The Blue Ocean Strategy; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 價值創新=Value innovation; 寺院經營策略=Temple Management Strategy
本文以「佛光山的藍海策略 」為主要探討佛光山的經營模式。藉由這個主題,論述及評析佛光山近50年經營的成功策略,是如何結合與運用「藍海策略」?並歸納出佛光山成功的經驗。對於佛光山的價值創新 ,透過關注非佛教徒,以多元化的活動及現代設備、傳統與現代融合、文藝化、國際化,創造出不同於以往傳統佛教的價值,開拓非競爭的佛教市場而引進多階層的大眾。為了探索佛光山價值創新的因素,使用ERRC 分析、策略草圖 、價值曲線 等藍海策略的分析工具。在藍海策略的執行 ,探討佛光山如何以參與 、解釋 、希望透明化 的公平程序 ,克服組織障礙,及讓大眾找到安頓的力量,再加上引導大眾為佛光山的奉獻。

The writer is a South Korean and therefore understands the development of Korean Buddhism. Therefore, standing at a South Korean point of view, in the modern history, politics in South Korea and Taiwan, has similar economic development. In terms of religion, they are also subjected to the modernization influence from Japan, especially Buddhism during the Japanese colonial period. Nonetheless, the development of Buddhism between South Korea and Taiwan currently has quite a big difference. Taiwan Buddhism is based on the four main emerging Buddhist communities; Fo Guang Shan, Dharma Drum Mountain, Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation, Chung Tai Chan Monastery. They actively promote“Humanistic Buddhism”which is applicable in our modern life. Humanistic Buddhism not only represents a proper noun, it has evolved to be a trend. Korean Buddhism, on the other hand, maintains a form of conservative Buddhism. And apparently, Korean Buddhism exhibits a disengagement with the world and this resulted in monasteries encountering economic crisis. Currently, what are the main differences in Buddhism developments in both countries? Where do all the differences come from? Due to the above factors, the writer is very concern about the economic strategy adopted by Fo Guang Shan.
In this paper, “Fo Guang Shan-The Blue Ocean Strategy”, we are exploring mainly on the business model adopted in Fo Guang Shan. And through this theme, we hope to discuss and review about the successful strategy managed by Fo Guang Shan in nearly 50 years and how the combination and applying of “The Blue Ocean Strategy”, leading to the success of Fo Guang Shan. Fo Guang Shan has created a an array of multicultural activities equipped with modern facilities along with the fushion of the conventional and contemporary; art and globalization. These are efforts of value innovation for the non-Buddhists because this opens up a non-competitive market within Buddhist community thus inviting more people into Buddhism. ERRC(Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create)analysis scale, strategy canvas, value curve and Blue Ocean Strategy Analysis Tools are employed to explore the value innovation by Fo Guang Shan. Under the execution of the Blue Ocean Strategy, it investigates on how Fo Guang Shan engages, explanation, hope for a fair process for clarity of expectations, overcomes organizational barriers and ensures that the people find strength of stability therafter guiding people to contribute towards the mission of Fo Guang Shan.
Through this paper, the writer realises Fo Guang Shan focuses on the study of traditional Buddhism based on jungle, Sangha, Buddhist metaphysics that helps the people in the modern world establish a happy life; “Humanistic Buddhism” and this is one of the value innovation created. The writer believes “The Blue Ocean Strategy” adopted by Fo Guang Shan will be a role model to voluntary organisations such as those who are might be facing issues in the future and those who are faced with a long term crisis who might be trapped in the dilemma of integrating the traditional Buddhism into the management of Korean Buddhism.
目次摘要 Ⅰ
目次 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅵ
表目錄 Ⅶ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 相關研究回顧 4
第三節 研究方法 8
第四節 論文架構 9
第二章 藍海策略意義與佛教內涵 10
第一節 寺院管理與策略 10
一、管理與策略 10
二、非營利組織的管理策略 11
三、臺灣寺院管理策略的轉型 12
第二節 藍海策略的意涵 13
第三節 藍海策略的佛教內涵 18
一、非競爭:緣起法 18
二、價值創新:諸行無常 20
三、顧客滿足:自利利他 21
第三章 佛光山藍海策略的內容 23
第一節 弘揚人間佛教 23
一、建設生活樂趣的人間佛教 25
二、建設財富豐足的人間佛教 26
三、建設慈悲道德的人間佛教 26
四、建設眷屬和敬的人間佛教 27
五、建設大乘普濟的人間佛教 27
六、建設佛國淨土的人間佛教 28
第二節 建設佛光淨土 28
第三節 實踐四大宗旨 30
一、以文化弘揚佛法 31
二、以教育培養人才 32
三、以慈善福利社會 33
四、以共修淨化人心 33
第四章 佛光山藍海策略的價值 35
第一節 1950-60年代臺灣宗教的策略草圖 35
第二節 星雲法師在宜蘭的創新活動 39
第三節 佛光山重建的市場邊界 42
一、跨足另類服務:多元活動、方便設備 43
二、探討策略群組:傳統與現代融合 47
三、互補產品與服務:佛教生活化、生活佛教化 49
四、理性與感性的互補:佛教文藝化 55
五、看見未來趨勢:國際化 57
第四節 以ERRC創新藍海策略 58
一、消除(Eliminate) 58
二、減少(Reduce) 59
三、提升(Raise) 61
四、創造(Create) 63
第五節 佛光山的策略草圖 68
第五章 佛光山藍海策略的執行 70
第一節 克服組織障礙 71
一、以僧信教育,克服認知及資源障礙 71
二、以民主制度,超越動機及政治障礙 73
第二節 以公平程序達到集體創作 78
一、參與 79
二、解釋 80
三、期望透明化 81
第六章 結論 84
參考書目 87
圖1 研究流程圖 9
圖2 現有市場與藍海市場 14
圖3 價值創新:藍海策略基石 15
圖4 四項行動架構 17
圖5 1950-60年代西方宗教與傳統佛教的情況 39
圖6 佛光山的策略草圖 68
圖7 公平程序如何影響人的態度和行為 79
表1 藍海策略六個原則 16
表2 紅海策與藍海策略的對比 19
表3 佛光山消除、減少、提升、創造(ERRC)表格 67

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