
《長部.大念處經》呼吸禪法之研究=A Study on Breathing Meditation in the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta
作者 蔡乙模 (著)=Cai, Yi-mou (au.)
出版者網址 https://website.fgu.edu.tw/?locale=zh_tw
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授釋永東=Shih, Yung-dong
關鍵詞《長部.大念處經》=Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta; 觀呼吸=Mindfulness of Breathing; 修觀=Practice Mindfulness; 色身=Rūpa-kāya; 名身=Nāma-kāya; 四聖諦=The Four Noble Truths; 八正道=The Noble Eightfold Path; 滅苦=Extinguishing Suffering; 涅槃=Nirvāṇa
「觀呼吸」又稱為安那般那念 (Ānāpānasati)。在《長部.大念處經》裡將觀呼吸分為四個階段:(一)了知長入息,了知長出息;(二)了知短入息,了知短出息;(三)了知全身息而入息,了知全身息而出息;(四)寂止身行而入息,寂止身行而出息。而在《中部.入出息念經》裡除了《長部.大念處經》所記載的觀呼吸四個階段之外,又另外加上了觀呼吸的十二個階段。本論文的研究內容除了《長部.大念處經》的觀呼吸四階段亦包含了修習入出息念轉而修觀的內容。本論文相關的研究資料,南傳上座部經藏的引文擷取自高雄元亨寺所出版的《漢譯南傳大藏經》。在《長部.大念處經》文本的部份,則是以明法比丘所著之《長部.大念處經(巴漢英對照)》作為觀呼吸四階段禪法的研究依據,並結合相關經論及禪師著作裡所提及的觀呼吸時觀察呼吸的「色身」與「名身」之論述。

The Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta is the main work for the Theravadin practice of four foundations of mindfulness. According to this sutta, one can relieve suffering and attain nirvana through practicing the four foundations of mindfulness. In the world, there are Chan masters who teach the practice of four foundations of mindfulness, such as S. N. Goenka (Satya Narayan Goenka), Pa Auk Sayadaw and so on. Most of them base the teaching of mindfulness of breathing which is part of the four foundations of mindfulness on the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta. As to the Thai master, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, and one of his works called Ānāpānasati: Mindfulness of Breathing (in Chinese Guan Hu Xi) is chiefly referred to the Majjhima Nikāya Sutta No. 118, the Ānāpānasati Sutta, as the analysis of breathing meditation. The thesis mainly focuses on the study of breathing meditation in the four foundations of mindfulness, and the study has three purposes: (1) To investigate on the practice of mindfulness of breathing; (2) To realize the relationship among mindfulness of breathing, the Four Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path; (3) To provide the guide of meditation practice for those who practice mindfulness.
Mindfulness of breathing is also called “An Na Ban Na Nian” (Ānāpānasati)
In the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta, there are four stages of mindfulness of breathing: (1) Be mindful when breathing in long, be mindful when breathing out long; (2) Be mindful when breathing in short, be mindful when breathing out short; (3) Be mindful when breathing in and experiencing the whole breath body, be mindful when breathing out and experiencing the whole breath body; (4) Be mindful when breathing in and quieting, calming the activity of the in-and-out -breathing body. In addition to the four stages of mindfulness of breathing recorded in the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta,, there are the other twelve stages of mindfulness of breathing in the Majjhima Nikāya, the Ānāpānasati Sutta. Aside from the study on the four stages of mindfulness of breathing stated in the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta, the content of the study in this thesis would also include the part of contemplating which is after the practice of mindfulness of breathing. With respect of the source of the references in the thesis, the quotes of the content in Theravadin sutta piṭaka are adapted from Han Yi Nan Chuan Da Cang Jing (The Chinese translation of Pāli sutta piṭaka) which was published by Yuan Heng Temple in Kaohsiung. However, the text of the four stages of mindfulness of breathing in the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta is based on Bhikkhu Metta’s edition, the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta (A cpmparison version among Pāli, Chinese, and English) and combines some related suttas, sastras, and the works of Chan masters about observing the rūpa-kāya and nāma-kāya when practicing mindfulness of breathing.
Furthermore, in Chapter Four, the researcher makes a general investigation on the relationship among mindfulness of breathing, the Four Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path through the statements of what makes suffering is the attachment to the Five Skandha, then through the expositions of the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination The Fifth Chapter is a conclusion of the thesis which deals with a
目次摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝詞 IV
目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍與研究困難 2
第四節 文獻回顧 3
第五節 研究方法與步驟 5
第二章 《長部.大念處經》 7
第一節 《長部.大念處經》文本初探 7
第二節 《長部.大念處經》的內容 13
第三節 觀呼吸名詞釋義 15
第四節 觀呼吸法門源流 20
第三章 觀呼吸法門的修行理論與實踐 27
第一節 觀呼吸處所與常用姿勢—「跏趺坐」 33
第二節 所緣境 42
第三節 觀呼吸四階段 43
第四節 從入出息念轉修觀禪階段 53
第四章 觀呼吸與四諦八道 57
第一節 苦與五取蘊 57
第二節 十二因緣的苦集 61
第三節 苦滅與滅道 68
第四節 以呼吸為所緣「止」「觀」差別比較 74
第五章 結論 81
參考書目: 86
表 1:觀呼吸法門相關著作一覽表 4
表 2:呼吸止觀的差別一覽表 75
表 3:觀呼吸與四諦八道一覽表 79
表 4:觀呼吸修「觀」的方法及其結果 81
圖1:毗盧七支坐 39
圖2:呼吸觀察位置 42
圖3:帕奧禪師所指的呼吸觀察區域 43
第三章 觀呼吸法門的修行理論與實踐 27
第一節 觀呼吸處所與常用姿勢—「跏趺坐」 33
第二節 所緣境 42
第三節 觀呼吸四階段 43
第四節 從入出息念轉修觀禪階段 53
第四章 觀呼吸與四諦八道 57
第一節 苦與五取蘊 57
第二節 十二因緣的苦集 61
第三節 苦滅與滅道 68
第四節 以呼吸為所緣「止」「觀」差別比較 74
第五章 結論 81
參考書目: 86

表 1:觀呼吸法門相關著作一覽表 4
表 2:呼吸止觀的差別一覽表 75
表 3:觀呼吸與四諦八道一覽表 79
表 4:觀呼吸修「觀」的方法及其結果 81
圖1:毗盧七支坐 39
圖2:呼吸觀察位置 42
圖3:帕奧禪師所指的呼吸觀察區域 43

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