
《妙法蓮華經》「心念」思想應用於「長期照護」之研究 ——以〈觀世音菩薩普門品〉為主=Research on the Application of "Mind Thought" in Miaofa Lotus Sutrato "Long-term Care“——Focus on "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Universal Gate"
作者 簡明娟 (著)=Chien, Ming–chuan (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授李治華=Lee, Chih-hua
關鍵詞《妙法蓮華經》; 〈觀世音普門品〉; 心念; 長期照護; 體用一如

This master’s dissertation is based on the following problem awareness: From the compilation of Five Lantern Festival, Seven Buddhas, Sakyamuni Buddha compiled by Master Puji of Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou in the Southern Song Dynasty, “The World Honored One held up flowers to show the crowd at the Lingshan meeting. At that time, everyone was silent, but venerable Kassapa showed off his face and smiled slightly.” Therefore the World Honored One said: “I have the eyes of the righteous Dharma, the wonderful mind of Nirvana, the reality without appearance, the subtle method, no words, non-teachings, and I entrusted Maha Kasyapa.” The Lingshan Dharma Assembly opened Zen Dharma, karma Buddha’s thought system for his own life and the suffering of the times. This realization and interpretation has universal validity, forthermore this is also applicable to various phenomena of contemporary people’s psychological troubles in terms of what should be and what is. How to compare and clarify the relationship between each other? Under the consideration of this source issue, I will base on my practical experience of long-term care, and use “Mind Turning” as the core to change people’s views on form and spirit. Besides I wish people in long-term care whom can arouse Bodhicitta from Miaofa Lotus Sutra through the great compassion of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, with the theme of “mind” thought to explore, understand and interpret the contextual relationship between the Buddha’s “ Dependent Origination and the Emptiness of Nature” and “Long-term Care”.
This master’s degree thesis consists of five chapters: the first chapter “Introduction”, which explains the motivation and purpose of the research, the review and discussion of the research literature, and the scope and methods of the research. The second chapter, “Discussion on Long-term Care and the Application of Buddhism”, first comprehensively discusses the three major aspects of long-term care - the meaning and trend of the times, the current situation and difficulties of development, the return to filial piety and ethics, and then discusses the importance of long-term care needs, and the third explain that Buddhism has the viewpoint of preventive medicine, and the fourth comprehensive analysis of Buddhist meaning interpretation therapy and long-term care application. The third chapter, “Long-term care” and “The Lotus Sutra of the Miao Dharma” first explains the thoughts and methods of strengthening the power, and then discusses the application of the Quan Yin method to long-term care. The fourth chapter, “Belief Salvation and Long-term Care of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law”, discusses the face of illness and death, and the application of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law to long-term care. The fifth chapter, “Conclusion”, summarizes the full text and looks forward to the future by synthesizing the five research results—contemplation and change of mind, long-term care, palliative care, hospice care and review.
目次謝誌 i
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
一、 研究動機 3
(一) 融入觀世音法門修持實踐,運用於長期照護 4
(二) 探討「心念」對實相的理解,圓滿修持實踐 4
(三) 轉動「心念」以事念、理念與智慧撐持生死 5
二、 研究目的 5
(一) 轉動心念與事念,調整人的生命法輪 6
(二) 會通佛學與長照,達到生生不息之德 6
(三) 推動長照政策,達到「老吾老」目標 6
第二節 研究文獻回顧與探討 7
一、關於《妙法蓮華經》的研究 7
二、關於「心」「念」思想的研究 11
三、關於「長期照護」應用的研究 15
第三節 研究範圍與方法 19
一、研究範圍 19
二、研究方法 20
第二章 長期照護與佛法應用探討 23
第一節 長期照護綜合探討 25
一、時代意義與趨勢 25
二、發展現況與困境 26
三、回歸孝道與倫常 32
第二節 長期照護關懷需求的重要性 34
一、人皆有身心靈的需求 34
二、佛學與長期照護結合的關懷需求 38
第三節 佛法具有預防醫學的觀點 42
一、預防醫學的時代意義與發展現況 43
二、佛學與長期照護的價值觀 46
第四節 佛教意義詮釋治療學與長期照護應用 50
一、佛教意義詮釋治療學 51
二、佛學與長期照護應用 54
第三章 長期照護與《妙法蓮華經》觀心轉念 61
第一節 觀心轉念——堅定力量的思想與方法 61
一、《妙法蓮華經》歷事練心的成果 62
二、《妙法蓮華經》信願行的開示悟入 64
三、緣起性空與生命意義的體悟 69
四、觀心轉念應用於長期照護 72
第二節 觀音法門應用於長期照護 82
一、觀音法門的內涵 83
二、觀世音菩薩——大慈大悲的佛法行願 86
三、長期照護的重要性與需求 89
四、安頓心靈——照護家人與守護自己 95
第四章 《妙法蓮華經》信仰救度與長期照護 101
第一節 面對疾病與死亡 103
一、修行(信)者的悟證 104
二、正念與轉念的化用 107
三、心念的導引昇華 109
四、臨終正念的培育 112
五、頌念南無觀世音菩薩 119
第二節 《妙法蓮華經》應用於長期照護 124
一、安寧療護與臨終關懷 125
二、佛法教義與臨終關懷 128
三、〈觀世音菩薩普門品〉與心念關懷 139
第五章 結論 151
一、觀心轉念 152
二、長期照護 154
三、安寧療護 156
四、回顧檢討 157
參考文獻 161
附錄一:《妙法蓮華經》三種譯本對照 173
附錄二:《妙法蓮華經》二十八品要義 177
附錄三:《妙法蓮華經》「法華七喻」要義表 185
附錄四:釋曉雲〈佛學之基本原理與施教方法〉 187

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