
丁雲鵬之《觀音二十二聖相》之研究=A Study on Ding Yunpeng’s Twenty-Two Icons of Guanyin
作者 董郡惠 (著)
出版者網址 https://website.fgu.edu.tw/?locale=zh_tw
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授潘襎=Pan, Fan
關鍵詞晚明=Late Ming Dynasty; 丁雲鵬=Ding Yunpeng; 觀音二十二聖相畫譜=Twenty-Two Icons of Guanyin; 通俗藝術=Popular arts; 雅俗=Refined and popular tastes
摘要本文以《觀音二十二聖相》觀音畫譜作為研究對象,此畫譜被歸為明代響譽盛名的橫跨上層藝術與大眾文化的道釋畫家丁雲鵬 (1547-1628)所繪,雖然落款字跡與丁雲鵬可靠作品的題名有些爭議,根據專家的推論還是把此畫譜歸於丁雲鵬。目前筆者能夠掌握的版本資訊,此套觀音畫譜至少有六個版本,將以版本學進行藝術風格評析。

This paper is based on the study of a collection of paintings titled The Twenty-two Icons of Guanyin. This collection of paintings was done by the Tao-Buddhist painter, Ding Yunpeng (1547~1628), a renowned artist whose fame crossed over high-class art and mass culture. Even though the handwritings of the signatures on these paintings somewhat conflicted with the titles of Ding Yunpeng’s authentic works, according to experts’ inferences, they till categorized this collection as done by Ding Yunpeng. Based on the information on the numerous versions that the author has been able to collect, the collection of paintings has at least six versions. This paper will utilize the study of editions to analyze and comment on the artist and his painting’s artistic styles.
From the perspective of common Ming-Dynasty artists, Ding Yunpeng was able to create what he deemed as natural and forthright images of the “Nan-hai Guanyin”. Besides inheriting the styles of the previous dynasty’s Guanyin images, what changes were shown on Ding’s highly “popularized” styles of the Guanyin collection? Also, what are the meanings behind these painting’s popularized styles?The main focus of this thesis is to discuss Ding Yunpeng’s Twenty-Two Icons of Guanyin based on “Debate about both Refined and Popular Tastes”, especially the images presented by this collection of Guanyin paintings, that is religious conscious images as a result of the combination of popular culture and Buddhist thoughts, which was common among later Ming Dynasty's popular arts. The unique Guanyin images in this collection have been influenced by the Buddhist thoughts of Ding's time (late Ming Dynasty), which was the combined thoughts of “simultaneous practice of Ch'an and Pure Land”, Pure-Land-inclined “Contemplation of the Buddha,” and “Unity of the Three Teachings.”
This type of artistic image exemplified how Buddhism, on the forefront, usually utilize “popularized” expedient means to propagate the Dharma, for instance, the Buddhist influences from popular artistic creations to propagate the Dharma and further penetrate the entire social culture; internally, this type of artistic images have helped to establish a correlated relationship between mass culture, Buddhist thoughts and practicing the Dharma. Ding’s collection of Guanyin paintings, which later expanded to include 53 paintings in all called the Fifty Three Presense of the Goddess of Mercy, is a collection filled with sensibility, benevenonce, as well as activities found in daily lives. We could see from Ding’s collection that it is a collection of Guanyin paintings full of promising and developmental force in the propagation of the religious belief in Guanyin, this collection not only set the basis for the images of Guanyin in paintings, it also became a great influence to creations of Guanyin paintings from then on.
目次摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 2
第二節 文獻回顧 3
第三節 研究內容與研究方法介紹 8
一、研究內容 8
二、研究方法 17
第四節 研究範圍與限制 18
第二章 丁雲鵬與明代社會形態之轉變 19
第一節 明代的經濟結構 19
第二節 明代的社會形態 28
第三節 明代的文化思潮 35
第四節 丁雲鵬之生平 39
第三章 明代宗教與藝術之結合 46
第一節 晚明佛教特色 47
一、禪淨融通思想 49
二、晚明四大師之三教合一思想 54
三、明代佛教之世俗化 59
第二節 具有「宗教意識」的通俗藝術 63
第四章 丁雲鵬《觀音二十二聖相》造型與風格研究 71
第一節 觀音信仰 72
第二節 觀音造型 78
一、水月觀音 82
二、白衣觀音 85
三、馬郎婦觀音(魚籃觀音) 85
四、南海觀音 87
第三節 贊文 103
第四節 丁雲鵬之《觀音二十二聖相》筆墨研究 110
第五章 結論 117
參考書目 120
圖錄 132
附錄一 諸版本觀音畫譜比對 139
附錄二 諸版本的贊子比對 147
圖1-1~1-22 丁雲鵬《觀音二十二聖相》 132
圖1-23丁雲鵬《觀音二十二聖相》截取(圖1-2) 137
圖1-24 丁雲鵬《大士像》 137
圖2-1 擷取自《觀音像并頌》 13
圖3-1 丁雲鵬《三教圖》 54
圖3-2 《新刻出像官板大字西遊記》金陵世德堂本 138
圖3-3 《南海觀世音菩薩出身修行傳》明萬曆間閩本刊本小說 138
圖3-4 《全相觀音出身南遊記傳》煥文堂本小說 138
圖3-5 《觀世音修行香山記》富春堂刊本傳奇 138
圖4-1 《三十三觀音圖》10 84
圖4-2 《三十三觀音圖》30 84
圖4-3 《三十三觀音圖》27 84
圖4-4 《佛像圖彙》水月觀音 84
圖4-5 〈招仙圖卷〉 (局部) 91
圖4-6 〈玉蜀宮妓圖軸〉 (局部) 91
圖4-7 明人《書寫千手千眼觀世音菩薩大悲心陀羅尼經》(局部) 93
圖4-8〈修竹仕女圖〉(局部) 94
圖4-9《觀音像并頌》 97
圖4-10 觀音(竹林)大士像 97
圖4-11 騎犼觀音 97
圖4-12《佛像圖彙》不二觀音 98
圖4-13《佛像圖彙》琉璃觀音 98
圖4-14 渡海觀音(局部) 99
圖4-15《張深之先生正北西廂秘本》驚夢 103
圖4-16 渡海觀音 109
圖4-17 渡海觀音 109
圖4-18 〈女史箴圖卷〉(局部) 111
圖4-19《送子天王圖》(局部) 111
圖4-20《免冑圖》(局部) 112
表一 諸版本觀音畫譜 8
表二 諸版本觀音畫譜一覽表 9
附錄一 諸版本觀音畫譜比對 139
附錄二 諸版本的贊子比對 147

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