
台灣的生命教育-以法鼓山為例=Life education in Taiwan-Dharma drum mountain
作者 李秋香 (撰)=Lee, Chiu-hsiang (compose)
出版者網址 https://www.fju.edu.tw
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授莊宏誼=Juang, Hung-yi
關鍵詞法鼓山=Dharma Drum Mountain; 聖嚴法師=Master Sheng Yen; 心靈環保=mind protection; 生命教育=life education; 人間淨土=land of peace in the world

Originated from the review of life education in Taiwan, this study focuses on issues of life education covering life development, growth, care and introspection. Due to the wide scope of this topic, it is not easy to define the idea in a comprehensive way. Although life education has been actively promoted, no one effective way has ever been found to guide people in fulfilling their lives through life experiences. Thus, the terms like “respect lives”, “love your life”, “look after people” and “live your own life” remain abstract concepts. To find solutions to this issue, this study is intended to explore alternative ways of life education.
The core issue of this study is the influence of “mind protection” initiated and incorporated into the life education by the Dharma Drum Mountain in Taiwan. As the world is full of complicated conflicts, wars, and natural disasters, it is critical to keep the mind calm and clear without being disturbed by surrounding people and events. Master Sheng Yen, advocates the concept of “mind protection” as the best way to achieve the goal. Master Sheng Yen translates the concept into specific principles of Buddhist life education at Dharma Drum Mountain: Lift quality of human beings, and build a peaceful land in the world. As the maxim of Dharma Drum Mountain’s plan of education, the “Mind protection” concept is a modern expression representing purification of mind that Master Sheng Yen brought up according to Buddhist scriptures. The mind protection idea is intended to purify people’s mind and the society, and to ultimately achieve the goal of lifting quality of human beings and building a land of peace in the world. By purifying people’s mind and the society, everyone can live a healthy, happy and safe life on the land of peace.
The vision of Dharma Drum Mountain about mind protection consists of three interrelated elements of protection: religion, education and environment. The purpose of the later two elements is to make the world the land of Buddhism. Aiming at transforming the modern world, it is the most important part of Master Sheng Yen’s plan of Buddhistm modernization. Master Sheng Yen brought up many plans and methods about how to implement mind protection, including three major education elements, four environmental protection measures, five-four mind reform, and six-mind-ethics proposal. He hoped that we can eventually achieve mind protection, purify the society, and build a land of peace in the world.
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 6
第三節 文獻回顧 7
第四節 名詞解釋 29
第二章 台灣生命教育之實施概況 35
第一節 國內目前生命教育實施概況 35
一、國內生命教育的發展歷程 36
二、教育部生命教育政策的實施概況 38
三、生命教育在各級學校推動概況 38
四、生命教育在民間團體的推動概況 42
第二節 國內實施生命教育的困境 50
一、生命教育內涵整合困難 51
二、課程實施成效有限 52
三、教材不夠完備 53
四、師資培育困難 54
第三章 法鼓山心靈環保的理念與內涵 57
第一節 法鼓山心靈環保的理念 57
一、堅持「提昇人的品質,建設人間淨土」 58
二、堅持用「三大教育」建設人間淨土 62
三、堅持「四種環保」 65
四、堅持「漢傳禪佛教」 73
第二節 法鼓山心靈環保的實踐 75
一、大關懷教育 75
二、推動三大教育 87
三、啟動「心五四運動」 100
四、落實「心六倫」 108
第三節 心靈環保的展望—人間淨土 115
一、「人間淨土」的經典依據 116
二、法鼓山、聖嚴法師的「人間淨土」 118
三、「人間淨土」是「心靈環保」的展望 120
第四章 法鼓山的生命教育推展 123
第一節 法會活動與生命教育 123
一、法會活動的內容 124
二、法會活動的影響 136
第二節 佛學課程與生命教育 140
一、心靈環保讀書會 141
二、法鼓山數位環保學習網 145
三、聖嚴書院 148
四、社會大學與佛學推廣中心 151
第三節 禪修與生命教育 155
一、禪修的方法與特色 155
二、禪修生命教育的理念與重點 159
三、禪修生命教育的實施困境與可能性 165
第五章 結論 171
參考文獻 175
附錄一 189
附錄二 189
附錄三 全省心靈環保讀書會一覽表 (2014.07版) 190

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