
《楞嚴經》生死學之研究=Research on Life-and-Death Studies of the Surangama Sutra
作者 釋如意 (著)=Sia, Siew-lee (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授李治華=Lee, Chih-hua
關鍵詞《楞嚴經》=Surangama Sutra; 生死學= Life-and-Death Studies; 如來藏=Tathagatagarbha; 真心=true mind; 輪迴=transmigration; 情墜想升=the roles of emotion and thought cause rising and falling

Since ancient times, the Buddhism has emphasized that life and death matter, the " Life-and-Death Studies " with the reincarnation of life and death, and relief of life and death as the main content, but did not use this name. This thesis is to explore how to link "the theory of life and death" and " Life-and-Death Studies ", and use specific interpretation to show the practical " Life-and-Death Studies of the Surangama Sutra".
The Surangama Sutra belongs to the Buddhist Tathagatagarbha True-Eternalism and Mind system, which contain the essence of Buddhism and clarifies the noumenon of the originally true mind of sentient beings. The main purpose is to propagate how to obtain the Shurangama Samadhi and towards the way of Buddha, which is the practice and realization method of the highest supreme truth of Buddhism; at the same time, surpassing the suffering of reincarnation of life and death together with the subtle life and death of the arising and ceasing of the mind, substantive it was to end the cycle of birth and death.
This thesis " Research on Life-and-Death Studies of the Surangama Sutra", Firstly, clarify the underlying rationale, discover the meaning, theme, characteristics, and context of the " Life-and-Death Studies " of this sutra, explore how to construct and present a complete theory of life and death. The scripture explains that all sentient beings are in continuity with life and death because they do not know how to live with the true mind, it is also said that "deluded mind" is the foundation of "reincarnation of life and death", and "true mind" as the foundation of "Bodhi Nirvana". It also explains that "various changes in the world continuity, being born and then dying, dying and then being born, in birth after birth, in death after death, like a torch that is swung endlessly in a circle to form a wheel of flame. It emphasizes that the importance of doing research on the " Life-and-Death Studies " have to clarify the true mind (Tathagatagarbha).
Secondly, the "Surangama Sutra" category of life and death covers "birth and death reincarnation and Bodhi Nirvana" and other wonderful and mysterious principles, those unique essence including twelve classes of beings, the roles of emotion and thought cause rising and falling, ten causes and six retributions, the seven directions of reincarnation, the six perception abilities can be used interchangeably, the twenty-five methods to broke through to enlightenment, the Surangama Mantra and fifty demonic states of mind. This article attempts to penetrate the core ideas of life and death reincarnation and Bodhi Nirvana in the Surangama Sutra, and then this research is supplemented by the causal thoughts of the six (seven) directions of reincarnation and the approach to bodhi nirvana. Furthermore, to explore and discover the modern value of this "Life-and-Death Education, Ultimate Concern, Hospice Care and Application Practice."
Relying on the Buddha's repeated instructions, at the end of the dharma period in the future,
目次摘要 I
表 錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 3
第二節 研究方法與範圍 5
第三節 文獻分析 9
一、相關研究文獻 9
二、《楞嚴經》之現代研究成果 10
三、生死課題之現代研究成果 13
四、生死課題之現代專書著作 21
第二章 《楞嚴經》的組織、教理與生死學義涵 28
第一節 組織架構 28
第二節 教相判釋 34
第三節 《楞嚴經》生死學主旨 40
一、《楞嚴經》真心之釋義 42
二、《楞嚴經》修證概念定義 55
三、修證位次與真心關係 62
第四節 《楞嚴經》生死學特質 73
一、生死相續與無上菩提因 73
二、生死與涅槃的二種根本 79
第五節 根性起修六根覺悟自性 80
一、不生滅湛旋其虛妄滅生 81
二、擊鐘驗常辨證聞性常住 84
三、觀音反聞常住不滅自性 86
四、漸次捨識依其根性修行 89
第三章 《楞嚴經》生死輪迴之思想內涵 102
第一節 《楞嚴經》生死輪迴之核心思想 102
一、眾生不知還本生死漂溺 103
二、離和合非和合滅生死因 105
三、生死如旋火輪、如水成冰 107
第二節 《楞嚴經》六道(七趣)輪迴之因果思想 110
一、業因與果報之輪迴原理 113
二、情墜想升的死逆生順 119
三、十習業因和六交果報 127
第四章 《楞嚴經》菩提涅槃之思想內涵 137
第一節 出生死輪迴趨菩提涅槃 137
第二節 《楞嚴經》菩提涅槃之核心思想 146
一、超越生死的二種決定義 146
二、逆生死欲流圓滿佛菩提 148
三、輪迴、解脫同是六根非他物 150
四、明二種顛倒因趨向涅槃 152
第三節 《楞嚴經》菩提涅槃之途徑方法 157
一、選擇圓通圓滿無上菩提 157
二、誦此〈楞嚴咒心〉成無上覺 161
三、預知諸魔事助入三摩地 165
第五章 《楞嚴經》生死學之現代價值與實踐 169
第一節 生死學與生死教育發展概況 169
一、現代生死學 169
二、宗教生死學 174
三、佛教生死學 177
第二節 《楞嚴經》生死教育之現代價值 181
第三節 《楞嚴經》生死關懷之現代價值 192
一、終極關懷 192
二、臨終關懷 198
第四節 《楞嚴經》生死學之現代實踐 202
一、徹悟真理 204
二、探索生死 206
三、平等共存 208
四、清心養身 211
五、心性治療 214
六、回顧反思 218
七、生涯規劃 219
八、懺悔業障 220
九、臨終關懷 222
十、應用實踐 228
第六章 結論 232
參考文獻 238
附錄 247
《楞嚴經》生死課題經文內容檢索表 247

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