
離散中傳播:海外華人佛教的跨地交流 (1949-1980)=Diasporic Diffusion: Overseas Chinese Buddhism and Its Intercommunion (1949-1980)
作者 徐鳴謙 (撰)=XU, Ming Qian (compose)
出版者網址 https://www.nccu.edu.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授李玉珍=Li, Yu-chen
關鍵詞華人佛教=Overseas Chinese Buddhism; 現代化=Modernization; 移民=Immigration; 中國內戰離散=Chinese Civil War; 美國佛教=American Buddhism; 南洋; Diaspora; Southeast Asia
在此更試圖指出所描述時間範圍 (1949-1980) 內的佛教傳播特色,有別單純地追隨華民移動動態,避秦於台灣、英屬香港的僧俗人士落地發展,配合工商業化、都市化、資本蓬勃興起的社會而有所斬獲。進一步,以台港為中心,一定程度對南洋及北美存在較細膩的傳播模式,本研究以文本社群、群體、個體三種形式的「跨地交流」,來概括陳述人與訊息資源各種紛雜的來往活動。

The mass emigration driven by the Chinese civil war and the retreat of Kuomintang regime from the Mainland had many profound effects, not least on how and where Chinese Buddhist traditions were transmitted among overseas Chinese. This study proposes that especially from 1949 to 1980, which can be seen as an ongoing part of the ‘immigrant transmission period’, set the course for the subsequent internationalization of humanistic Buddhist organizations in Taiwan.
However, the adaptation of Buddhism to prevailing societal conditions was not limited to any one region. Over centuries, this belief tradition had followed the footsteps of sojourners and immigrants to Nanyang as well as Taiwan, although admixed with popular beliefs, it gradually became ‘orthodox’ after the arrival of monastics. The worldly, engaged Buddhist ideas, established since the emergence of the Republican era, were transmitted to these areas, being an important foundation for local Chinese Buddhist modernization. On the whole, the above-mentioned served as the common background.
The characteristic of transmission in the focused time range (1949-1980) is that those who fled the civil war to Taiwan and British Hong Kong, monastics and lays, accompanied by industrialization, commercialization, and urbanization of the two societies, have gained some developments during the capital boom. Thus apart from the immigrant ‘bring-in’, Taiwan and Hong Kong as the center, there was a more delicate model for the spread once again to Southeast Asia and North America to a certain extent. This dissertation explores three forms of ‘cross-regional communication’ as textual community, groups, and individuals, to describe the various interactions among overseas Chinese Buddhists.
Textual community here is based on the resumed and newly founded Buddhist magazines in Taiwan and Hong Kong, circulated through overseas distribution sites elsewhere, by reading and writing, constructing a cross-regional network. The World Chinese Buddhist Sangha Congress (Shijie fojiao huaseng hui 世界佛教華僧會) had convened overseas monastics of the same tradition in cooperation with Kuomintang regime’s public diplomatic need. It was in events of groups gathering like this that had a similar function with the textual community, where Buddhists were able to propose and exchange views on issues of their own, giving them an imagined identity.
Communication in the form of individuals, on the other hand, refers to cross-bordered monastics, who traveled to other countries to propagate Buddhist teachings. In any case, the significance lies in the fact that Buddhism of a worldly nature was brought to Taiwan and Hong Kong mainly by these civil war diasporas, who set up a template and absorbed energy. It eventually diffused to become the most conspicuous symbol of international Chinese Buddhism today.
目次第一章 前言 1
第一節 導論 1
第二節 文獻回顧 9
第三節 研究方法 16
第四節 章節架構 23
第二章 中國佛教向台灣、港澳傳播 25
第一節 台灣 25
第二節 港澳 55
第三節 小結 84
第三章 中國佛教向南洋華社傳播 89
第一節 星馬、印尼佛教圈 92
第二節 泰國與舊印度支那聯邦 114
第三節 朝聖道路上的華人佛教徒:緬甸、印度 131
第四節 中國沿海移民的異地:菲律賓 148
第五節 小結 152
第四章 國共分治後台灣佛教公共外交與海外華民聯繫 154
第一節 世界佛教徒聯誼會中之兩岸代表權爭奪 157
第二節 世界佛教華僧大會 179
第三節 替代性的世界佛教組織 189
第四節 小結 194
第五章 港台僧侶弘法東南亞圖像 198
第一節 由香港出境的僧侶 201
第二節 經港來台轉赴出境的太虛系僧侶 206
第三節 圓瑛系僧侶東南亞弘化:白聖 231
第四節 江蘇籍僧侶在菲島:自立、唯慈 238
第五節 小結 241
第六章 當代華人佛教共同議題 244
第一節 僧人自我認同論述 246
第二節 教育學術化 251
第三節 大眾化媒體迎合拒斥:佛教電影案例 279
第四節 佛教與公眾 292
第五節 小結 304
第七章 漢系佛教向北美傳播 307
第一節 通道:檀香山到舊金山 309
第二節 早期紐約華人佛教社群與向外開展 322
第三節 金山萬佛生:宣化與在地漢系教團構建 333
第四節 小結 350
第八章 結論 353
徵引書目 363

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