伊利雅德的神聖理論與牟宗三的天台中道實相思想詮釋之比較-以聖與俗辯證為進路的研究=A Comparative Study on the Thought of Mircea Eliade and Mou Zongsan''s Interpretation of T''ien-T''ai Buddhism--The Dialectic of the Sacred and the Profane
Mr. Mou Zongsan (1909-1995 A.D. ) was the scholar who is a mater in Chinese and part of the West philosophy and Mircea Eliade (1907-1986) was the representative of religious sacred theory in 20th century. Two scholars lived in the same period of time, and had mutually occurring together in the modern philosophy''s academic background (for example phenomenology ). The present thesis annotates Eliade’ s sacred theory and Mou Zongsan ‘s interpretation of T’ien-t’ai Buddhism on the truth of middle course thought .It must carry on the comparison of such a different religious thoughts of both and only then under the foundation of the dialogue theory we can understand each other. In this thesis at first we apply the method of cross- cultural parallel with three themes, i.e., the religious viewpoint of truth, truth illumination and truth function, then we analyze the similarities and differences of both, in the end both are finally converged by Mou’s theory of “Two types of ontological layers”(二層存有論- Mou’s dialectics of sacred and profane). In Mou theory Mou proposes three themes as in the religious viewpoint of truth by “infinite wisdom in heart”(無限智心), in truth illumination by “discovering infinite wisdom in heart”(無限智心的朗現), in truth function by “intellectual intuition”(智的直覺). The most rewarding thing is that “infinite wisdom in heart” has contains all life and the idea of infinite, which are also inherent in Eliade’ s sacred theory and T’ien-t’ai Buddhism. This is why we accept Mou’s theory as a platform to communicate both sides which are converged. Because of Mou’s idea, my thesis can be thus developed into an example of comparative religion-A Comparative Study on the Thought of Mircea Eliade and Mou Zongsan ’s Interpretation of T’ien-T’ai Buddhism