
華嚴典籍的菩薩行願研究=A Study on the Bodhisattva's Vow and Practice of Hua-Yen Sutras
作者 釋道輔 (撰)=藍郁瑛 (compose)
出版者網址 https://www.nccu.edu.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞宗教現象=Religious phenomenology; 法界=Dharma Realm; 菩提心=Bodhicitta; 五十三參=Fifty-three spiritual guides; 四十二字門=Forty-two siddham letters; 華嚴字母=Huayen siddham letters
摘要《華嚴經》偈讚「菩薩」云:「不為自己求安樂,但願眾生得離苦」。菩薩為發大心,覺有情的眾生,是世間清淨安樂的良師益友。「菩薩行願」, 發心成就佛道必備的福慧資糧,願因慧發,行因德立。願慧乃人人本具的如來智慧,為發菩提心圓成佛道的因地成就之基;行德為善用其心,則獲一切勝妙功德。經中微言隱喻,緣於眾生執相,故而世尊放光說法,菩薩代佛弘宣。本文擬藉由文獻學考察《華嚴經》成立沿革,宗教現象學的敍事進路探求經中奧義,思想史探討華嚴修行階位成立之因由;期能以一實以契一真,開顯吾人內心無盡的寶藏。

The "Avataṃsaka Sutra"(transliterated as Hua-Yen Sutra)praises the "Bodhisattva" says: "Do not seek happiness for yourself, may all living beings be free from suffering." Bodhisattva with vows in sincere are engaged in awakening all sentient beings. Bodhisattvas are not only guides but also partners for pursuing peacefulness and happiness in the world. "Bodhisattva's vows and its implement" is the base of achieving Buddhahood, vow based on wisdom and deeds based on virtue. Our vows and the wisdom are originally inherited from the one’s own Buddha Nature inwardly which is the base of Bodhicitta forwarding to the foundation of Buddhahood; if we conduct virtues and optimize our mind as well, you will accumulate all the wonderful merits. The subtle metaphor in the Sutra is due to the obsession of all living beings, therefore, the Bodhisattva preaches dharma on behalf of the Buddha while Buddha radiates the light. By reviewing literatures, this paper intends to go through a study on the establishment and evolution of the "Avataṃsaka Sutra", by means of the approach of religious phenomenology to explore the profound meaning of the Sutra and have a discussion on the history of idea. Hopefully, by One Truth derive to One Reality, with those to reveal the endless treasures in our mindsets.
Buddhism advocates that fate is in one's own hands, not relying on the external force of God. "Avataṃsaka Sutra" embraces the practice of Mahayana and Theravāda, the essence and examples of religious practice, the perfect mingle of truth and object, direct view to the Dharma realm. It is the one Sutra for Buddhism emphasizes the key points of "faith, realization, practice and demonstrate", which is so called "wealth & honor Avataṃsaka". The Sutra clarifies all dharmas and phenomena in the Dharma Realm is of "mutual origin and interdependence", and the interpretation of the wonderful meaning of "the three realms are only the mind, and all dharmas are only fabricated illusions". Starting from The honored one’s wonderfully accomplishment, it demonstrates the bodhisattva's deeds and wishes, willing to practice with his life; the wisdom of Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva、the vows of the Samantabhadra, the bodhicitta of the Sudhana, and the compassion and beneficial to the world of the Maitreya Bodhisattva reflect the perfect personality of the soul, the perfect development originated from awareness and wisdom—— everyone possesses Buddha nature. Learning from Bodhisattvas to make vows, one can also become Buddha. Just like Sudhana, practice life-long and get approved to enter the Dharma Realm, showing the ultimate meaning of the wholesome and merits of life.
Avataṃsaka (Hua-yen) teachings have enriched Chinese culture, and even influenced the practice of Buddhism in China— the rise of Zen and then enhanced the development of New Confucianism theory in later generations. While post-modern human beings live in the excessive pursuit of individual freedom, their view of consumption endangers other lives and species, deriving ecological counterattack in the nature
目次壹、緒論 8
一、研究動機 8
二、研究議題與目的 10
三、文獻回顧 12
四、研究方法 19
五、宗教研究的挑戰及省思 22
貳、華嚴經典傳譯與敍事的開展 40
一、經本的傳譯與流通 40
二、華嚴敍事的開展——放光說法 57
三、宗教敍事及省思 66
四、宗教敍事與宗教實踐 75
參、華嚴思想之內涵特色 91
一、核心義理 91
二、實踐理論 106
三、宗教對生命的終極關懷 121
肆、 善用其心——心為身主、以心導行 127
一、心的力量 127
二、法界塵塵 塵塵法界 依心而轉 133
三、 稱性起修 菩提心的發起 151
伍、 行願無盡——願為行依、以行尅願 168
一、身心和合的探討 168
二、佛經中「行」的探討 171
三、菩薩道的信智願行 180
四、菩提心的生命實踐 善財童子五十三參 207
陸、華嚴生命實踐修行階位 229
一、四十二字門與華嚴四十二字母探討 231
二、華嚴四十二階位探討 254
三、華嚴五十二階位探討 264
四、大乘經論「五十三」法數探討 273
柒、結論 280
參考書目 285

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