佛教經典成為論書過程之研究―以《雜阿含經》、《眾集經》與《集異門足論》為中心=Research on the process from Buddhist Canon to Abhidharma ― around on Samyuktagama, Samgiti Sutra & Dharmasamgani
The Chinese translations of the four Āgama discourses are collections of scriptures from different Buddhist schools. Saṃyukta Āgama and Madhyam Āgama are collections of the Sarvāstivādin, Dīrghāgama is a collection of the dharmaguptaka, and the Ekottarikāgama is a collection of Mahāsāṃghika. The Saṅgīti Sutra of Dīrghāgama is the only Sutra compiled by the Dharma Numbers. It has 129 mātṛkās and is a Sutra in the form of the Abhidharma. It is regarded as partly Sutra and partly Abhidharma, which opens the opportunity for the development of the Abhidharma. There are 205 mātṛkās in the Dharmasamgani of the Sarvāstivādin. It explains the Saṅgīti Sutra in detail and is regarded as a commentary. However, compared with the Dharma Numbers of Saṅgīti Sutra and Dharmasamgani, they are inconsistent. Therefore, it can be seen that the different schools have their own Sutra of mātṛkās. Since the Abhidharma explains the text of the Sūtra, so can we restore the Saṅgīti Sutra of the Sarvāstivādin through the Dharmasamgani? Saṃyukta Āgama is a textual edition of inter-dependent relationships. It is classified according to the themes of aggregates, āyatana-entrances,bases of the sense organs, truths, dependent-arising and the path. How does the Sarvāstivādin choose its own mātṛkā from the many sporadic scriptures in Saṃyukta Āgama? Abhidharma is developed from the scriptures similar to an exegesis in the Āgama sutras, which is collected from the Sūtra on the aggregates, entrances, realms, truths, the sense organs and dependent-arising, classified and analyzed in detail. What is the basic structure in the Dharmasamgani? What further influence does it have on Śāriputrābhidharma? Can we infer that the Dīrghāgama of the Sarvāstivādin is not the Sutra of the Sarvāstivāda by comparing the Dharma Numbers of the Saṅgīti Sutra of the Sarvāstivādin and the Saṅgīti Sutra of Dharmaguptaka? These are the issues to be discussed in this thesis. Firstly, Abhidharma simply summarized some Buddhist terms, and then gradually evolved into the form of explaining Sutra sentences, systematized and organized the sporadic views in the Buddhist sutras, and completely analyzed and discussed the Buddha's teaching. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how the Sarvāstivādin constructs its own Buddhist theory from the Saṃyukta-āgama, Saṅgīti and the Dharmasamgani. First of all, the Samyuktagama is reorganized as a collection of dharma numbers by incrementing one dharma. The Samgiti Sutra of the Sarvāstivādin is restored from Dharmasamgani. The basic structure of Dharmasamgani is analysed. In this way, the Buddhist theory of the Sarvāstivādin constructed with dharma numbers as its core would have a clear context.