
《地藏十輪經》新舊譯本之比較研究=A Comparative Study of Two Kinds of “Ksitigarbha-sutra”
作者 釋堅元 (著)=陳冠甄 (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授陳娟珠=Chen, Chuan-chu
關鍵詞地藏菩薩=Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva; 地神信仰=Earth God faith; 十輪經=Shilun Jing; 新舊譯本=old and new translations; 比對=comparison
摘要根據日本學者矢吹慶輝的研究,發現地藏信仰起源於印度《梨俱吠陀》中的「比里底毗」(PRthivI),即是「大地擬人」的神格,也就是密教裡頭的地神(持地神),後來發展到密教把地神與地藏結合為一體,所以地藏不離「地德」的表徵,其起源過程將於文中說明。而中國地藏信仰起因於六朝時期,但真正獲得發展是在隋唐時代,其過程將於下文說明。而《十輪經》是地藏信仰最早依據的聖典,其梵文本早已失佚,現存漢譯本有新舊譯本之分,舊譯本名為《大方廣十輪經》(kSitigarbha-sUtra),於北涼時期(A.D.397- A.D.439)年間所翻譯,譯者不詳,共有八卷十五品;另外,新譯本是唐代玄奘大師(A.D.602- A.D.664)於永徽二年(A.D.651年)重新翻譯,並改名為《大乘大集地藏十輪經》(daza-cakra-kSitigarbha-sUtra),全文共有十卷八品。

According to the research of the Japanese scholar Yabuki Keiki, it was found that the “kSitigarbha (Earth Store) Faith” originated in the (Prthivi) in the "Rig Veda" in India, that is, "Earth anthropomorphic" godhead, which is also the Earth God (held to God) in the esoteric tradition, which later developed to be the integration of the two, the Earth God and the “kSitigarbha - Earth Store” faith. It is because this symbolises that it does not separate from the virtues of the “Earth”. This development process of its origin will be discussed in detail in this thesis. However, the origin of “Earth Store - kSitigarbha” faith in China started from the Six Dynasties period, but it really gained momentum in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the process will also be discussed below. The "Shilun Sutra" is the earliest Scriptural basis of the “Earth Store - kSitigarbha” faith. The Sanskrit scripture has long lost, the old and new versions of existing Chinese translations are different, the older version is called "Dafangguang Shilun Jing " (kSitigarbha-sUtra), which was translated in Northern Liang period (A.D.397-A.D.439) the translator is unknown, there are eight volumes with fifteen fascicles; in addition, the new translation of the Venerable master Xuanzang from the Tang Dynasty (A.D.602-A.D.664) in the second year of Reign of YongWei (A.D.651) was re-translated and renamed "Dasheng Daji Dizang Shilun Jing" (Mahayana Daza-cakra-kSiti-garbha -sUtra), a total of ten volumes of eight full text fascicles.
It was emphasised in the “ShiLun Jing”, that “This is teachings of the degenerative period” and it is the vow of the “Earth Store - KSitigarbha” Bodhisattva that he will teach and liberate the sentient beings from all the six realms in the “Evil Time of Five Turbidities” until the birth of the Maitreya Buddha, this period is called "Dharma Ending Age", it also means that it is the “Bodhisattva’s era”.
From the beginning of " the Northern and Southern Periods", the concept of the “the degenerative age” have been strongly advocated by senior monks, such as the Venerable Master Huisi from the North Qi Period (A.D.515-A.D.577) in , the first to propose the triple contemplation of the three times - Right Dharma time, Manifestation Dharma time, the Dharma Ending time, coupled with Emperor Taiwu from the Northern Wei Dynasty (A.D.446) and the Reign of Jiande three years (A.D.574) in the North Zhou Period, twice encountered the impact of the difficulty of the destruction of Buddhism, the concept of the Dharma Ending Age was widely spread, and the interpretation of "Shilun Jing" not only allows The KSitigarbha Bodhisattva to affirm his liberating role of the degenerate salvation, but gradually developed into an object of the general belief of the common people. This thesis will discuss the impact of the interpretation of the "Shilun Jing " on the faith of “KSitigarbha” in China.
With the author’s study on "Shilun Jing", besides discovering the order of the fascicles is different in the two versions, in addition to the number of volumes in the different versions, the translation and interpretation in the long te
目次第一章 導論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 2
第三節 相關研究回顧 4
一、專書論著 4
二、學報、期刊論文 8
三、博碩士學位論文 11
第四節 章節架構 13
第二章 地藏信仰的起源 15
第一節 地藏信仰於印度的起源 15
第二節 中國地藏信仰的起源 20
第三節《十輪經》的傳譯對地藏信仰之開展 25
一、地藏菩薩的獨特形像─現沙門相、來居穢土 27
二、含藏現實利益之滿足 29
三、作為大悲闡提的地藏菩薩─救贖思想 31
四、主張三乘等視之思想 35
第四節 小結 38
第三章 新舊譯《十輪經》之評述 41
第一節 新舊譯《十輪經》經題解析 41
一、《大方廣十輪經》 41
二、《大乘大集地藏十輪經》 44
第二節 新舊譯《十輪經》傳本考據 46
一、舊譯《十輪經》的傳本 47
二、新譯《十輪經》的傳本 54
第三節 譯者探討─玄奘大師 57
一、西行印度取經之動機與目的 59
二、玄奘重譯《地藏十輪經》之原因 63
三、玄奘大師學術思想考察 69
第四節 小結 72
第四章 新舊譯《十輪經》內容比對 75
第一節 卷數比對 75
一、舊譯《十輪經》卷數 75
二、新譯《十輪經》卷數 76
三、新舊譯《十輪經》卷數之比對 77
第二節 咒語、語詞、數詞翻譯之差異 80
一、咒語翻譯之差異 81
二、數詞等翻譯之差異 87
第三節 偈頌與化身之差異 90
一、偈頌敘述之差異 91
二、化身之差異 105
第四節 小結 111
一、卷品之差異 111
二、語詞翻譯之差異 112
三、偈頌之差異 114
四、化身之不同 115
第五章 結論 117
第一節 本文研究成果 117
一、重譯《十輪經》的原因 117
二、翻譯內容之差異 117
三、《十輪經》的傳譯對中國地藏信仰之影響 118
第二節 後續研究展望 120
【參考文獻】 121
一、原典資料 121
二、中文專書 128
三、日文專書 130
四、期刊論文 131
五、碩博論文 132
六、工具書、數位資源 133

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